Page 111 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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Thursday. March 11. 1976 Scrimshaw ",ge3 No gradeslllllll Informal courses offered Western Maryland College is Ms. Marjie L. Baughman, of Academic Affairs and Professor Fee: $24.00 registration will include a tem- offering a program of informal Assistant Professor of History of of Economics porary parking permit for campus continuing education classes. Art "Building a Cosmic Toolbox: Registration Instructions: during the period your class meets These are non-credit courses with Dr. JamesP. Earp, Director of the Communications and the Arts in Registration for all informal and a campus map indicating no examinations and no grades; Economic Development Com- the Future" courses and lectures may be building location. the amount of study and related mission, Professor of Sociology Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, Professor of mailed to the Office of the Western Maryland College reading is determined by the Emeritus Comparative Literature Registrar. Western Maryland reserves the right to cancel a student's own interest and "The Future of the Family" Dr. Robert W. Sapora, Assistant College, Westminster, Maryland course. If a course must be can- motivation. Mr. Danel K. Rees, Assistant Professor of English 21157. Mail registrations must be celled you will be notified, all fees Professor of Sociology Dr. William L. Tribby, Associate received at least one week before refunded. MARRIAGEANDFAI\ULY: "Beyond Freedom and Dignity?" Professor of Dramatic Art the class begins. No refunds will be made after the CURRENT ISSUES Dr. Stephen W. Colyer, Assistant Coordinator: Dr. Melvin D. Registration may be completed first class session. 16.201 Professor of Psychology Palmer in person in Room 102, Elderdice Study and discussion of current Dr. William G. Miller, Professor of Dates: Thursdays-April 15, 22, 29, Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. For further information on this controversies in marriage and the Psychology May 6, 13, 20 Monday through Thursday and program, please call the Office of family. Topics will include "Education in the Future Tense" Time: 7:30-9:00 p.m. Location: 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday the Registrar, 848-7000 (ext. 376) or ~:~:it~~~~lc;:~gi~:wp:~~~ ~~ ,;D;;:':::'::.:¥i.:::"i::""'::..::M.:::'c:::o:.::'m.:::i';:k;,;.J::,';.;.D:;:e;:.n::.....:::M:::'D:;:.:;:ni:::el..:Lo:::":::n!;ge:.._-'-c;:o:;:nf:;;i':;;m::.;::tio:;:n:.._...,:::of:.._....!,;YO::;"::.'_;87:;:':::294=' --, Jesse Glass reads his poetry childbearing, changing roles of men and women, the sexual Kim Shewb,idge ~:~;:!~~~;Mary Ellen Elwell, Last Tuesday, February 24 at town," and-from another of his in one poem where "I felt-that old- describe a "nuge place when I get Assistant Professor of Sociology i~~~a~~~o;:r~~ ~~~~t~~:i~~ ::~~~:~;ohe~~:ps~~~t~:v~a~~k~ ~;~fe~~,t-~eoed~~n them~~th~~~ ~: ;~~~;;cw~::e~~: ::~;~~ Dates: Thursdays-Mar. 25, April I, crowd of a comfortable size. Jesse, the contractions-of a muscular repulsing in its theme, but, Jesse, There, memories are like "rings of Location: ~~a6ni~~:~l~~S: a.m. a junior English major with hopes wound." Jesse can create very I've got to admit-that's a great granite suspended by spiderwebs Fee: $24.00 of graduate work at Johns sharp, brilliant images, an in methaphor. from planets. Scenes happen like Recommended Text: Confronting Hopkins, has been very widely another of Jesse's four-liners: ditto marks inpulsating brain- the Issues: Sex Roles, Marriage, published, this including three "The stream's liquid-xylophone I thought Jesse's best work was jelly." My favorite prose-poetry and the Family by Kenneth C.W. anthologies, and he has met many plays-to an audience of nodding- his prose-poetry, which is written work was Jesse's "God," where Kammeyer S6.50-You may order poets and has attended various weeds." Again, in structural vein on paper as prose but has all the "God is a woman. I understand with your registration. poetry workshops. of poetry, Jesse creates colorful impact and meaning of a poem. now that God will arrive on the metaphors. All of