Page 104 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 104
Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday, February 26, 1976 Sports Carlton Harris ered places Grappler.:-finish fifth in competition points Matt Bowers placers. round garn- the Terror out Terror did well in earning Three grapplers wrestlers Western in the Middle Atlantic Several other Maryland final standing. for their team's wrestling cham- Conference Rifle team blasted weekend pionships this Paul Hewitt I.. Jim Teramanl ..I ~~~~;r~n M~~;~~d past ~~~:gehO~! at The WMC rifle team lost, last lower 5OO's (the 530's). The other Women's basketball with a cr-editable fifth place Saturday, to a talented Part Universi~y Richmond The shooter had a high 400 score. Maryland of Richmond of this Western team. has it tough :~:~~~out of a field of eighteen match was stamina, as the teams team shooters almost all ranged in shot a double course. Richmond the upper 400's. Final score Rich- The woman's basketball team min. left the WMC team pulled off had 4 of their 5 shooters in the' mond 265O-WMC 2322. continued to have a tough time this art attempt to overcome the lead. Gettysburg College won the ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t! •• week, They played Loyola away, They pulled within 10 and E-town's overall team title, with Lycoming THE : and Elizabethtown and Salisbury coach decided she better leave the coming in second, Elizabethtown, : RhoU!n's : State at home and came away first team in for a little while and Delaware Valley fourth. • Barber Shop. • empty handed again. longer. Kelly Daran pulled down 15 Ed Hering, a senior competing in : Westminster Shopping Cllnter : HANDMADEN : Against Loyola, they ran into the rebounds and Fran Cizek had 9 and the 190 pound class, posted a 15-6 : Styling, : 73 ~e~t Main Street ! same thing they hit last week. They matched that with 9 pts. Leslie superior decision in the cham- played good defense, and kept the Applegate lead the team with 11 pionship match to take first place : Razor Cuts;: : mistakes to a minimum, but it still The final score was 67-45. E-town. in that class. Sophomore Greg • • Specializing in • : finished in the 177 second didn't help. The team played a Saturday afternoon brought Banks took third at 126 pounds · Layer Cuts . ~~~:::~~ ~~::::\!n . : : good zone defense but ran into foul Salisbury to the WMC campus. The pound division and senior Steve trouble, and some great shooting. Terrorettes didn't have any more Koster to ~:~rUt~:~P;~~ vout! : M. rv. \'Y. Sat.·9·6 Th 80 F·9·9 : :~: : Losing 2 starters to fouls with a lot luck with them as they did earlier .............................................. of time left in the game hurt the Playing good at the beginning, : 4 Barbers 848-3620 : : Terrorettes, as the Loyola shooters WMC started to fall behind as the put shots in all night. The high Salisbury height and weight took scorers were Leslie Applegate with over. Down by 15 at the half, it 14 pts. and Kathy Lane with 11. The never got any better. The only official tally read Loyola 54, WMC thing keeping the fans yelling was 46. were .............. the unusual calls the refs were Last Wednesday, the teams making. Both teams returned to what they thought were distressed as the refs called fouls the friendly confines of Gill Gym. where no one saw anything. Le~lie • But Gill wasn't too friendly to s~~~~ ffgJe yeti them. Still recovering from the flu, ~f~e~:t~t:~~~a~e~i~~, • and a couple of minor injuries, the Lane, and Nancy Berry each had 5 ._ game developed with a quick start rebounds. At the buzzer, the • After a couple of minutes, the girls scoreboard read Salisbury 89, • settled down and remained close in WMC52. a good game up to this point. Even • CARROLL COUNTY'S Plain & Fancy when Coach Fritz made her squad substitution, the game still was w!~~.