Page 39 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 39
Wednesday, April 9, 1975 Scrimshaw Page 3 K","~~,::kWeekend African Students Share their Culture On Friday, April 4 in McDaniel sisters in the polygamous family. Africa's major problems at this seem to be deeply involved with David Griswald's film showed Lounge, an exhibit of African Mr. Obayanju was also dressed in time is the language barrier be- themselves. He concluded by thehighlightsoft~eJanu~rytripto sculpture, three speakers from his native garb. tween different regions. Amen- saying that the United States K~nya. Dr. G.flsw~ld s ~r?up Africa, and a film of the January Paul Prah of Ghana has been in cans are also very rich, while the had a "good thing" and climbed .Mt. Kilamajara, VISited term expedition to Kenya were the United States for ten years and bulk of the Africans are poor. The hoped that the rest of the world many villages and game pre- featured. Paul Prah, Remi I1upeju, attended the Johns Hopkins average American, he said, has could benefit from it. serves, .generally having quite Victor Obayanju, and David University. His speech contrasted been well nourished and is con. The African art exhibit featured an exotic Jan. term .. The stu- ;~~~i~; p~;;;~~~ a very ln. :~tb ~~l!f~~ ~: ~~it~o~t~ ~-:~:~~y A~~~:n~ar~,: :~~v:~ ~ul~O:O~~~~t~~ orsn:~~ g:f~~nag~ ·~:~:~t~::~~n~o ~e hfir~~s!e%°:d The evening began with Remi Ghana. He seemed to be very however, that religion is a much clothing and currency. There were ,0 be very well done., Ilupeju speaking of his experiences impressed with the United States' more Integral part of the also a h~nd carved pair of scissors the p.rogra~ w~ an absorblD l g of life. ~~t~~~~.~r~=fl~~i~s ~~:~~ one language because R tl of African way I L Americans and a rifle. N Kid e many peep e one ~~~~~~~ecfr N d t ~;~C~r"~~~~;;'i~T~:~;U~~~r:~C.J.O'N,,' on a lona ea s 0 ew now e ge pnnt, Is a that Afric. he stressed only animals and primitive The Western W()rld has divised a put it, a "poop out kind of world" his own crisis, and tries con- Movement is the ideal of a tribes," he said. "Not everybody means of coping with madness by syndrome. In order to explain such s~quently to help others to reach historical authority. In Buddhism, there is a Tarzan." He then spoke confining it to asylums-wens- oppressiveness, primitive societies his state. In his initiation he Yoga is the means by which the about the history of Africa. The "separating the rational and non- see it as the break between their dreams in a pattern parallel to Yogi must remember all the sins of first white men to visit Africa were rational peoples." Yet this is just actual condition and the time of shamans of all societies: of tor- all his past lives to the time of the slave traders an example of "crazy con- their ancestors ("the time of the ture, ritual death, and creation (similar to modern Later, missionaries landed. Mr. venticns" of the West. as the grandmothers") or in other words, resurrection. psychotherapy). Shamans or I1upeju feels that although whites dtsttncttcn between civilization Paradise. This is of course a myth Touchin~ also on Buddhism, primitive societies, acting as are in the minority, they are very and insanity is very weak ac- common to many peoples (making Carrasco "describes the cosn:ic doctors, administer medicine much in control of affairs in his cording to Dave Carrasco, this Madness of Liberation fatigue as being doomed to suffer along with a dose of oral tradition native Nigeria Assistant Professor of religion at universal) for example to those of on the wheel of life because of life's with the belief that a sick person is Victor Obayanju was also from Colorado University. To a large Judeo-Christian background, and physical attachment. The goal in healed by the magic of the creative Nigeria. He enjoys the United extent religion itself is based on the naturally leads to a desire to return Buddhism is an' attainment of powers he hears the medicine man States and his experience on this non-rational; non-rational ex- again to such a Paradise. The Nirvana-a state back to the time of chanting. Primitive societies campus, He readily admitted that periences can lead one to new dances by many primitive tribes nothingness much like that entered dance-to reach their past. The Nigerians enjoy beer as much as . understanding and knowledge. are attempts to reach a physical ultimately in the currently popular Madness of Liberation is a Americans. As the oldest child of Speaking out for freedom in the and spiritual lightness that will be Teachings of Don Juan. reaching backwards for eternal twenty, his father having four second of a series of lectures sufficient to-make such a return. Central to the Liberation freedom wives, he felt rather privileged. sponsored by Dean Zepp's The Aboriginal tribes of Australia The number of wives a man has Liberation class, Carrasco practice a similar ceremony. They depends upon his wealth. Marriage d~scri~ed the Madness of try to reach the state of their an- in Nigeria involves two families, Liberation. . cestors by recreating Chaos once a not simply two people. There is no Carrasco spoke of two baSIC year-a time during which they concept of "half" brothers or symbols in this movement of break all the norms and violate all liberation, the first of which is the the taboos that they adhere to ~-------- nostalgic search for Paradise. One strictly all other times. This Poem reprinted without the of bts eiamples of this symbol was ~~~~~re ~~~:;!