Page 110 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 110
Scrimshaw Thursday, March 11, 1976 ***************************** News briefs **************************** This memorandum is a reprint of' form or theme. Length of poems junior majoring in economics and one furnished by the College between three and sixteen lines. business administration. Baltimore county, is the daughter in New Windsor have been vir- Station Post Office on the same Each poem must have a separate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Treuting tually depleted and the proceeds subject with some modification title. (Avoid "Untitled!" ) Small of Baltimore. would go to replenish their stock of and additions to meet the black and white illustrations are '*************** *" I' 1*=ll:lulll ~ I I *** medicine. requirements of bulk mailings by welcome. A recital featuring Mary Ann work *************** student organizations. For some of Porter playing the clarinet, and RELAY, a group other of social For students interested in doing interested and majors you this will be a reminder, for, 5. The judges' ddecision will be Pamela Treuting playing the piano students, will hold it's first meeting something different this spring others an introduction, but we final. will be presented at 8 p.m. on of the semester on Thursday, break, the SGA Social Committee believe that now is a good time to 6. Entrants should keep a copy of Friday, March 12 in Levine Hall on March 11th, at 7:00 p.m. in tne is coordinating a trip to Jamaica, review this subject with YOU all entries as they cannot be the Western Maryland College Earp Seminar Room, Memorial which runs from March 20 to campus The Western Maryland College returned. Prize winners and all Miss Porter's musical program Hall. RELAY connects student March 27. The price of $279.00 in- post office is a contract station of authors awarded free publication includes: volunteers with community eludes round trip by air, meals per the Westminster post office, of will be notified immediately after Adagio- Tarantella Ernesto agencies or projects needing their flight, hotel fare for seven nights, fering nearly all the services the deadline. International Cavallini help. Projects underway now in- round trip to and from the airport, provided by the downtown office. It Publications will retain first Concerto in A major for- Clarinet, elude a Cub Scout troop for the oaggage handling costs hotel is operated in accordance with publication rights for accepted K. 622 ... W.A. Mozart mentally retarded and the annual taxes and U.S. departure tax. If United States Postal Service poems. Miss-Treuting's program for piano Ride A Bike for the Retarded Day. interested, call the National regulations and its personnel are 7. There is an initial one-dollar includes: Wipe out apathy by volunteering- Student Travel Bureau at 202-265- employees of the college. registration fee for the first entry Short Suite .... Bach you'll feel better for it! 9890, or see Linda Thomas in and *************** Through special negotiations and a fee of fifty cents for each Sonata, K. 282 Mozart :*************** Whiteford IO~ Two Mazurkas between the college and the additional poem. It is requested to Waltz in A minor .. Chopin Geri Lane, President, Westminster post office, we also submit no more than five poems members of the Inter Relations Open auditions for the directing have a service known as "campus per entrant Both Miss Porter and Miss Club are selling chances on a class productions of "The House of mail". This means that mail Treuting are senior music Basket of Cheer for the benefit of Bernarda Alba" and "You're A pertaining to college business can 8. All entries must be post education majors at Western the Guatemalan Relief fund. The Good Man, Charlie Brown" will be March than be placed in a departmental or marked not later be paid in cash, 31, Maryland. A graduate of North chances are 50 cents. . held on Monday and Wednesday, and fees should student mailbox without payment check, or money order to: In- Caroline High School, Miss Porter The money will be channeled March 15th and 17th from 8-9:30 in of postage. The service is extended is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. through Church World Service in McDaniel Lounge. Sign up for to all campus organizations. It is ternational PUblications, 4741 Carlton Porter of Greensboro, Md. New Windsor, a most reliable audition times on the call board in Fountain imperative that all "campus mail" California, Avenue, Los Angeles, Miss Treuting, a graduate of the group which has been working Alumni. 