Page 38 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 38
Pa9,e 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, April 9, 1975 Warren Report Under New Scrutiny Mark C. Bayer In 1964, the Warren Commission frame in which he had been hit, he suggesting that Kennedy was hit at from the rear. actions were incongruent with the released its now-famous report, selected a frame which indicated frame 218 instead. (The actual In addition, according to the crime that he allegedly had just which purported tc explain the that he was hit 1.3 seconds after moment of the shot is obscured Rolling Stone article, a transcript committed. For example, O'Toole details of the incident which many Kennedy was. According to Vfe, because the shot on film is blocked from a Warren Commission says, the murderer of the consider to be the historical tur- experts had proved that the gun in by a highway sign.) Groden also hearing was recently discovered. President would not have stopped ning point of the 20th century. question couldn't have been fired suggests that Connally's wrist was In the transcript, the commission in the depository lunchroom to buy Aside from the obvious and faster than every 2.3 seconds. hit not by this bullet, but by the one is discussing a rumor that Lee a Coke afterwards, or gone to the profound emotional and historical 'rhus, if Connally's testimony is that hit Kennedy in the head. Other Harvey Oswald might have done movies that day, as the Com- contexts of the tragedy of accurate, and he and Kennedy had theories brought up by Groden undercover work as an FBI agent. mission had reported. November 22, 1963, the oeen hit by separate bullets, then it include that of a mysterious This rumor was not mentioned in The preceding are only a few of assassination of President John F. would've .taken two assassins to "umbrella man" --a man who is previous dealings between the FBI the theories which have been and Kennedy remains alive and topical ii!'e upon the President. seen in the film, carrying an open and the Warren Commission, and are being developed which today because the Warren Report .However, the Commission had a umbrella in perfectly sunny several commission members challenge various aspects of the has been continually questioned. strong argument against Con- weather---and whom Groden wanted to ask J. Edgar Hoover Warren Commission Report. Some According to the April 24th, 1975 nally's case. If Connally and the believes could have been a con- about it. However, the Rolling of the more exotic ideas--like Dick issue of Rolling Stone, Burt W President had been hit by separate spirator who used the umbrella to Stone story reports that very little Gregory's guilt-by-association Griffin, a member of the com- bullets, they asked, what happened signal the assassins. Finally, in was done to clear up this rumor. belief that a couple of vagrants mission, has recently suggested to the one that hit Kennedy? Since Frame 413, Groden claims spoting, Some critics believe that Oswald seen being taken to the Dallas that Congress re-open the in- it was not found in the President's hidden away, another man with'a was innocent of the shooting. One, police station on the assassination vestigation of President Kennedy's body, and did not lodge in the car, rifle. (The action in this frame is George O'Toole, used con- date were actually Watergate death. the Commission concluded that it virtually incomprehensible to th€ troversial type of lie detector conspirators Frank Sturgis and Eleven years ago, members of. must have been the same one to hit untrained layman.) known as the Psychological Stress E. Howard Hunt-·-have been the Warren Commission probably Connally. Although Connally had Dr. Cyril H. Wecht, coroner of Evaluator (PSE), which detects disproved and dismissed. Clearly had very little idea that their presented his story to the Com- Alleghany County in Pittsburgh, truth or lies on the basis of stress the ideas listed above often con- report would become the con- mission prior to the publishing of questions the concept of one bullet patterns in speech. Since the PSE tradict each other, and most, being troversial hot potato that it is now. the report the Commission saw passing through two men and can do this even with recorded theories by definition, cannot be Nowadays it almost seems as if Connally's testimony as inaccurate emerging in such good condition conversation, O'Toole tested tapes sufficiently proven at this point. belief in the Warren Commission and incongruent to other evidence. (only a few grains are missing of interviews with Oswald in the Yet the fact that so many separate report en toto is only slightly afield Robert Groden, an optics expert, from the bullet). He also wonders Dallas police station. According