Page 26 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 26
Page 6 The Gold Bug Pinball machines revive Student Center By Leigh Rogoff Life has been sighted in the Student Center. According to reliable sources the building is being used for a purpose other than going to the post of- fice, the bookstore, or the almighty vending machines. People are actually flocking to the Student Center with currency in their pockets and a sense of frivolous challenge in their hearts. The change in student behavior has been brought about by the location of two pinball machines, an air hockey, TV hockey and soccer game in a room contiguous to the bookstore. Since the installation of these games in September, students and faculty have used the recreation room and the rest of the Center more often than before with apparently increased benefit. The manager of the bookstore stated that "it's a great idea ...students enjoy it and so do the faculty. It has brought life into the Student Center." Mr. Rudrow also regards the influx of students as helpful to the bookstore. The machines have been placed in the college in agreement with the Bitzer-Moore Co. of Frederick. Half the proceeds collected are retained by the firm, the remainder goes to the school. For all you moral people, pinball machines are not considered to be gambling devices by the State of Maryland. So don't get your hackles up. Nobody forces you to play with them. Dean Mowbray IS responsible for the presence of a Washington trip gets results the added recreation. Stemming from reorganization of the administration of this college, his office has become increasingly concerned with by Cathy Nelson the function of student activities. The pinball Mr. Smith went to Washington on Thursday, and Senator Beall. Referring to the senator's rather machines are a part of a twofold program: to bring the interested students and vacuIty who were along formal, picture-taking approach, Herb a more beneficial and intensive utilization by the are glad he did. remarked, "It was interesting to note students of the Student Center as well as an attempt ferences between the public and private to meet the need for recreational activities on the Organized as a result of the rally held over a week cancellation campus this year. before, the trip scheduled by Herb Smith and Ralph Others objected to the by the "White of scheduled appointments Tentative plans include scheduling in the Center Levering included visits to the offices of both Md. the showing of silent films with cokes served as senators and several congressmen. Students and Loyalist" congressmen. Smith called this biggest disappointment." refreshments. More tentative yet, perhaps, for faculty who participated were impressed by the limited periods only, is waiving the regulation on receptions they encountered, and their glimpses The general feeling, however, was that of the alcholic content of the refreshments to be into the workings of government routine. complishment. Marjie Baughman called it served. Impressed, but not taken in. Richard Bayly worthwhile experience. It's just too bad Fondly named Las Vegas East and those Mafia remarked, "Once you get in there, you really don't who showed interest couldn't come. "Others Machines, the recent addition to the Student Center get the feeling they're listening-it's a frustrating "justified" "indicated" and "grateful that has been the recipient of descriptive phrases that process. Even though people might have the same system is working." would redden a minister's ears. Some students gur-level feelings you do, they're too tied to the The trip marked an increase in WMC determined in becoming proficient in pinball do so system to stretch it and act as you'd want them to involvement and concern, sparked by at the expense of their studies and pocketbooks. act." involvement and You may not be so dedicated, but if you desire an Another student felt differently, "I thought The trip marked an increase in WMC political enrichment of your vocabulary and are in need of a that the congressmen, especially Sar- involvement and concern, sparked by the rally psyche break, trek on down to the Student Center barnes, were impressed that we came." Sarbarnes urging participation. The rally, which included a and have a good time. plea for presidential impeachment, became (ard distrlct-Md.) talked to the group for nearly an hour, while other representatives canceled the somewhat modified in the trip, which advocated BENN'S scheduled appointments or at least one ignored it. support of one of the bills currently before congress which guarantees the independence of a special Many students and faculty were displeased with Men's and Boy's Clothing prosecutor. Also Tuxedo Rental FOLLOWING IS THE PRESENT HONOR COURT CONSTITUTION AND THE PROPOSAL AS IT READS TO BE VOTED ON BY THE ENTIRE STUDENT BODY. THE GOLD BUG Westminster Shopping Center WELCOMES THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRINT SERVICEABLE ITEMS OF THIS TYPE AND ~ STRONGL Y URGES ALL STUDENTS TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSEL VES WITH THIS. The present Constitution states: 2. Procedure in situations requiring action TEEN AGE ACCOUNTS INVITED Section VI. Corrective Action beyond the listed minimum. A. The Honor Court shall have the power to a. No penalty may be imposed that involves COLONIAL JEWELERS suggest such corrective action as it sees fit. grading of academic performance other than that are intended to The following recommendations replace the current Section VI. A. \ specified in Section VI.A.l.a. h. Further action will be limited to either DIAMONDS SPECIALISTS SINCE 1922 October 22,1973 (1). Action intended to be rehabilitative Honor Court in nature or Sub-committee on suspension from the college for a period not less (2). In cases of a most serious nature, 32 WEST MAIN ST e " Murphy's -- nobody but Section VI. Corrective Action Honor System minimum action violations of the of Corrective Action on jhe modification of Section MARYLAND 21157 Recommendations WESTMINSTER, than the remainder in which the of the semester VI of the Constitution: 848-7606 trial took place. B. Second and subsequent A. First Violation of the Honor System 1. Minimum action will consist of B. Second and subsequent violations of the Honor System a. A grade of zero on the piece of work on which the violation occurred. The taken will be 1. b. The issuance of an Honor Court warning suspension from the College for the remainder stating that any future violation will result in a Murphy's! " minimum from the college 2. Violations for which more than minimum (see Section VI. B. below). corrective action is justified will result in either leniency Greater c. action of suspension than the stated the semester in which the trial occurred. a. Suspension from the College for an ap- G. C. Murphy's minimum action will be considered only if a student propriate period in excess of the term specified in on his own initiative Informs the Honor Court of an V1B.1., such period to be determined by the Honor Honor violation on his part; in such a case, any Court in consultation with the Dean of Students, or 6 West Main Street action taken will be the result of the cooperative b. Expulsion from the College in cases Downtown Westminster effort of the Honor Court and the faculty member calling for the most severe action. involved.
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