Page 40 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 40
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, April 9, 1975 Wednesday, April 9, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 5 Editorial ******************************* World News *******************-**************** It has come to the attention of the planation of this policy is in, order. taken off the bill by the printer is us, beyond question. There are of Americans A team secretly editors of Scrimshaw that the put back into the Scrimshaw's some on the staph that have given flew to the then South Vietnamese The unemployment rate Ithaca College officials ... And a woman from Santa Ana, campus newspaper is under in- bank account. Now, instead of only up higher paying jobs, and are now City of Da Lai two and-a-half weeks resumed its steep upward climb in discontinued a week-long California asked her cabdriver to vestigation, and that one of its Unknown to most people, the the lay-out people receiving pay, receiving half of what they were ago to destroy that country's only March after a short pause in "coeducational experiment" after wait while she went into a grocery policies is under scrutiny. The Gold Bug paid its staffers also, for all of the editors are paid a nominal before. There are others who have nuclear reactor to prevent Hanoi February. The Dept. of Labor they had already threatened store. Inside, she pulled a toy gun investigation is to determine as far back as we are able to sum, and a few select writers, turned down jobs that would have reported that the rate was 8.7 per disciplinary action against the out of her purse and explained to whether or not we have listed as determine. Under the Gold Bug's who write and draw the bulk of paid considerable more. To state from getting the raw materials for cent for last month. That is the experimenters.' A group of male the manager, who spoke broken "payroll" in our financial books, system, only the people who laid material for the paper, are also that we are making a nominal sum an - atomic bomb. The team highest rate in 34 years. Eight and female dormitory residents English, that "This is a robbery." the money which we pay certain out the paper at the printers were paid. The total payroll now stands is quite an understatement. When members first removed the million Americans (8.7 percent of randomly selected. roommates of He handed the woman $25, and "members of our staff for the work paid. The price we pay the printers at $21.00 per week. If we used the worked out in dollars per hour, no nuclear fuel and sent it back to the the total labor force) were the opposite sex by drawing names then reached behind the counter they do, Keith Ammon, SGA also includes laying out the paper, Gold Bug's method of paying our one on the staph is making more U.S., and then blew up the reactor. unemployed in March, a half-a- from a hat; the selected couples and grabbed a toy replica of a treasurer, audited the Scrim- but since we do it ourselves, the staphers, since we print a four than $0.70 per hour. Pentagon sources said that any million more than the month then shared a room for one week to Revolutionary War pistol and shaw'sbooks on Saturday, April 6, printers take off $5.00 per page. pager, then an eight pager, on Our staphers, it can reliably be radioactive contamination as a before. The labor force is made up test intersexual compatibility. The chased her out the door. The and found everything to be in or- For a four page paper this amounts alternating weeks, we would be stated, are not working for the result of the destruction of the of those working and of those test, however, was not compatible manager then spotted the cab- der, including the fact that the pay to $20.00, and an eight pager had paying our staph $60.00 every two money. Our jobs are not easy at reactor would be confined to a looking for work. with school rules, as a college driver at the curb and, pleading for for all people paid by Scrimshaw $40.00 knocked off its bill. The Gold weeks. Under the present system, best, and downright frustrating at small area, and pose no danger to spokeswoman explained that help, screamed, "This is a was indeed listed as "payroll" in Bug used to split this amount we only pay our staphers $42.00 the now Communist city of Da Lat. cohabitation is forbidden. holdup!"--so the driver threw his times. our books. between the people who did the' every two weeks, saving the monetary So to begrudge us the little hands up. Meanwhile the woman compensation which the layout, so that if two people laid newspaper $18.00 every two weeks. paper gives us for our work is not' hitched a ride with two men who The policy which is under out an eight page paper, they each This is a substantial savings. just, in any respect, and we resent COL Jack D. Kaufman, turned out to be undercover cops. scrutiny is whether or not the received $20.00. the charge brought against us and The second airlift of South Maryland State Director of Providence, R.1. authorities They took her to the police station. Scrimshaw should pay its Under the new system instituted As for whether or not our question the motive for the Vietnamese war orphans went off Selective Service, announced that were informed that a large glass staphers. We believe a short ex- by Scrimshaw, all of the money staphers deserve to be paid is, to questioning of our policy. B. T. without a hitch, quite in contrast to continuous registration for window at a McDonald's Baker the first airlift Fr lday which Selective Service has been restaurant was broken by a brick. Letter From