to theories have arisen (in the of belief in Santa Claus. As early as .bes magnified the film, making about the bullet's trajectory. If it thePSE, Oswald's stress pattern is relatively short period of 11 years) 1966, a Louis Harris poll revealed himself a secret copy, and carne up was moving downward, from the extremely. low when he denies is significant in itself. Congress that 2 out of 3 Americans doubted with some theories of his own. Texas School Book Depository, and shooting the President, indicating should conduct are-investigation the findings. Critics of the report, Groden (as well as Connally) passed through Kennedy right to that he was telling the truth. of the assassination in order to who seem to be increasing in questions thewarren claim that left, he claims, then it should have Furthermore, using the Warren separate the facts from the number all the time, have charged the shot which hit Kennedy in the missed Connally attogetner ...- Commi_sion's account of Oswald's· • inaccuracies and sensationalism, it with accusations of neck could have been fired as early which "Suggests the possibility of a actions after the assassination, and to provide once and for all, the whitewashing, incomplete as Frame 210 of the film, second assassin firing at Kennedy O'Tolle argues that Oswald's correct answers to 12 years' worth evidence, and self-contradiction. of questions. Interest has definitely piled up: countless novels and two movies, Hunger Seen as Result of Poverty! Executive Action and The Parallax Bruce JO"" View, suggesting that the Kennedy "The whole tdeaot Food Day is A discussion of the problem of until the Fast. The money will then tentionally wasteful. assassination was the work of to involve people who are in- hunger in Carroll County and in be collected and sent as soon as There are many ways that each various conspiracies, have been terested in nutrition, poverty, Maryla~d will follow. . . possible to CROP, the Community student can help to save food even produced. The past three weeks ~~~~e /!efe:X~~p~~~~I~~ay h~~::r~ alone have given us two different :~~~essr:so~f o~~or:tf:;~1 f~ asZi~~~t 2~f Ps~~~r le~~s;:h.~~ •~~~gr~ ~~~~. ~ ~~~e~::~~i~ late-night television programs in policies. gram storage, Hatheld o~ Oregon, J. Keith immediately. The Committee on don't take two hamburgers or two which both critics and supporters agrib~iness, an~ so on," recently Kenn~y, ~Ill speak on the world Food chose to send the money to hot dogs, or two grilled cheese of the Warren Report have explained Dr. Michael Jacobson, a food situation. A graduate of Duke, CROP because it is one of the most sandwiches, even though there are presented their views. microbiolo~ist who is co-rur.ector?f he also has a. Mas~er;' of Divinity direct organizations, unrelated to two on the plate _ ask for only one. the nonp~oflt Cente~ for SCIl.!Dce 10 r~om the University s seminary. any specific churches, and has the If ever you don't wanta spice apple The main points of the 888-page the Public Interest 10 Washington, Since 1972, Kennedy has worked least overhead costs. slice with roast beef, ask for them Warren Report (and the most D.C. - closely with ~e~tor Hat~ield on The Committee is also spon- to take it away. Take only one contested ones) are listed here. "We also want to revitaliz~ a lot matters pertal.nmg to agriculture, soringa publicity campaign to help serving of each item at first, Basically, the report stated that of the groups who are searching for consumer affairs, and world food. make the campus as a whole more please. You are allowed to come Lee Harvey Oswald, alone and to work ~n, and ~oul~. aware of the Total World Hunger back for seco~ds, and very few unassisted, shot President Ken- like to tie into a national project, Hunger Program and Fast situation. The Committee is also college cafeterias allow seconds. nedy to death and wounded he continued. On the W:M.C. Scheduled April 17-19 tryingtoworkonthecampusscene T?O often students take two ser- Governor John B. Connally, riding Campus the Internahonal The Committee on Food and as well. They are working together vmgs of vegetables, meat or in the presidential car, from the Relations Club is organizing a mini World Hunger is sponsoring a fast with Mrs. McDonald and the desert, and then change their mind sixth-floor eastern-most window of' teach-in for Food Day, April 17, in or "Starve-In" for the weekend of cafeteria staff to reduce waste of and barely touch the first. Please the southern wall of the Texas Memorial Hall, Room 106. April 18-19. It will last only 24 hours perfectly good food. Mrs. Me- don't ever take three of any ser- School Book Depository Building. from Friday at 5:00 p.m. to Donaldsaidthatmanystudentsfill ving. If each student could work Within a 5.6 