~~nc.Of the ~~ o~ ~~~~i~~~~d:~~~i':r:v~~ The second symbol of Liberation of the conquistadors, the tribe is that of the Shaman-the single Martin Luther King April4, 1968 searched for their Lost Paradise in .priest who through his dreams IN MEMORIAM Your dream was cle;;;. hope of transcending to its per- attempts to lead his people through We understood it perfectly. recuon. Performing periodic "the way" to Liberation. The Liberty and justice for all dances which they believed would Ghost Dance movement of N. Liberty and justice for al/-:. help them reach their Paradise (or American Indians was a dance Our sincerest condolences Bur that was too costly time of the ancestors), they moved ~~r::e:~tb~t~t ~:~ ~~&ri:it:~: For us; too expensive, ~tO~:~if:i~Y ;:~~~es~o~:et~~ dreams of their shaman who said if go out to Mrs. Dorothy Hummel and her family Too dear, as ~hey used to say; conquistadors searching for the the white men were gone, the on the event of the deaths of their sons ha~mg . . lost city of gold (in itself a search buffalo would return and they DISinherited inheriting. for a sort of material liberation). would all go back to the days of David and Douglas. Is that what you meant by Carrasco explained that a person their ancestors. Lowering mountains and or persons caught up in such a A shaman is set apart from all Exalting valleys? movement are involved in an others in his initiation. He has an extremely crucial situation. unteachable ecstatic initiation But you beat your. drum Normal in primitive societies, such ~~~~ho':f~nit~aetio:~~lIo~n~~~: Slow_ly. persistently, non·violently ~i:;:~~ of ~~:~n~~ ha~~ geneology of his clan. Signs of no place in life. It is a recognition Madness'?-he is a loner,.moody, Your dream was clear. of Time as the source of life's sings in his sleep and has visions We understood it perfectly. oppressiveness and is all part of a and hysterical fits. The shaman is Heaven on earth. '!cosmic fatigue or as Carrasco one who has "been there", solved But heaven can wait. It is often un. wise and Barefoot Who? Untimely for color of skin To give away to content of JenniferWat_ Character; for black, white, Spring has dribbled in, and so know, but I do know that the and who the hell are they anyway'? helps a lot, doesn't it'? These are Brown, red, yellow has talk about graduation, (or the conception of this blessed event Well, supposedly, every group that the only clues I've found to "I can't believe it's almost over" has developed slowly. The an- students have picked for the their mysterious existence. To live together in Shalom. syndrome) suntans, summer jobs, ticipated brain-child is a couple concert are booked, broken up, too WhiIe I'm on the tOpic of touring.-The or aren't expensive, season, Is that what you meant by mating Spring and most noUbly, months be overdue. disillusioned result, "Barefoot Jerry." Their nysterious things, I should neotion that theSGA is working on Concert. The Un- assured, But Making rough places plain fortunately, the spring concert: , audience, that there has been some identity is still a little vague to me. an opening act. They need to find And crooked paths straight? has been mosUy talk. (no action) progress. The late and latent We Deen told that they are a rock another musical group to play for Has the SGA been hit by the laxity product of such talk has been to group with country flavor, have an hour. Perhaps it will be a group But you beat your drum that comes with sprlng'fever,? Or is hire the group, "Barefoot Jerry" to put out several albums, and are that more people have heArd of. Loving, redemptively, faithfully it some other kind of fever'? I don't perform. "Why" Barefoot Jerry" presently cutting a new one. That Whatever may happen, we shall see on May 2nd. Your dream was clear. Masks on Display We understood it perfectly. Love your enemies. But this is impractical, not people. made of pieces, who Calculating enough. 'l'wo special exhibits, one, the professor University. psychology at The mask collection was built by students loom weaving, the twinning, including Princeton Loving those who despi~ you, ~~~~~ ,;=~n::lle:~:" ~! exchanging casting with other inkle weaving, macrame, sprang, Who speak calumny against yo~, other, "Creating With Fibers, '74" collectors, and Dr. McComas made and coiling. Enables us to be brothers. and sisters will be opening at the Fine Arts More than 50 masks - including some of the masks himseH. Life In the Beloved Community. Building at Western Maryland those of Washington, Franklin, forms were made by greasing The exhibited crafts will serve as Is that what you meant by ':::ollege on April 7 through 25. Aaron Burr, Lincoln, Marat, John faces, inserting straws in the a preview of the skills to be taught S,eeing the Promised Land? . L. Sullivan, and a number of nostrilsforbreathing,swathingthe at Western Maryland during the The collection of life and death musicians, poets, and politicians head in towels, and applying summer school course, "Creating We understood all of this masks, whose duplicate was are included in the authenticated plaster. A sculptor "opened" the With Fibers" scheduled during the So perfectly, saw it so clearly presented to the Smithsonian In- collection. Dr. McComas turned to eyes of the living. July 21·August 22 term. That we beat the drummer -;titute in 1956, was donated to the life and death mask collection "Creating With Fibers, '74" will GalJaries One and Two of the Senselessly, violently, fatally. Western Maryland College by Dr. idea because he was dissatisfied include examples of a wide range Fine Arts Building are open week- IraG Zepp. Henry C. McComas, former with. portraits and paintings of of fiber techniques used by days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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