Page 112 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 112
Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday, March 11, 1976 Editorial······························ . Those who read the from page opportunities offered by NEe. coverage of the SliA meeting of in anything is to get them drunk, or that night, send a friend over who story about the NEC convention. Your digestion of that article would Monday, March 1, the SGA senate get them laid, or both." Over- doesn't have an exam on Tuesday, and who intend to turn the page tend to be a rather passive, voted down the idea of distributing stated? Yes. Cynical? Yes. True? In order to make intelligent and forget about it; have a little uninvolving exercise if it weren't the NEC information at a regular Well, let's put it this way: the SGA judgements about such activities surprise coming to them. It doesn't for an important bit of information beer party - a rather inexplicable had to postpone its first meeting of as concerts, bands, alternative need to be said that potentially mentioned in the last paragraph. move on the part of the senate, the second semester not once but social events, and so forth, it helps effective ideas have a way of being To repeat it, there is a special since such parties generally twice because of a lack of interest, to know as much as possible about glossed over. ignored, and quickly party being given in the student provide surefire attendance. and such speakers as Irving R. the processes behind them. forgotten around here. because the center this Monday night at 9 pm -- Therefore, music will be provided Levine received much less than Uninformed bitching, which un- practice seems to be so frequent. one in which catalogs, posters, and at this ~rtr (come of it, in fact, This time, however. a little more is other items describing NEC ac- consisting of tapes of groups seen substantial crowds on their WMC fortunately goes here, on entirely too as much around does about but most of the grille appearances, being asked of the student body tivities will be distributed. More at the convention), and refresh- and section parties, held during much constructive good as throw- than the usual passive in- importantly, the three represen- ments will-be served, but beer will difference. What it all comes down tatives -- delegates of not only the not be among them. Op- this or any other semester, had no ing a bucket of water into the Pa- to is that students are now being Social Committee, or the voting timistically, one hopes that this trouble at all. such cific. As was stated in the article, po- has NEC This is not a call to abolish deal of a great given an active choice between members of the SGA, but of you, move will bring out those who do parties, or even for students to cut tential if you're willing to show participating in and speaking up the students whom these not normally frequent the regular down on them, and should not be some interest in it. about the entertainment being organizations are meant to serve-- parties, but the very real misinterpreted as such. It is a call IH.C.B. offered them, or merely com will be on hand to answer all possibility does exist that many for WMC students to stand up and P.S. Last week's issue contained plaining about how screwed up questions and to describe in more other individuals, who would take part in decisions affecting an error. An article by Roger Levin somebody else got it - after the detail what they learned at. the benefit by this party-meeting, them. So reread the article on the was erroneously titled "Faculty fact. If you, Mr. - Ms. Reader, convention and how it can benefit might shrug it off because it front page, and then be at the party Committee Needs Student," due to prefer to do the latter, you may as you -- the people for whom campus doesn't include the prerequisite ten Monday night at 9 PM to learn a printer's error. That title should well turn the page now. as nothing activities and social events are kegs. Will this be the fate of more from Linda Thomas, Doreen be "Faculty Committee needs following this paragraph is going to designed Monday night's party? A rather Strothman, and Jo Ann Avey. If student support." Hopefully, this be of much interest to you One perm should be made clear. embittered acquaintance, who has you have questions, ask them. If explanation has helped to clear up The front page article, written by This is not a traditional grille since transferred out of WMC, once you have objections (which is any misunderstanding which had this editor, covered in a general party. As some of you may stated that "the only way to get entirely possible) be prepared to efl:sued as a result of that manner some of the activities and remember from test week's most people around here interested voice them. If you have to study mistake. Personal ViewPoint: On Springer and Revolution bv vossi Stevens 'If I am not for myself, who will Masses; thus the Prophets were which is really humanity's may I suggest that the extant in- feeling and a profound knowledge be for me? able to revolt against the sacrifical documentation of the experience of stitutions on this campus are all of the vast potential for But if Iam for myself only, what ritual without rejecting the ethical time. Hinduism and Judasm have capable of being utilized to achieve Risorgimentn at our hands under am I? principle of Torah. survived not because their revolutionary and, concurrently, the present system And if not now, when?' thinkers rejected history, but legal ends. If we have an un- -RavHillel Iview revolution as a reliance on because they created progressive communicative administration But this revolution must be, to tradition to speak on the issues of links with the past by emphasizing and Board, we certainly resort to paraphrase and exploit Hillel, a This humanistic capsule of today. The quote at the beginning historical elements in their criticism in the press and various revolution of individual sen- thought might be used to describe of this dissertation was spoken two reforms, assemblies. Ancient principles of sitivities reaching to help others. the feelings expressed in the two millennia ago and is still valid. English law guarantee that if the And we must begin now, if not recent opinions of John Springer Revolution may be described by Springer departs from the Housing and Physical Plant published by this newspaper. the Hebrew words 'I' der v' dor,' suggestions of Krishnamurti in his authorities are well-nigh mon- roughly, 'from generation to plea for involvement. One assumes strously negligent in maintenance The Talmud says that freedom is In a definite way, Springer is a generation,' Each generation has that Springer is suggesting here of the men's residences, then we the creature of law. Law arises symbol of a type of searching for its agonies and its dilemmas; each that revolution can