Page 107 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 107
Thursday, March 4, 1976 Scrimshaw :---------.._-_._----_.: .....-.-...-. Page_3 Terrorette tourney :.- Expert Watch : ., TH E : In the State Tournament at : Repairs HANDMADEN UMBC, the Terrorettes play MBC • on premises at 4 pm on Thursday in their first : 73 West Main Street game. The second game is on _ Specializing i~ Accutron to Timex time: the 1------------------"'1 Friday afternoon, they win their : Handmade crafts!! whether depending Women's Basketball Wrap-Up first game or not. An up-to-date _ Keepsake Diamond Bring your crafts in and let us display schedule will be posted in the grill : ............. • • ~m" sell them for VOH!( Rings a ::~ g;~:o~.~~:~~ ~:~~~ !:~~:~y ~:d~:i~os~t7r:·t:~~;: ·~:r~~~~n;~~s c:~m~:~~ i~a~~~ : Leslie Applegate with a 14.7 making 30 out of 55...the team had scheduled and our girls could use : average ... game against F & M was to overcome a injury to the starting the support. : Accept - BA~ - NAC o. one of the better defensive center, Sara Kain ..Jater had to • Master Charge Per. Checks. games ...survived a game against fight the flu ...schedule wasn't to one against Elizabethtown ...hetc : : I::'~.[.a ~.~~~~n~i~::;t :~rn9s4 H:~s~~~~ ~~:~ a ~~:~~~:; te~i::::\h:~~e:~ ~~:.~.hi~es~ s~~:~:s W::rLi~~:: DAVIDS JEWELLERS: -~ut 30N:~~~t~.~';:tl~a~~!:;;::~ ~~~:~: .. ~e:t~~:::b~~d ~;; ~~~~:~!.i.~;etsy w~~~le :as n~~~: 41 East Main St. : from the foui :e••••••••••••••••• ....: :e'e~}~o~~~~tr~~~~~~~\~ ~~~~a:~Je:~d :~~~~~~t;':r~~it~~;"~~~~YI~~d ~~~~~~~~a~~ : Westminster, Md. : . not the only reason ... the people of the season ...conlerence record percent as a team who handled the ball most came out to a 44 record line ... team record came to 4-7.. naturally had the most turn- shot 50 percent from the foul team had 2B7 rebouads ... Sue •••••••••••••• Monday nights over team committed 236 of line ... everybody got to playa lot Sullivan lea the team with 63 • • them the team had an overall this year ... team plays a tour- 'bounds ... Linda Sorrentino had • 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. record cr r-a ... team shot 2B percent nament today to Saturday at 61...Betsy Fogle had 35 steals to • ~~~~ ~~~:ldp~~~~Ve~~~::c::~ UMBC. J V ~:~th~e~~~i~·:::::da ~~~rent!~~ • ~gett College Night' leading scorer was Kathy Lane The JV tea~ ~d a learning steals ... also 39 assists ... l87 turn- (I.D. required) with 7.7 average shooter year ... survived a call-up of a overs, shooters were Betsy • 13" pizza·with one !~O~r~tf~~~~~~~~~~ ..~n~t ':!!~~~le~l d=~ntth~ro~ea~~. ":~e~~ ~~:~a:~~th ~ ~~~:~~ ..-.~n~ousp~: : C A. q R 0 L l. COU NTY'S topping - only $2.0911 Leslie Applegate with 35 per- as a team ... the team averaged 32 more foul shots made could have· FASHION CENTER cent.i.Leading free throw shooter potnts,» game ... played exctt- changed the record ... rookie coach - Mic & Schlitz was Kelly Dargcn with 70 percent ing basketball .. .Iost a close Sandy Stitt did a good job. . Westminster Bud, on Tap _ ~":"m.~'StreetcarrJon schedule .....-..-...-. 140 Village Center Shopping A Streetcar Named Desire is set of talented native playwrights and It is not doing so today. And the in romantic New Orleans at the their fine plays should be one. American dream - our individual height of the summer. The story source of pride fo~ us all. Streetcar and collective desires - has not yet centers around an aging Southern is one of the best of those plays. been realized by far too many of belle, Blanche Du Bois, who is However, the streetcar which is our people. So, Happy Birthday struggling to make a new life for our country has not always America but, as Blanche Du Bois herself and to forget her past. provided a smooth and com- says in Streetcar. 'Don't hang back Blanche is portrayed by Kelly fortable ride for all of its citizens. with the brutes'.~' Stone who sees the character of a~ ~ _/:;"\ ~ .. ROUTE 140, WEST:I1INSTER PIKE Blanche as a misguided woman;' 8' 'lIe. FINKSBURG, :UD. ~::;:y :~::: s~e~~:!:vi~h~~~!~~ -'. ~~ u=v Ls--:Do i3rEMtrA ENTERTAINMENT 15 minutes from Reisterstown) & SATURDAY FRIDAY :~~nc!~s~a;:;Jy s~a:I~~v~fs d~~ Chap.ter 4 Featuring KEN BATES AT THE KEYBOARD desire is the opposite of death. It is _ ...... ______ ~i~~~~I!