my disgust for "Excerpt From a Work in arm of a handsome young man," The first thmg that struck me the "raw sex" theme and my love Progress," which Jesse claimed to and "a dozen beautiful women" d F EARLY HIRDCONDlTIONING about Jesse's poetry is that it has a for Jesse's metaphors culminated be "inspired by my own insanity," turn him away. I'ROGRAM76.202 strong reoccurring theme, that uture p,oetry rea lOngs An eighl week conditionlng being, uh, how you say, sex. program preceded by lectures on Although in at least one of his the science of physical con- poems he can treat sex gently, he, Thursday, April 8,-Beth Joselow The Magna Opera, is scheduled for the Universities of Kansas and ditioning. Topics included are for the most part, handles this and Harrison Fisher publication this year; and he has Arkansas. Currently, he is the heart disease. diet and weight topic in a pretty raw manner. For Both poets are Teaching Fellows the manuscript for a collection of Director of Creative Writing at control, and methods of con example, take Jesse's "A Porno in the Writing Seminars at the poems, Hysterou Proteron. ready Washington College in Chester- ditioning. Participant's fitness and Picture," which Jesse claimed was Johns Hopkins University. Beth for publication. town and a member of the Board of ~~~~~~1e i~fti~~Yfa!n:ilIth~~ ~~~~~~~~ h~%gi:g ~~Vh~~ywa~~~~~~ ~~a;;~~h~t ~~~~7;a f;;~~~re o~ Tuesday, April 13-Michael Egan ~~:;~~s~~:fs~~~~~~~~i~;i:~ ~~~~~il~ ;rho~~e~. during the ~~:r~_~~~ouS~e:I~d ~~~ Wi;:;J~~~ the George Washington University re~~Cehn~~ ~ranU~BC~oet~~~ in the Maryland Poetry in the Instructor: Dr. H. Samuel Case rising like a mirage-of the ocean- ~~~~ ~~ ;o;~~:~s:d !~~orh~~ publications include a book, The ~~h~~~ P~~~~~n~ndA~~ D~~~~~i~ Associate Professor of Physical off her cunt" just isn't my kind of Washington, D.C. Her publications Oldest Gesture, 1970, and he is Summer Institute for Creative Education poetry. Another example of this include a chapbook of poetry, Ice awaiting the publication of a Writers: He has published poetry Dates: Mondays and Thursdays- theme is "Vampire," a brief poem Fishing, and poems in The Black- collection of his poems in the New and short stories, dusted crops, March 29-May 20 to create a brief image: "The sun bird Circle, Yes, Mass Transit. Poets Series. His poems have and run an African hunting cor- Time: 6:15-7:15 a.m. Location: dissolves me:-vampire bones in other little magazines. She 'tas appeared in many magazines. He poration. His first novel is due for Englar 101 your arms-my impatient crucifix been anthologized in I, 'rha; Am has read in a number of colleges, publication this spring and he is at Fcc: $40.00 still pressed-between your legs." Ever Strauger, has given a number on radio, and on T.V. Currently work on a second novel and a ~~~~ql~~~e: EAXAi.~~~~~6~ ~aov~;abl~f re~~ndianUgd~:n:ta~s ~~!of readings, and was the 1974 ~t work I o~ ~ranSI~tiO~ fro:; collection of short stories. He will ~~liE~IEN~H Y SIC I AN' S ~e~~~t ie:i:!l: t~a~e~i~fiS~'~ ~~~~::~~~;r~~~:::: :::~::: g~:~~r~f:n~~~i:!e~,f:~~~ ~!~~.~et::~~T~~c~~~I~:p~o~i~~cb~~~ Z~;~!a~~~r~~~:~.:r~~~t (~~r:~!~the kind of theme that turos me on. ~~~~~a~~!~~:nc~~~~'c~ ::r~;~o':~~y ~~e~f~:d:~d ~ec:!~~i~;:~r-X=29=7' -I and pants) plus a trimmed tee- I feel there are, however, a lot 01 workshops, given a number of The Hamptou-Sydney Poetry Express your shirt and shorts-all for S25_OOShoes good things about Jesse's work. readings, exists on tape in the Review. Later this year he will be a views! are also available at discount For one thing he has a great gift for Black Box collection, edited The reader at the Ednburgh Festival in ;:~f~~~TOy~~~er~~fst~~~g o~~~t ~,~i!e~~~m~l:::~~~~d~_t~!S !~~:~U~hr~~~:~~ng~, ~e~tr~~li:~~r~~ Scotland. Write to measurements with your order dow--Iike an--old man walking on The Columbia Review, and Diana's Wednesday, April 21-Robert Day SCRIMSHAW ~:;:~I;C~e;yde:en~::~ :co!~r ~e;; ~st:::ilts:::.'::.;::ltI:;:in:.