90029, be clearly marked as to the Milford Mill High School in directly with the people in Scripts for both plays are on be sub- '*************** originator or sender. Samples of Guatemala. The medical supplies reserve in the library. any bulk mailing should Western Mar-yland College mitted to Miss Young prior to the psychology professor Dr. McCay mailing. The following procedures Vernon will appear on Baltimore's Letters to the Editor will be followed in the case of bulk WBAL-TV presentation, mailings! "Prescription for Family Health" Dear Editor but I fail to grasp how this can plaint about that ticket, but to let Dr. Vernon will visit co-hosts Dr I can't really figure it out. There prove anything except the obvious someone know that the en- 1. Stuffing of mailboxes will be and Mrs. Neil Solomon on their doesn't seem to be anyone reason confusion of priorities on the part forcement of the parking done between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 television show at 9:30 a.m., on for this gut-level pain I am feeling. of the participants. regulations is quite unjust and p.m. by Post Office personnel or Thursday, March 25. The program Maybe it's because my meals don't persons approved by Miss Young. will deal with "Deafness: How to go down as well when they are Itseems to me that there must be un~~r't~;: :~::~d d~/:~~~IUt~~~ 2. Notification of bulk mailing Cope." The entire program wiII be interrupted by shouts of "SOUND a more sane and civilized way of ticketed, Inoticed several amazing must be given to Miss Young at interpreted f.or the .deaf c0'"!1- OFF"! Or perhaps I get a little ~~~~~~~ n:~ :~~:r~~ t~~~ situations. First of all, there were least one day prior to mailing. ~~~~~:~~ tV~:~~~:~~s p::~eD~n disturbed when I hear late night chants of "ROUZER SUCKS". tually do exist. Does the privilege ~o~~~~:~:~~~r~f~~~a~~o~g~n: 3. Mailings by name must be in Vernon at 727-1722. Then there is always the puzzling of sitting at the same table make it red painted log. To my knowledge, alphabetical order "Prescripti?n for Family after effect of hearing, "Jesus was alright for physical and mental this log should mean absolutely NO Health" is in ItS third year as a a Phi Delt" abuse to become an accepted PARKING. After noticing this, I 4. Exceptions to these pro- regular WBAL.TV feature practice? Or maybe the rationale found several empty places in the ce?ures must be approved by ."'f'. t I ••• +****** Maybe it's the smell of dead fish is that It's only for a week, so r employees section of Rouzer lot in MISS Young A recital featuring Beverly and women who haven't taken a guess I don't mind a little inhman which these two or three illegelly shower for a week that stilllingers Personal 'notes, greeting cards, Gandolfo playing th~ piano and on from last fall. Painted bodies cruelty. Anyway, revenge will be parked cars could have parked such as birthday, Christmas, get ~ber~ McEwan playing the flute and absurd costumes shouldn't sweet come next year Employee cars were parked in well, etc., are not "campus mail" Will be presente~ at ~ p.m. on really bother me I guess, except Well, I appreciate the space student reserved spaces, and were and must have first-class postage Sunday, March 14m levine Hall on when I look beneath the lipsticked Scrimshaw has given me to be so three or four cars deep behind the affixed. The current rate is 13 cents the Western Maryland College freckles and over-stuffed teddy self-indulgent. But I can't help but cafeteria dumpster These per ounce. Any question con- campus bears and see the people start to feel that there are others who have "coincidences" continue to persist ceming what is college business . Miss. Gandolfo's program for change in subtle ways. I suppose been bothered by this insane without correction will be resolved by the Student plano Includes: there is a good reason for my behavior. If it is just me, r will Also, for the past two weeks. Affairs Office. Prelude and Fugue in B flat friends to say hello differently once gladly accept an invitiation to visit between walking to the student Prelude and Fugue in