~:_~~~:_R_r:~'=t::. _ this desire that proves to be her Vickiwasexc:iled.Shetossedher the orange flowers on 'em god!" FOR RESERVATIOSS-833.6060. or 861.8200 downfall. Blanche visits her sister long curls around in a blond tor- "She looks untouched," said C,J. GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES ;~~I~ ~;;Pi~;~;~i:7o ~~~~~; ~~~~'t ~aen~~~ m:~~~e~e~~ gh~~~ ~aec~w~~k;~ur.n~Dho~~~~i~~\::~~I~ .J,----------,r-----------T Kowalskl,a callous andpnrmhve now ... she looked into the future getltdone.lthmkIevenseenher 7~ tl Plain & Fahcy man who abuses ~lanc~e. and and--well, she was eighteen. In four with the Jesus freaks out on the ~~"_II~;_A " /~ operatesonlyfromammallnsbnct. years she'd be twenty-two years lawn this morning." O~ if you L4Hed. Stanley is played by Alan Zepp, old. Old enough. And she wanted That last statement was a real Donuts who portrays the character well as to ... welJ, you know. . crusher. You were lucky 848~385 an abrupt, unrefined and brutish Paul knew. He was rubbing his could smile ·at a without n:t an . Stanley is the king and hands together and cackling to that getting slapped. master of his castle and his wife, Crazy Jack. Jack saw the distraught look on Open lanes afternoon 140 Village who is portrayed by Sandy "Yea m_an. I'm gonna see what Paul's face. "No man, r was just MacKenzie. Sandy is a drama she knows." kidding. Man, she's a bruiser that Weekends Reservations Only major. a~d is ,,:,ell c~st as the "You mean get a little?" Jack girl." Crazy Jack described Tenpins and Duckpins only 5 minutes away submiSSive, qUiet Wife. Sandy choaked on his toke. "Here man, knockout girls as bruisers.' No one 24 Hours a Day Open views Stella as a torn woman, take this." knew why. "Noman, I was just you ~========~~~~~:::;;~~==l CENTER SHOPPING. 140 VILLAGE divided between her Sister, and she to the end of the rock. Then he sucked know-kidding." around in the Paul put his finger on the hole in loyalties her lumbered Jack her husband and plays this difficult role very well. in. The stuff burned as it went smoke looking for the window. A Streetcar Named Desire is an down. He held it in until he felt this Then he found it and turned the fan emotion packed struggle between cool rush, and. then eveCything felt on. Jack had a fan so there was no etherea1 Blanche and sensual, better. hassle with the rest of the guys in do~n to earth Sumler·. It was "Man, this is an ok pipe. Did you the building who didn't want to get we serve ... wnttcnbyTennesseeWllhamsand make it?" high when they walked down the will be produced here at WMC on "No man, bought it in D.C. last hall or anything. Then Jack put on March 12, 13, 14 at 8:15 on Main- summer." the newest Black Sabbath record BREAKFAST stage of Alumni Hall. Tickets for "Freaky-wow man I can't ... uh" and gritted his teeth in a crooked LUNCH DINNER all performances are currently on Paul was getting high. smile. "Want some Chic-O- sale in the College Activities The pipe was a lump of rock with Biscuits? They taste like real Center for $2.00. The play is under a hole bored in it. It had a glass chicken." Paul didn't answer, he Subs Pizza the direction of Tim Weinfeld, who straw stuck in the top. was too busy looking at Jack's new e:'Plai~ his choice. of Str:eetcar as Crazy Jack was fat. Really fat. Playboy. "You know, I bet she hiS Sprmg production this way: And he had all this stuff sitting looks like this with nothing on." Chicken Day-Monday-Dinner $1.60 "Theatres throughout the United around in his room to eat. That's Paul held up a lewdly immodest Pizza Day-Tuesday-$.40 off States are recognizing the occasion because he got high all the time photo. of our two-hundreth birthday and and when you get high you have to "It's all the same," said Crazy Spaghetti Day-Wednesday-Dinner $1.25 there are literally hundreds of eat something. It doesn't matter if Jack the philosopher. "You sure WITHIN WALKING D.ISTANCE plays available as expreSSions of it's sawdust or what just as long as you don't want some' Chic-(}. celebration. t ch!)Se A Streetcar it fills the hole. Biscuits?" Open 6 a.m. daily except Sundays 8 a.m .. Named Desire because many Crazy Jack's face was like the •••••••••••••• Americans, myself in~luded, are full moon. He had-dull brown eyes. DAVIS SHOE REPAIR • not fully able to celebrate our and a crooked mouth that twisted • bicentennial with unbridled and this way and that when it spoke to. . 61 E. Main St. NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 unqualified pride and enthusiasm. you. . We do, obviously, have a great deal "Mmm, .boy she looks nice Phone 848-4232 Westminster of which to be proud; this cannot be running around in those short little Westminstllr, Md. EXPANDED SEATING 848-9110 . denied. Certainly the large group dresses. And those platforms with ....... -.-.-..'-------------------
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