be effected may collectively censure them. from the exigences of society. To the self and for others that has generation has had its through existing institutions. If so, create a revolution of intellectual essentially been discarded in revolutionaries, and the successful this is certainly the most logical This type of involvement would, sensitivity that relies on law and recent years, in favour of a ones have used tradition as their way to accomplish reform and to if coupled with a positive sense of ethic to attain freedom is much spiritually less engaging and in- basis for personal thinking and gravitate toward general reform, be a secure, sensitive harder than to destroy. However, if tellectually less probing life-style. public expression. Krishnamurti awareness. revolution in that it would be en- we are to instill Springer's Springer's writings are the cry of does not, apparently, see the Making inferences from major to tirely justifiable under college revolution, this will be the one man; but the uniqueness of futility of the rejection of history, minor and from general to speeifio, rules and in that it would indicate a rlgourous test of our seriousness individual subjectivity has, Do You Know What You Want? The Personal ViewPoint: perhaps paradoxically, potential for universal implication. oy Jane Wittig basic appeal in 'Impotence vs. This piece is in response to John were children experiencing life for interest has been to convince YOIl lndividuality' is for a Spr:inger's Personal Viewpoint: the first time. Every opportunity surrounding ourselves. Keep the that you must assume respon- Risorgimento of awareness on a Impolcncc\·s.lndividualit", Were for change is an invaluable learn- seams inflexible and we will be sibility for being here. in this 'stagnant, I daresay hostile, J. Krishnamurti here him-herself, ing experience. And we are only moisture-proof indefinitely ... too marvelous world, in this mar- campus. The advocacy of I would bow in reverence. It is the sum of our experiences bad. because moisture enhances velous desert. in this marvelous revolution by Springer is un- amazing--Krishnamurlis insights growth. And growth is learning- time. Iwanted to convince you that derstandable and supported by this into living do more for expressing The fact remains that it is much learning is freedom-and freedom is you must learn to make every act writer. my personal convictions than the easier to go through life expecting uniquely human count, since you are only going to two and one half years of silent the minimum of one's self. be here a short while; in fact. too What is needed, however, is an rebellion, I've staged thus far at "For me the world is wierd adequate definition of revolution. this college. Most of us had good Reactinz to change and personal because it is stupendous, awesome. short for witnessing all the mar- vels of it.': -- md I believe that Krishnamanti's intentions when we enrolled; to insights with stale reflexes mysterious, unfathomable; my -non JU3lJ remarks, though revealing great earn a degree that would enable us protects the waterproof seal sensitivity and beauty o~ ~r- to be higher paid in our chosen NEe ceptlon, do not take the principle ocupations than John Doe who has continued from pg, 1, cot. 5 ror enough.. ., no opportunity for higher To 'revolt aga.mst everything ,to education. Admitedly, this may be tatives learned quite a bit about the thus guaranteed a number of with NEC will vitally change much -reate 'continuous revolution ... - a legitimate leg to stand on, but in actual business of the en- bookings, and because the college of this. This "specific" article only vithin yourself' are all very well light of the current economic tertainment industry. "You don't representatives have thus mapped skimmed some of the basic md fine, but the fOTm~r does not squeeze, wouldn't you rather have just talk to an agent," noted Miss out a route, it is possible that the operations of the NEC, and .rtand the tests of history. and. two legs firmly rooted in the soil of Thomas, emphasizing the fact that group may drop its band fees for students who have questions, iracticality, and the latter falls to thiscountrythan risk the chance of such other elements as where the the tour. In some cases, a drop opinions, or ideas should take them 1escribe adequately.the nee? for being snatched up in the turmoil of group is touring, travel expenses. from $1000-$550 has been known. to a party which the Social Com- exterior representation of Inner some socio-economic revolution? The least expensive route to take, The Social Committee cites other mittee is throwing this Monday sensitivity. and so on. "It's all basic advantages in being involved with night (March 15) at 9 PM, after the Exaggerating my opinion a bit, economics," Miss Thomas ex- NEC;amongthemthefactthatifa SGA meeting, in which more in- Successful revolutions have as I see things here on the Hill, our plained, "(Groups) are not going to contract with a group is breached, formation will be given. The NEC uways blended tradition with new primary purpose as students is to waste their money, and they will go the NEC and its lawyers will go to has the potential to greatly im- Iormulations and ideologies. There exist as tools of the college where the money is. It's vicious, court against that group. A prove the social life on WMC's soil, nust be a sense of historical bureaucracy, sharpened peri- but it's true," monthly NEC magazine is also but you have to help. .;ontinuity in revolution, or else odically to facilitate usage. If The NEe should, however, *************** ithere can be no perception of we are felt to be ~efe.ctJve, our enable the WMC Social Committee ~:Sh::; w~:~c~~c:s ~n,::~ DORM LIFE -nepose and destiny. A complete home fires are extinguished ...not to better deal with such obstacles. valuableofall-a feature in which that rate :~.lreak with the past is not possible so test.; One of a number of approaches, colleges played specific them. groups such people by Mary Gately of noise, so conscious on for have ''lnd not desirable, because one can known as cooperative bookIng, is a categories as proresstoneltsm, laughter, and behavior-c. {lIways aid a latter-day revolution Sensitivity and learning,· system in which representatives of dependability, whirling '>y knowledge of the thoughts of his hopefully our prime objectives in many colleges located in a certain punctiality, incidentally, interesting and so to consciousness in worlds of their own on.ltis, t.orerunners, be they depicted as life, occur as, when once we realize region (the East Coast, in our note most to retreating never of WMC's HOod or bad, Thus the Soviets are our relative unimportance, we case) agree on a desired group, recent that band two choices, Bnefoot serous, unconscious thoughts the con- l
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