• ..:lh:::e:::w;;in:::d:.ow;;'_;O;;.f..:th;,:e_B!!!i!!!m!!!.":::th~IIY;;....A~'h!;!.Pl!!tbo!:O~k..:lo~n!ilgp~o"ffi:!:.,_.::R:::Obe::::::'I..:;D:..Y:..:::hO:;:ld:::';:,de::!;g:::":::":.;f;.;'O::;ffi:L.. -; lISt t " schedule-Part 2 o,A,,,,,,,fo,W.m,nbyKenneth ree car on ~~~i:e::~:;~tYoonUmaYOrderWith Susan Coleman All fledgling performers his merry band of workers. The show'. Jeannie Colacott, a suasive Blanche. Daryl Neighbors TOWARD TilE 21st CENTURY auditioning for a show realize the scenic artist for the show is Carol sophomore drama major, is the pJays the role of the old Mexican 76.203 truth in the old adage, "There's no Wareheim, the light operator is prop mistress for Streetcar and her flower vendor, and Chuck Ben- "Toward the 21st Century" such thing as small parts, only John Feldbush, and all the duties include searching to find jamin and Carol Krauss play the combines lectures, panels, and small actors." A play can not costumes were researched, and acquire the props necessary to doctor and t.he nurse. discussions in a series which talks function without the little people, in deSigned, and made by Sue the show. about the future on the basis of the often unnoticed and less Steinmetz. Streetcar is the biggest present trends. The central famous roles and all the hard SMW ever in terms of actual stage There are many important roles All of these characters are im- question of the series is "Where workers behind stage that make and flat construction, and the '1 Streetcar that are necessary to portant to the production of are we likely to be in the year the show possible. diligent students of the tech class this famous drama that never Streetcar, but there is one more 2000?" The presentations will not are the working force behind the seem to gain proper recognition or person who is also a big factor in exceed an hour so that there will be A Streetcar Named Desire by scenes of the show. reach the limelight. Freshman l the show, director Tim Weinfeld. time for audience response. At the Tennessee Williams will be Barry Solt plays the character of The director is responsible for all beginning of the series, registrants produced on Mainstage of Alumni The iob of stage manager is Mitch, a lonely man who' p:oblems that might and will will receive a general bibliography Hall here at WMC, on March 12, 13, another often overlooked and mistakenly believes he has found arise with the production,' as well on the topic; and from week to 14 at 8:15. This dramatic play is unappreciated position. Sue Geyer love in Blanche DuBois. Eunice as tickets, posters, publicity and week they will be given copies of being presented through the volunteered to haneDe this job and Steve Hubbell, played by Carol all the other details that go into the essays for suggested reading. composite effort of many lesser which includes getting rehearsal Wareheim and Steve Lummis, are making of a great show. "Man Vs. Nature: Round Three" known and publicized people props, helping to run rehearsals, the uncouth and unrefined neigh- Dr. G. Samuel Alspach, Assisptnt working in the Drama Depart- and keeping the whole crew and bors that add a touch of violence Professor of Biology ment. cast in order and on time. This is no and a bit of laughter to the show. Come and see A Streetcar Dr. David R. Cross, Professor of small task by any means, but Sue Pable Gonzales is a "dirty Named Desire this week-end. View Chemistry The technical side of the claims that Streetcar is her greaseball" of a drinking and and enjoy the combined efforts of is under the scrutiny ?f Dr. Richard H. Smith, Jr., production favorite show and she is enjoying poker playing buddy and is por- so many talented and hard Assistant Professor of Chemistry Christian Wittwer and hiS the experience. trayed by drama major Craig working people. Tickets for all Technical Production class. The Singhass. The collector, played by performances are on sale in the "The Death and Life of the Greater set design, lighting, and set con· Rick Powell, is a naive and College Activities Office and will Baltimore Area: Chaos or Con struction, have all been struggled The prop mistress is an integral vulnerable adolescent newspaper also be available at the door each trol?" and worried over by Christian and component in the production of a bov who is charmed bv the ner- night for $2.00.
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