Honor Board became the second as 200 people died in suspended as of April 1, 1975, by A note was found that read: "You from p.l worst crash proclamation. Presidential today." deserve a brick history, aviation "The Honor System is failing!" campus awareness of the Honor put together and approved by both System cannot work without the in it. Four plans flew nearly 900 building. One car, owned by the How many times lately has this System and to see to the printing the Faculty and the Honor Board. help and support of every student. orphans to begin new lives with "Young men born in 1957 or prior college, was damaged when a fact been brought to the attention and distribution of the plagiarism It will be the basis of decision in Anyone having comments or American families' on Friday. years will not be registered in piece of the building's roof crashed of this college community? statement. any trial involving plagiarism.' suggestions for the Honor Board is Another 263 orphans were flown to 1975", COL Kaufman stated. The. 1500 - m e m ~ e.r through ts windshield. In the beginning of the semester, The statement on plagiarism is The Honor Board is working to encouraged to attend the Honor Australia and Canada. "Instead, planning is centered Procrastinators Club of Amenca is This natural disaster proved to Sandy Gordon, the Chairman of the the result of work from the past try to maintain theJ-lonor System Board meetings and the open around a once-a-year registration just for you, if you're the type ~f be a test of not only courage, but Honor Board, addressed a letter to few years of Honor Board or to improve it to meet the needs meetings of the Faculty-Student *** period of a few days in which those person who loves to put off until dedication for many WMC stu- the Student Body proclaiming this proceedings. This statement was of the college community. The committee. young men would be required to tomorrow what you should dents. The afternoon theolo~y somewhat alarming fact. In this Hanoi Radio broadcasts say that present themselves for proba.bly ~o today. T~e me~- class hela in the Chapel build- letter, the entire college com- Law School Accepting. applicants life is returning to normal in the registration. I anticipate an an- bers~IP fee IS ~,.and for ~t you Will ing's basement was well attended munity was called on to support the nouncement of new registration receive a certificate SUitable for despite'the holocaust which raged areas Honor System and help make it however, its graduates are eligible "C" average. The LSAT (Law newly conquered vietnam's of South procedures would be made toward framing (tomorrow), and you also around all entrances of the news North Vietnam. better. To do its part, the Honor IRVINE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL to take the California Bar School Admission Test) is not agency has said that refugees are the end of this year." get to wond.e: when.,You'll recei~e buiJding. Students risked life and Board has attempted to define OF LAW, a new law school on the Examination and be admitted to required for entrance. Students returning home, shops are The present system of con- the next edrtlcn of Last Month s limb in the pursuit of. much longed specific problems and areas that west coast, announced today that it practice there. may undertake a part-time reopening, and there was singing tinuous registration has been ~ew~letter," a report on th~ ~I~b's for knowledge. An honorable need to be improved. is accepting applications from new evening and weekend program and along the Perfume River. The highly successful, reported COL inevitably postponed actt.vltles. showing, to say the least, of the In a recent meeting, it was students interested in entering the be able to work while pursuing er. Persons applying for news agency also said the crowds Kaufman. He said, "During the The. address of the PCA !S ~1l1 spirit we here at WMC are proud of suggested that perhaps the student school this coming June or Sep- . . their studies. The WMC Housing Council will ent must currently be of were welcoming the victorious year 1974, more young men Broad Locust Bui lding, and famous for. body has not been made aware of tember. The law school is located An expansion of the offenngs at be electing next year's officers in,.. standing. Applicants for troops. The Viet Corig'e leaders registered with Selective Service Philadelphia. Pa. 19102. their responsibilities to the Honor ip the Newport-Beach-Irvine area, the sc~ool enables it to accept the immediate Iuture. The absolute have publicly renewed instructions in Maryland than in any other year The high winds also damaged System and the Code. To help aproximately 40 miles south of Los' approximately 250 new students deadline date to turn in ap- resident may be of either to their soldiers that include the the draft law was in effect." COL several trees on campus and ore improve the overall understanding Angeles. this year and. t.he sch~1 is actively Tuition is low at $4'.5.00-quarter plications for positions is before 6 ations or may junior standing. command to "respect and protect Kaufman stressed that the change caused damage estimated in the be turned in to of the Honor System, a committee The institution started offering a seeking quahhed applicants. unit. Financial aids are available, p.m. on Wednesday, April 16. All the lives and property of the in registration procedures is a part millions of dollars in the of Board members is in the process law program in September 'Of 1973 however, they are limited. In- persons applying must have served Mullen, McDaniel 229 people, do