Page 22 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 22
Page 2 The Gold Bug November 6, 1973 Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Several of you have asked for my opinion on McGregor kept reminding Weicker that as of -Just a short, incensed note to register disgust so many varied issues that I'm being named 11-8-72 he (McG) wasn't directly involved in with the administration's recent attitude con- Vice President. government. Which of course, didn't daunt cerning pets on campus. Perhaps it would be more First, there's something I want to talk Weicker. Since no one who was involved knew fruitful for the deans to turn their security systems about. Agroup of us went to Washington last anything, why should Mc Gregor be let off the inward, where the barks are much louder and the Thursday to meet with our Senators and hook? bites boil more blood ...Trouble caused by animals on the campus hardly justifies a personal trip to the Congressmen. After all the hoopla and After lunch, we met again in Cong. Paul dog pound, nor do the students deserve one more evangelistic fervor surrounding the rally, you Sarbanes' office. Now Sarvanes is my reminder of isolation and inhumanity. Really now, might have expected more participants. As it congressman, thank God, and I was proud of a little kindness ...'? was, we barely filled the bus. But we were a him. He liked us. He thought what we were A group of us. hardy band, dammit. And we got results. doing was great, and sent us out with a plea to We met with Senator Mc Mathias' recruit other pilgrims to come in and com- Confidential to "Afraid to sleep." If you are really legislative assistant, who felt it was his duty to plain. It really does count. serious, you should consult the Dean. He's never inform us straight off that he might not be able I had to wonder, on the bus coming home, that busy. to answer some questions. He wasn't kidding. exactly what the significance was of our trip. The senator's mail, he said, was running What did we accomplish? During the month of October the Honor Court has rampant with outrage. Well, so were we. First and foremost, there was the fact that held one trial, where the accused was found guilty That's why we were there. we went. For once we got beyond our join- of the charge of cheating. The Court recommended We were even more outraged when Senator together and-pray-for-peace stage. However, the following corrective acucn.. Beall greeted us warmly and proceeded to bob we have one man to thank for our success _ 1.) personalized instruction by the professor of the course in a particular area of weakness and weave with abandon. If he had John Herb Smith. He cared enough about the 2.) an Honor Court warning stating that future Erlichrnan's eyebrows, they could be twins. meaning of our trip to do the phonework violation will result in a harsher action While admittedly not the White House walkie- necessary. He also presented our views 3.) required attendance at Honor Court meetings talkie he was a year ago, the Senator has a clearly and concisely to all of the represen- during the first semester in hopes of better ex- long way to go. Some old schnook named tatives we visited, and encouraged us to go off posing the student to the workings of the Honor Scotty came in to take our pictures. (He shot and visit some committee hearings. He System. the Senator on the right side which, after all, is enabled us to realize the whole thing as a Chip Wright appropriate.) One positive glimmer was the "learning experience." Some instructors and Chairman Senator's admission that yes, the House students who talk involvement should do as certainly did have the power to introduce much. The original purpose of the establishment of a impeachment proceedings and yes, he hoped Now that we've gotten our feet wet, we have Student Government Association at Western that if such proceedings were to take place, to stay in practice. Having convinced our- Maryland College was " conduct internal student affairs." Within this phrase its respon- get on with it. He was "agast" at the two selves that our representatives do listen to us, sibility surfaces to organize social events, promote missing tapes and "incredulous." we have to keep making ourselves heard in the general welfare of the student population, and So far all we knew was that one of our greater numbers. Write to your represen- especially to represent the student voice in the senators was incredulous and the other was tative. Let him know where you stand on affairs on campus. Thus the association should be outraged. Some of us, in the mood for a little impeachment, special prosecutors, the the "central coordinating body" at our college-but historical light entertainment, went to the Mideast. Go to Washington. As Dr. Palmer is it'? Watergate hearings. The hearings are just said at the rally, "Nixon doesn't need our Unfortunately, my personal opinion at this time like any other committee hearings if you help." But our representatives do. supports the negative. Iunderlined "should be" in and the previous paragraph because I question the ignore the television cameras, the lights, know Il. The Honor Court (l don't for commercials. the breaks SGA's influence as an effective representative body Now, our political involvement doesn't on our campus. Yes, bi-weekly meetings are faith- what foundation shade Sam Ervin was exclude interest in our own political system. fully held and attended but what is the value of wearing, but I must get some.) Senator The Honor Court has a proposal before us that these gatherings without some sort of "new Weicker, that soul of good tact, was grilling requires a vote. Exercise your opinion and business" arising from them? Various duties of poor hapless Clark McGregor abour a sup- obligation. You have to function under the representation are to seek suggestions, opinions posed conversation with L. Patrick Gray. system whether you like it or not, so make gripes, and so forth from fellow students and bring your voice heard. if no Commentary them to a meeting for discussion. Nothing will develop for the betterment of a situation ~ "H'~,<.I'''''",
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