Page 25 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 25
PageS The campus as the yearly rite went on as usual. Some the celebration: Jim Stafford enchants the student Friday night's concert also featuring LOBO; '73 Queen Kathy Blazek beams on the arm of her "What you say comes back to haunt you" VISITS process has gone on reasonably well, but I've massive planned program to violate the 4th among American people when strangers walk up to noticed a sharp detereoration in the efficiency of amendment in which there was a clandestine police on.e another on the street and say, 'What do you the government in the last several weks. Now, recruited. These are activities with a depth un- think about what's going on?'. It's a spirit I think Senator Saxbe, who's been nominated as Attorney precedented in our history, never before brought may have saved the country. We really should General is well aware of this. Here is a man who forth under on command. It's out of character with make this a tough experience out of which we get to might be able to vent this situation and cause a the American system. Such an example should be be a better people." change of attitude on the part of the White House. made of it that no one is ever tempteu ~v ........ The Gold Bug wishes to apologize for any oversight H there isn't any change, the gears of government anything like it again." it may have inadvertently created by neglecting to will grind more and more slowly, which isn't An interesting if not germane question was raised tolerable," at this point on how the President has been getting adequately publicize uPasaca.Qlia." Fottovdna is a Did the seantor expect the President to take the the money to carryon clandestine military preview of the upcoming Dramatic Arts production initiative in opening up the lines of communication operations in southeast Asia. of uWest Side Story. " with Congress? His laughing reply, "Well, I would Mathias replied, "Well, I hate to say this but I Mention the word city to someone and they are hope that would happen, but, then I've been hoping think it's true: from phony bookkeeping in the more than likely to have several images of a city in now for five years." defense department," and went on to:explain that their mind. Among those images may be those of He went on to say that much of the blame for this there had been faulty reporting in the records kept bright lights, crowds, museums, theatres, and cars. situation lies with the Congress, since it has been there. Howe-ver, he gave no specific indication of Rarely does one stop and think of that which lies delegating and Jetting slip much of its authority and who he thought to be responsible for this. under the lights, crowds and buildings ...the rhyth- jurisdiction to the executive branch, resulting in an Finally, the senator was asked to comment on a ms and pulse of the city's life. Rythms of humor, accumulation of presidential power. recent Time magazine article which stated that savageness, sadness, conflict" tenderness and build-up, he claimed, began in 1933 Richard Ni~on as a Congressman during the tragedy. The rhythms are the interactions of the Depression when President Truman administration introduced legislation to city's people. Roosevelt rlN'I"erl. bank holiday and closed every have the court appoint a special prosecutor to the Many plays about cities present these rhythms, hank in the country. "This emergency and the presidential staff whose job would have been, in often concentrating on a single person's life. Every powers generated under it have never been effect. to censure that administration for its laxity now and then a story comes long that presents a repeated. We've let this drag on for thirty years and during a Communist threat. Smiling, he quipped, more realistic approach to these rhythms. One such it has enlarged presidential power. This is an area "Well you've heard the old song, 'Oh, that mine story, a love story, also mirrors the seething we're trying to reform." To this end, Senator enemy should write a book'. It's a perfect problems and volcanic eruptions of juvenile gang . co-chairman of a committee illustration of that old saying that what you say will warfare and the influx of Puerto Ricans into the these emergency powers come back to haunt you." city's life. A love story that is beautiful and the presidency." S~n.ator Mathias concluded his presentation by idealistic amid the ugliness of its environment, and to the subject of the Watergate case, prarsmg the American people for their growing a love story which tries to reject two juvenile gangs what he thought of the opinion of national concern. "It was an amazmg uispiay or that dirty, scar and reflect the already inhuman that the entire matter has been overblown this concern two weekends ago (following the environment. . really nothing more than normal political discharge of Archibald Cox) when the people of Even though the two lovers envision a place strategy. He replied, somewhat excitedly, "I'm America finally stood up and said that they had had where they can be free of prejudices and live in a frankly shocked when people say. 'Well, they've all enough. It was a gigantic town meeting which better environment, the clashes and conflicts of the done it before' because they haven't all done it convened somehow or other that Saturday night. two gangs won't let the two lovers find that place. before. Never to my knowledge has there been a .There has been a wonderful kind of rommmuc:!.OOn The conflicts and the city come crashins down (In continued on p.7
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