second time span, At 6:30 p.m. a color film, "To Saturday at 5:00 p.m. There is the up their trays with food and then back in the dish room for one meal, Oswald fired three shots. The first Feed the Hungry" will be shown. hope that as many students as send more than half of it back to they would understand better the bullet hit Kennedy in the base of Focusing on the city of Chicago, possible will want to participate the kitchen. They hope to make the gross waste that all of us are guilty the neck; exiting from his throat. the film examines hunger as a either by fasting themselves or by students aware of the terrible of. So please help out a little bit Then it hit Connally in the back, direct result of poverty and shows at least sponsoring someone who waste of uneaten food because whenyoucan; too many people are broke a rib, emerged from his the effects of hunger on the health fasts. Sign-up sheets are available students have eyes larger than starving. chest, passed through his right of children, adults and the elderly at every evening meal from now their stomachs, or are in- ~ -r-r-r wrist, and ended up in Connally's left thigh. The second bullet missed completely, and third struck Gospel Night STAPH: WHO TO BLAM Kennedy in the back of the head. The Big Three: Gene Funk All three were fired from the same Karen Pilson Cindy 0' Neal gun, an Italian-made Mann1icher- On Sunday, April 6, the "Black selection. Throughout the entire Carcano 6.5 mm rifle. Weekend" festivities closed with a concert, the Baltimore choir slow to an extremely ostentatious Baron L. Tayler Many of the questions raised. bang. Or, more ~ccur~te~y, with retained its youthful vitality, they style. Unfortunately, the audience The Little Two: Mark Katz about these findings have arisen much hand clal?pmg, smgmg, a~d clapped, smiled, and swayed had Il) idea what the titles of the Matt Bowers through the investigation of a danCing, that literally shook Big during nearly every number. num"bers were, for there were no Picture Takers in Chief: simple but telling piece of Baker. The gospel choir from The mood became thoughtful programs and very few titles Baron L. Tayler, Gene Funk evidence: a filmed account of the Eastern United Methodist Church, when they sang "I've Been Buked announced. Peons: scene of the assassination, in Baltimore, dressed in bright and I've Been Scorned" a capella. Barbara Burns Bob Toner recorded by the camera of dress The choir returned with "Hold Lonni Myers manufacturer Abraham Zapruder. ~~!~ei~V~~ or~ea~~s~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~::~g~~~~;e~~i~~~t.f!~~~ the Light," "He that Hungers," Mark Bayer (Zapruder died in 1970, and the spirit moves you." I Got Over" was especially well "All of My Life," and "To Be Free Karen Pilson rights to the film belong to Time- Although the turnout for the received by the audience. "The at Last." Perhaps the most moving Jennifer Watts Life Incorporated, to whom concert was not tremendous, a Lord's Prayer" and "Roll Jordan, selection was dedicated to Dot Nuygan van Thieu Zapruder had sold them.) In its goodly crowd gathered for the 7:30 Roll" employed a great deal of Humme.l and. the tra~ic. deaths in Head Drawer: Mark C. Bayer November 25, 1968 issue, Life concert. The choir processed into discipline on the part of the choir. magazine published an article in the chapel with a boogie-like piano ~~~!~1I~~~! ~~~ ,leltV~~i~~r. Attorneys: Samuel Goldenstein & which Connally himself viewed the accompaniment dancing and The 'Sojourner Singers followed Sons film, frame by frame, and singing "Jesus is Just All Right.'· During the choir's break, a group with a song written by one of their AND: A Cast of Thousands. The disagreed with the way the Warren The director of the choir, dressed of four female singers wearing own members, "Come By Here." opinions expressed in this pub- Commission had interpreted it. in a long blue dress, introduced their long blue garb stood in a lication do not necessarily reflect For one, Connally, mindful that herself and the choir emphaSizing horseshoe and sang in four part The recessional was as vivacious those of the administration. Box bullets travel faster than sound, that they were to participate with harmony. The "Soujourner as the processional with the entire 3A, Western Maryland College, claimed that he had heard a rifle them. "Go With Me To My Singers" reflected a truly gospel group singing "Give ¥e a Star." Westminster,Maryland 21157 $hot and was then hit with a second Father's House" was the next style of singing. They sang several Not undeservingly, they received (I bullet. When asked to identify the selection, another lively, rhythmic numbers varying from the very standing ovation. L __J
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