Page 109 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 109
C ?t Pithy Saying: "Once you're dead, Thursday. March 11, 1976 life just ain't worth living" Volume 3, Issue6 -Freddy ''Vashington NEe-An Answer To Entertainment Problems Mark C. Bayer Last week's SGA coverage in the programs, minority programming, professional," stating that they eluded various dance forms of the the promoters and agents. Miss Scrimshaw dealt largely with the and how to run a college Social were comparable to the bigger past, such as the bunny hop, as well Thomas and Miss Strothman activities of the Social Committee, Committee at ~maximum ef- names that go for prices of $7000 as the most popular styles of today, learned that most entertainers had a subcommittee of the SGA headed ficiency. Some of the sessions were and more. She noted that because and which could be transferred as the same experiences and by Linda Thomas. More headed by agents and other these groups were new, they have a WMC event. Full showings of problems as anyone else, and both specifically, the article related in professionals; others by to charge smaller prices in order such movies as The Exorcist, agreed that the interaction was a general terms a few of the ex- representatives from other to gain wide publicity, and Tommy, Monty Python and The valuable experience. Along with periences of Miss Thomas and two colleges, who told about their suggested that some of these Holy Grail, and W. W. and the other groups, Miss Thomas got to other representatives upon at- problems in providing en- be used at various times during the Dixie Dancekings, all available for meet Ace, the act responsible for tending the NEC convention in tertainment and what they did to year, at reduced or free prices to school rental, were also a popular last year's hit song "How Long," Washington, D.C. from February solve them. Also included here students. "The problem is," Miss part of the convention activities. and a group nominated for the 25 till the 29th. Lack of time at the were classes on such concerns as Thomas stated, "are the people on Grammy Award as "Best meeting (and lack of space in last social alcohohsm, the merits of this campus willing to try these A number of parties were also Newcomers." week's paper, for that matter) different types of video systems, groups?" The convention also held. at which our representatives But above all, our represen- prevented either Miss Thomas or technical theatre, and recruiting featured a disco party, which in- got to meet the artists as well as continued on pg. 4, col. 3 Scrimshaw from going into greater local talent. detail at the time, but this reporter asked Miss Thomas a few ad- In addition to class-type DaylJops Demand Rights ditional questions, and was able to situations, the representatives come up with some more specific were also exposed to agents and information about what NEC is, promoters for many kinds of social Robert Lvcett and Mark Katz what it does, and how it can benefit activities, which ranged from rock There are a number Of students overloading any of the other ten lockers. The room is also the the WMC student body. graps to hypnosis displays to who frequent the classrooms on facilities on the campus, such as first known co-ed locker room on combinations of educational lec- campus, and are occasionally seen the dorms or the cafeteria. campus, as the students are What is NEC? To Doreen Stroth- turers and performances (a group in the Grille checking their empty supposed to change clothes in there man, one of the representatives to of anthropologists follow up their mailboxes. Maybe they are the The benefits a dayhop does for the Phys. Ed. classes that are the convention, it's "one of the best talk on Africa with an act in which kind that lock themselves in the receive from paying $2550 per year required. So because there is things that could uappen to WMC in one shoots a cigarette ottanother's donns, never to be seen except in to the school, just seem to be relatively nothing on campus of- a long time." To Miss Thomas, it's head with a poison dartgun and an classrooms. But, then you think- numbered. True, they do get fered to these students, outside of an organization which "I think it's appearance by a trained 250-pound "I've never seen him in the credits for the courses, and they do class, he usually goes to class, and important to be members of." The lion) to conciousness-raising cafeteria or elsewhere on cam- have mailboxes on campus, but returns home, missing many of the purpose of NEC, whose initials sessions to comedy acts. Most pus." little else is available that the added benefits that college life has used to stand for National En- importantly, all of these programs dayhop knows of. The tiny room, toolfer. tertainment Corporation, is were found to be reasonably priced "Who are they?", one may ask. which should accomoclate ise-plus In the recent amendments to the basically that of enlightening and available to WMC _ if They are the ones commonly students, has one small window at S.G.A. Constitution, it was decided colleges all over the country as to students want them. The WMC referred to as day-students, or the top of one wall, one old, un- that daystudents should have two new forms of entertainment representatives found the agents dayhops, and number a surprising comfortable sofa, two tables, a~d continued on pg. 6, col. 4 (which includes not only concert very interested in discussing in- teo-plus fulltime students. They different for bands but lectures, mime and dividual situations with them, and live off campus and do not want to. . puppet shows, movies, theatre many of them very flexible - as reasons. It', not that they are ••••••••••••••••••••••• events, travel trips, and many when the representative of a all homespun other social activities) and to classical theatre group, upon I ld h' • provide information concerning hearing that WMC students would ~~~~~~~IS~!~~:m~.:;~~e!~. nSI e t IS Issue: • the most effective methods of probably not be interested in that home,tohelppay'octhe"eoUege. dealing with agents, promoting particular entertainment form, tuition. Possibly, it is that thee • events, stretching activity funds, offered to cut his price. Another of and other essentials for presenting agent, representing a kind ~~~1~;;~.~Y~~:~Y£:~l~;~:Informal Courses Being Offered : successful social activities on traveling company which puts on campus. productions such as Grease, of- want more privacy than the. • fered to do two shows for the price campus life offers. • Letters on Parking Problems and Hell Week • Much of this infonnation took of one. fonn in a large number of The college does not particularly. Response to Personal ViewPoint • educational sessions which were Other events at the convention ~=~i~~a~:-s~:e~n~ ~~ ~~. • spread out over five days. Among included a three-to-four hour students live on campus. It gives. Is Patty Hearst Getting A Fair Trial? • the subjects covered were con- continuing concert in which one act the student the much needed ex·. • tracts with groups and what to after another would entertain in expect, how to deal with riders twenty-minute segments, to an pethinnk'enc.e, 0t~eliV;:::n:yi~~a~e~ B~. • (individual stipulations in con- enthusiastic response, Miss saved by permitting students to. ...And MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!!!! • tracts), how to work out liability thomas termed the various groups commute. Day-students can fiU the. • problems when planning travel "great," and "very empty desks in classrooms without •••••••••••••••••••••••
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