not encroach upon even of the ongoing studies to reduce the The follOWIng sign was seen in Baltimore·Washington area. of drawing up a general outline of and at present has an enrollment of terested persons are asked to at least one year of their college k coss, Rouzer 223 by 12 a needle and thread of the people, cost of maintaining a Selective the window of a fish market in New Several deaths have been caused ......................... possible Honor offenses. Another over 100 students. Because it ¥; new Minimum entrance reo contact the school at P.O. Box 4307, career as a Housing Council April 16. do not use the people's property Service System in support of the York City: "Hi, I'm flounder. Fry by the blasts, however no injuries committee was formed to look into the school is not accredited by the quirements are completion of Irvine, Cal. 92664 or call (714) 979- without permission." All-Volunteer Armed Forces. me." occurred on campus. possible ways of increasing American Bar Association as yet, two years of college with at least c. 0751. Letters to the Editor **************************************** ********************************************************************** To The Editor, without its full inventory. misplaced (but cared for) chairs. considered, at least a little, by the that, (to quote you again), " .. .tbe are "approved areas" for stimulate social life on campus this speaking in behalf of. Things which such rare traits of physical and When I entered the bathroom the Would I then be suggesting that Is "student" government as administration. Like I said, some bulk of the social life on campus is, , but anyone attending these year and have met with limited I did not say' were printed, in- mental prowess, personal charm But I do ha other day I was confronted with a everyone go out and grab a piece of misguided, disoriented, ana above people may not consider this letter admittedly, fraternity and sorority tons realizes that these success. We' feel that the SGA, cluding an entire sentence which and wit, that they were deserved Of r notice which read as follows: "any furniture for his or her room? No. I all. as unresponsive as federal too seriously, but then again, a oriented." Unfortunately, ad- ies are grossly inadequate. because of the resources available stated the exact opposite of what I a place at the head of the cafeteria person found with dorm furniture _ am not familiar with the situations government? little relaxation by the students ministrative policies in the past has become a suitcase to it, should take an active part in said. The last time I checked, line. Thus my only complaint to know the administrations in their room starting Monday in the other dorms, or if their -RG. should be. ' year have merely served to e for the simple reason that promoting dances, mixers, and diversity did not mean "common against the members of this reasoning behind ending Spring March 17th would be fined the sum. lounges are being used or not. Thanks for your time, strengthen this system. members of the student body concerts. Face it: the SGA is heard interests " fraternity is that they have Break on the day after Easter. To of $5 and $5 for each day after that What I am suggesting is that such a P .S. The chairs are now legaCy MarkKat2 Prohibiting section parties in the rather go home and watch from at the fall mixer and is not As I stated before, I feel 'ihat a assumed that their prowess and me this is more than a minor in that the furniture was not ' situation, although technically sitting in an empty lounge and we halls, and rooms of the sections berts on T.V. than subject heard from again until it is blamed grave injustice was done, and I personal charm have universal convenience, it ruins my entire replaced." The more I thought improper, was working out for the are all sitting on the floor. leaves only the clubrooms for such elves to fraternity "parties." for bungling the spring concert hope that the staff will take more affirmation in the college com- vacation. about it, the more this irritated me. better in the long run. What was activities. Need we mention that t can be done about this bookings. By the way, who ARE we care in printing those "relevant" munity. If they have any faults, it I am an out of state student and For those who happen to have a the furniture bought for in the first Dear Editors: the fraternities and sororities have tion? Two groups of in- having for the spring concert- news stories in Scrimshaw's near is but this one--that they have for me to get. here, it takes a chair or bench from the dorm place? For use by the students. Dear Editor, Congratulations, Scrimshaw! the only clubrooms on campus? dents have attempted to Interstate 13? and possibly short future. failed in making their superior minimum of eleven hours. For lounge (Rouzer) they are a great And if it's obvious that the lounge This letter may not be taken too Your article about opportunities Admittedly, the Grille and Rouzer Jeff Mahan Sincerely, qualities better known to the entire students living in the Baltimore convenience. When friends want to isn't being used, why make an seriously by some, but I'm hoping open to independents really Bruce Wahlgren John Barnes study body. Once these qualities area it is no big deal to come back gather formally or informally, issue out of the fact that some of that certain people will read this illustrated how many opportunities are known to all, gladly win here late on Easter Sunday. I am these chairs and couches serve a the chairs are being used? and do something about the really do-exist. The