Page 17 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 17
The G.old Bug. PageS mA'_~"_,,_Maryland Shows Immense Educational, "How can we Economic Progress In Third Of A Century complain ?" year was 1922. Warren G. Harding was in the White House and the nation was finding out by Clayton McCarl way what Prohibition meant. A Portugese airplane made the first crossing of the South At- Almost everyone at Western Maryland has Cape Verde and Natal. World War I was officially over, but the next year would bring an noticed the black and tan bloodhound that has been the future when Ludendorff and Adolph Hitler led their unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch in running around the campus. Its name is Black Ketel, and it brought with it Rouzer's new head residents, Gary and Janet Scholl. Gary, a political science major and member of I A nd Court Head Actl'vl't,'es a Tries er .F H the Bachelors during his WMC years, graduated in 1971.That summer he was married and since then ra G duates Return or omecoming he and his wife have spent two years Oklahoma working with involved in a Head Start program Cheyen~e Indians. A former wrestling star, Gary Edna Triesler, the Queen of Homecoming Day, Saturday, No- would like to help out the team while taking post- vember 8, will highlight the day's many activiti~s when she pre- ~b~2~~~~c~~rs~~A~i~n~ea;~e~:~ah~es:ntt:ao:~i~: sen~ a bouqu~t of flowers to Mrs. Holloway, WIfe of. the college position. seen some pretty president, during the halves of the football game. MISS Trteeler W~e.n asked how they liked Rouzer's living . from the 'lst conditions, the Scholls said it was like a palace during the scandals 'Of Q A Ilin comparision to their home in Oklahoma. "Our i to the tottering of C rown Ing ueen I nnua other place was a big cardboard box with no heat in governmental structure. the bedroom," Gary said. "How can we complain? Bug, as you all know Dance Highlight Homecoming This " likes to look back in our fiftieth year. We hope Returning alumni, parade floats, campus displays, the Fran~- enjoy this brief glimpse of lin-Marshall football game, the Homecoming Court and the MYStIC Ball will all be a part of WMC's annual Homecoming Day October 30. Activities are scheduled to get underway shortly after noon Pep Assembly, ~'I'f,..''''''...r'' Plan First Homecoming 1943; Featured Activities Effigy Burning, Queen Jackie Kilham Head Activities Homecoming Day Pilgrimage Will Take Place Saturday Activiti., Slightly Curtail.d By Rationing, P.ggy Wilson, Traditional Court Barbara Pfoutz To Rule Over Mid Century Homecoming Evergctfes researches Medieval history by LOri Grimes • STA·14A is-Watt AM/FM Stereo Receiver If you were hiking through Champaigne, France • LAB-12B, Base, $12.95 Mag. Cartridge a few years ago, you might have run 'into WMC's • Two Me-tooo Bookshelf Speakers expert on Medieval European History, Dr. Theodore Evergates. Dr. Evergates was in France for three years researching families of 13thcentury R"""eg.Separate Items Price France; their urban life and social organization. He uses an anthropological approach in his studies $269,00 along with a computer-like device to analyze his results of medieval history. Complete System Usually Dr. Evergates, feeling history as one of the most $ 244,95 exciting fields of liberal arts, says it is quite a sophisticated study and in fact, very scientific. EI3 progressed significantly, and some basic·concepts Since World War II the study of history has are no longer accepted today. Another philosophy of Dr. Evergates' is that the knowledge obtained from Medieval Civilization can give us a better understanding of our society's structure and func- tions. Dr. Evergates is a substitute for Dr. Darcy, who adio Shack is on sabbatical leave. He previously worked on his post-graduate studies at Johns Hopkins. He likes of WMC and forsees it as a the atmosphere recognized major liberal arts college in the next decade. While here, Dr. Evergates hopes to teach WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER and develop more seminar approach in the classroom. He will be teaching the January Term Course on Medieval Cities.
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