C a counselor. center and to classes, I, along with We thank you for your co- minor .... Bach they have donned their brand One final word. The last crushing several friends, have noticed the operation and look forward to Sonata in D.... Hayden spanking new sparkling experience which forced me to large (and I mean large) amount serving you in the days ahead. Rhapsody in G minor, Opus 79, No technicolor jackets they and have T-shirts. write down these thoughts came of cars parked in yellow "NO I suppose And good *************** 2.... Brahms in G minier. obligations for and forgetting about "serenade". during a outside of parked in the strictly forbidden red PARKING" moonlight zones, plus a few cars week last reasons I stood Prelude "~ ~~-~-~-~ responsibilities tnterneuonal.Pubttceuons is Prelude in G minor, Opus 23, NO.5 and anything else that happens to Blanche with tear-filled eyes and zones. These areas are located in Rachmaninoff ... sponsoring a National College Poe- get in the way of another more watched as the first crocuses of front of Alwnni, Decker, and try Contest open to aU college Mr. McEwan's musical program important function. sJring were trampled underfoot in especially in front of Memorial. and university students desiring to includes: McDaniel gardens amid screams Yet, these cars were not, at all in G major ... have their poetry anthologized Concerto Quantz Johann I think it's the destruction that of "Who wants to tuck?" "Who ticketed. Why do large cars park in Jachim Cash prizes will go to the top three bothers me too. Beds ripped apart ~~~" poems: $100 for first place, $50 for Sonata (a la Memoire .. de Madame and thrown in the showers. Rope Regretfully, Memorial and the Library when Francis Coolidge). Sprague second, $25 for third. In addition. Poulenc burns on wrists a half an inch wide. AlanZepp they say "Compact Cars"? There will be a fourth and filth He will be accompanied by Dr Personal belongings taken and This letter may sound that I am prize of $10 each. All accepted Arleen Heggemeier and Edward hidden in places susceptible to being a little picky, but it is just to manuscripts will receive awards of Somers. vandalism. Food thrown at in- Dear Editors: show students and faculty the free publication in the anthology nocent bystanders in the cafeteria. Several weeks ago, I went out to unfairness of the parking situation American Collegiate Poets. Not to mention the mental anguish my car, parked in Rouzer lot, only here on campus. Why can't the Beverly is a junior majoring in of hot dogs up an asshole that has to find it ticketed. I was parked administration create new The deadline for all manuscripts music and.the daughter of ~. and been beaten on for a week, strings there for approximately fifteen facilities, or improve the now is March 31. Here are other contest Mrs Louts Gandolfo, vineland, tied around someone's cock or a minutes to deliver medicine to a existing ones; after all, they have created a new student center! ru:~ :~: rs~~~~~:o~;: eligible to N'~o~ert ~rad~ated from ~n- ~~~~i~~~~r:~~rs~~I:~~~:!~:~ ~:i~~~t~a~e~sIi::~\!~70e;:~ submit his verse. rn_'PO_I_,,_Se_n_,"_,H_,_gh_&_h_o_ol_,n_d_"_'__ on_,,_,_m_,_,,_ul_,n_it y _to_o_ne-;',::;pe7;;;-e,,=:-,pa-.-ce-;:,:-T:::-his:-le_tte_,_,,_no_t_,_c_o_m_, JO_hn_R_,_vo_n_H_'g_e,' 2. All entries must be original STAPH: Who to Blame and unpublished. Klmbre Sh:'::b~li:g:~~~rk c. Blyer 3. All entries must be typed Culton Harrls,Mark Katz. Jeff Robin,on, double-spaced, on one side of the Staph: Herman Paul Hewitt, Matt Bowers, Cathie Citro, Susan COleman. Vic Eremita, Bernie Gallagher, Bob Toner Richard Roger Levin, Bill Link, NaYlor, Jim Teramoni, Mary Gately. page only. Each poem must be on a Tyrant Emeritus: Layout: separate sheet and must bear, in Baron L. Tayler Mark C. Bayer, Jeff Robinson, Kim Shewbridge Cartoonist: Mark C. Bayer the upper left hand corner, the Advertising Manager: Distribution Manager: Attorney" name and address of the student as Dave Range Jeff Robinson Samuel GOldenstein and Sons well as the college attended AND: At .. t 01 thOUSands. 4. There are no restrictions onl;'- Tttebpinlonsexp", ... d in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the administralfon. Scrimshaw. BOX 3A:Western Maryland COllege, Westminster, Md. 21151 .... --'-
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