fact is, that members of this clique be ushered forced to make a choice. That useful and needed purpose. Two But for some unknown reason the problem. The problem is in our there are as many independent to the head of the cafeteria queue, choice is whether I am to miss beds for a roomful of people is not Housing Council picked up the own game room. There are four oriented activities as there was and unknowing people will not find Easter Sunday with my family or adequate; or comfortable. To try issue, presumably debated it, and whole pinball machines in it, and a mention of such activities in the To the Editor, it necessary to ask absurd one day of classes at WMC. and become a temporary moving then passed the aforementioned Jot of the time two of them aren't article. Your discussion of these Dear Editors, Several people have asked me questions. I see no reason why I should have service and transport couches or resolution. When this College is 100 percent effective. The best opportunities included detailed Though I have never been why a small group of fraternity Alas, my questioners held a look a ten day vacation climaxed by several chairs from home just isn't literally crying for a suitable pinball machine (in my and others' .descrtpuons of Iratemity-sorerity terribly impressed by the ability of members have an exclusive right of doubt upon their faces. I ex- mtsstng a major holiday. In order feasible, especially for those with housing and curfew policy, one has opinions) was finally fixed over the _ relations, fraternity table layouts this college to publish a to crash the cafeteria lines. My plained to them that it would for me to return here on time, I long distances to travel and small to wonder why in the world the spring break after being broken for in the cafeteria, and the newspaper, I am especially questioners, who seemed very perhaps be better if they would just must catch a bus in Spfd., Mass. at cars. Housing Council wastes its time on a while. But Iwent down toplayita reputations of each fraternity ana disappointed by the April 2 issue of Sincere, were greatly dismayed to accept the innate superiority of 8:10 on Easter Sunday morning. Then my thoughts moved to the passing picayune resolutions such few days ago, and it was broken sorority. For an article entitled, Scrimshaw. More specifically, I this small clique a prtcrt. That should get me to Westminster "lounge". Virtually nc-one as this. The dorm policies are a again. So I put a quarter in another "There Is Opportunity For The am writing in response to the ar· see that their time appeared less (Name withheld by request) at about 7:05. I can't understand than the time of the frat valuable "lounges" there, and almost all the ' farce, as 'everyone knows. Both machine, expecting to play three Independents," you mentioned ticle entitled "There is opportunity members, and that they were why, after nine days of vacation, I time the lounge is empty. Then I males and females break the rules games, and it tilted on the first ball that" ... There is, however, op- for the ~dependents." To avoid forced to wait in line while this should be forced to spend all of remembered some mentioned that right and left. There is a huge for some unknown reason. I have portunity for the independents to any embarrassment for iis author, privileged minority pushed in Easter Sunday on a bus. It seems the furniture was needed for credibility gap between what yet to see the rest of the balls for' enjoy their college experience as I will not mention her name, and I ahead of them. Understandably, I to me that the administration "events" such as a country club parents read in the college hand- that game and the' other two much as the others." Definitely, an Sirs, should be able to schedule party. As I recalled, there has only book about dorm regulations, and games. I, and I'm sure a lot of my in depth analysis of the situation! feel she made a wise decision by was surprised that they did not I appreciate the school giving us vacations so there is no conflict not signing her name to the article. been one country club party this what students know actually goes fellow students, wo!Jld ~ppreciate We realize your position, I was one of several people in- know of the ameliorative factors a ten day spring break. I know that between major holidays and semester, and those who were on through the wee hours of the it if .the pinball machines could be however: attempting to ftll a page terviewed, and, confident that Iam behind this seeming rudeness. I, for one, would be driven insane if letting back to school in time for there will recall that although night. The curfew regulations are fixed a little better next time. I with a discussion of independent not alone in my views, I feel that a I tried to explain to these it were not for Spring Break. And I :Iasses. . there was an adequate amount of important to students parents and know that this school is not the oriented activities is paramount to great injustice was done to me and inquisitive individuals that the am sure that many others feel the Sincerely Y OUI'!I seating, you couldn't say as much administration alike, Certainly richest one around, but anew, good getting a "Free Lunch" from the my fraternity, whom I was small band of fraternity members same way I do. Thomas Maskell '78 .for the beer. Somehow the lounge such an important issue should pinball machine could also be Econ department. .The point is had in the past amply displayed has been surviving since the fall take some precedence over some
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