Page 18 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 18
Sheies see /0 bv Lori Grimes Two very familiar faces in McDaniel are Mary & Tim Sheie. The 1st encounter the with the Sheie's was at the 1st dorm the girls carne to the lounge in were shocked when they saw a room. The girls began buttoning tugging at their nightgowns and all went to back of the room. But McDaniel has adjusted well by now with a man living in the dorm. The "dorm parents" from McDaniel, most of girls just think of them as friends and always willing to listen. Tim & Mary don't themselves as "parents" either but as ~lways available to hlep the girls . problems they may have. They are very about their job, with-their philosophy that you out of a job what you put i~ it. Mary & Tim heard while attending S1. Olaf Smith: program. Both have in. WMC's interested deaf and are continuing their Paying for our politics graduate level. Last year Mary _._ Technical Vocational Institute as an "_''''_''_",. vocational classes for the deaf by leigh Rogoff Drama & Dance Troupe which toured Taking a break from city life, Johns Hopkins illegal, and immoral purposes." This is to be Wisconsin. graduate student Herbert Smith decided one day to distinguished from the form of corruption which drive to more rural surroundings. By chance he occurs most frequently at the state and local levels. ended up at the Hill (at the time of the year when the The Agnew case "is a symptom of the traditional natural beauty of Maryland is most apparent. American disease ...of the old story of the corrupt- The grad student felt he had a "homecoming" ing influence of money in politics." reminiscent of undergraduate days at Ursinus. The Mr. Smith feels that the American people will past editor-in-chief of the Ursinus Weekly viewed heed the painful experience, of the recent the rural splendor of Western Maryland as a disclosures of scandal in government. Resulting recollection of the countryside of his alma mater. from this has been a reallocation of power-from a Although unsuspecting at the time, Herbert Smith's beleaguered President to a resurgent Congress. first acquaintance with WMC proved not to be the The duration and magnitude of this will be borne last. out by the character of future Administrations. Professor Smith returns to Western Maryland Another fundamental change in correction of the College this year as a new member of the political ills which have plagued our political system is the expansion of public financing elements of political science department. Despite his youthful ap- campaigns. Americans are " ...paying for our pearance, he has had considerable experience. in politics ...consequently the needed countervailing Tim and Mary's ideal college would politics ranging from participation in the 1960 force of the special interests the public financ- small houses for 12people. The students Nixon campaign to recent work for Mayor Schaefer ing of the electoral process. Otherwide the their own' budgets and supply their and Senator Muskie. Mr. Smith, a resident of American people deserve the politicans they get." students would attend classes but also Baltimore city, is a trout fisherman which partially Professor Smith views the tax write-off and Senator time in the community. They feel this type explains his appreciation of rural nature. McGovern's unprecedented number of financial would better prepare the students for their When conversing with a political science teacher, contributors as evidence that reform is being life after college and make them more aware of the shift of the conversation to politics is almost realized. outside world. inevitable. Professor Smith has rather optimistic ex- There is certainly ample subject matter for pectations for the American political system The Sheie's plan to stay at WMC as long as discussion. Watergate is a " genus of political because of its responsiveness. One can be sure that can find work in the surrounding area because a corruption in the accumulation and when speaking to him regarding politics, the enjoy it here and find life in a college federal . duration of the conversation will not be short. "very stimulating." DISCOUNT RECORDS Current Albums 3.99 " Tape World Gift Certificates are nice to give or receive " UTAH SPEAKERS 8"-10"-12" BUY ONE-SECOND SPEAKER ONLY 10.00 (Speaker offer expires Nov. 1) POSTERS AUDIO VOX FM-CARTRIDGE TUNER 39.95 Open 12 noon to 9 P.M. ".Uy Closed Wednesday
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