*~~fl~~:s~~~e~~:i~~~~~: FASHION CENTER exciting and close. The Terrorettes coughing and the unusually deep • Westminster Donuts tried a multitude of defenses to try voices calling the signals. There • Shopping Center to stop Elizabethtown. But slowly are no more home games for the • E-town pulled away. At the half girls, but there is a state tour- •••••••••••••• Open lanes afternoon 140 Village they held a iO point lead and nament coming up next Thursday, stretched it to a 22 pt. lead at one Friday, and Saturday at UMBC. Weekerids Reservations Only point. That's how the game ended, Days and times for our games will only 5 minutes away except for the fact that with about 8 be in next week's Scrimshaw. Tenpins and Duckpins J.Vo'shave it tougher '40 VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Open 24 Hours a Day TOUGH times seem to run in one foul shot and converted the basketball this week. The Women's first shot to pull within I. E-town Our people make it better JV basketball team lost a cliff- called a timeout to let the shooter hanger against Elizabethtown and think about it, and think she must lost to Salisbury Saturday. have because on her second shot Against Elizabethtown, the she missed the rim completely. game remained close throughout. With 2 seconds left E-town was Monday nights WMC lead at halftime ~7, as about fouled and converted both ends of 50 people stayed to watch what the one & one to put the game on 5 p.m. -11 p.m. ROUTE nn, WESTMINSTER PIKE would be an exciting game. As the ice. Final score E-town 33, WMC FINKSBURG, MD. game progressed a tie developed. 30. College Night ___________ ~5_m~n_t:t~.:.r~m_R.!i~~~~n2_ _ E-town again tied the score with 12 The JV even had a worse time (I.D. required) seconds left and the time ran out, against Salisbury State. Falling ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAV overtime would result. At the behind early, they never got close Feato'tin.g· KEN BATES AT THE KEYBOARD beginning of the overtime E-town and the game started to get away 13" pizza-with one ______ ~~~!..~I!~~~~~:_R~~~t~ _ made a basket which stood up 'til from them. After getting beaten by toppinq • only $2.0911 just under a minute when WMC Salisbury State, they faced a GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES tied the score. With a half minute dinner of Salisbury steak. Final Bud, Mic & Schlitz FOR RESERVATIOXS-833·6060 or 861·8200 togo E-town scored a basket. With score Salisbury 41 - Western on Tap 23 seconds left, WMC had a one & Maryland 18 140 Village The last garn.e of the season In the last home game of the the game interesting was the we serve ... season, the Green Terrors rotation of second team players ••••••••••••••••••••••• enlarged their win column with a into the game. The fans, as well as 9&-60 victory over the Gallaudet Coach Over received a good pic- Expert Watch Bisons. Following a home loss to ture of what to expect next year Repai rs BREM(FAST LUNCH DINNER , Moravian that put the Terrors out on premises of a playoff spot, the team ap- In the last game of the season. peared to be unconcerned with the the Terrors faced a Dickinson Subs Pizza game. Their attitude was even team that had just defeated one of Accutron to Timex evident in the stands, for the fans the toughest teams in the con- were quiet and few in number. The terence. Albright, in overtime. The Chicken Day-Monday-Dinner $1.60 slow-moving nature was Terrors had defeated Dickinson Keepsake Diamond characterized by some sloppy earlier in the season, but fortune Rings Pizza Day- Tuesday-$.40 off playing on both sides. was not with them. The 93-69 loss Spaghetti Day-Wednesda'(-Dinner $1.25 gave the Terrors a 12-8 record for One of the few things that kept the season. Accept - BAC - NAC WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE A rt continued from pg. 1, col. 5 Open 6 a.m. daily except Sundays 8 a.m. Master Charge Per. Checks ••::.=:. But Fender has deliberately made appreciate these works and in- visible the genitals of this sup- terpret them as you wish by DAVIDS JEWELLERS :=~i~~=c:~~{~~~~~r~~~~::~':,~~;:~l~:m g:~;7p~t • 41 East Main St. NEXPE~~L:DREMEDSEODAEnLNEGD =t~~?er young men of today. But you'd better hurry and
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