Page 19 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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obar 2;t. 1973 The Gold Bug Page -, SUN MON TUE WED THURS FRI SAT OCTOBER 24 25 26 27 23· HomlJeOmln,EIlJetlo-ni iHOMECOMING Grma hOck'" - Lnanon'YIII." f~otlWlll_D!ckln.on·H_I:S0 JVsoCCJ'_-2';&~klnlon. A-':OO Llfei .... - "Thl Am. crosseo .. ntl')' .GIII ...... t Rtvol .. tlonTn MCI.~·-.:oi" ioc:cer_Olcklnson_H.3:15 JYs.oco;:a._Cattyibu •• A-:l:OO crouco",ntry-Olekinton- - A-':OO socclr.Wnhl".ton_A _ H_),31) !"Lobo"· Alumni_ .,00 29 3D ove er 1 ock.y-TolirQmlnt-A-t-4 IfootlWlll : ~._~~ ..o...n YIIII." ;socc.,-Franklln&.M.rahali H-2:00 "ThIFI)I"·tMckar crOHcO"ntry_ York-A 10 !PARENT'S DAY "'st day for course withdrawal' Icroueoun!1')' ·Loyola_H 11:0C crosscountl')' -MAC IOCCIr_HOpklns_A_2:00 football·L)'comlng_H_"J , championships-A !JY seeeer , Hopklnl_H vOlle)lbln-Mol'Vanlo'Notre 2:30 I"AII Quiet on thlWestern wolilybltt-To .. rnlmlnt·A:' Olme_A_S,'O Front"· tMck.r-7 & 9 Preachl.Bull Roast-4:00 12 13 14 15 16. 17 foot~ilil HOPk.lns·A· 2:00 ·croucountry·M-O Co"nereglstrltion_ BW Courseregls!ration. BW Coune registratIon_ B-.y Cnlmplonsnlps:H Deeklr_7 &., "I Am A F..,ltiwe from I ,"m - S:0~-':30 lym-S:00-9:JO tym-6,00·':JO , "G·..ISIWho'IComlntto. hlln Glng - DeCker - 7:00 P.E. Majon' Club _ McD. "westSlde5tory"·Alumnl Dinner- .LoLlnge·8:00 . .:15 "West Slae8~~"sry .. - AIU~~I ewsbriefs:classes, Halloween,clubs aps and gowns? A homecoming king? These Halloween is for the young, and once again The class of 1975 has started the year with an tlons face the.seniors, this week. A question- HINGE is doing its share in helping to make explosion. Committees have been formed for re will be in the mailboxes soon to determine Halloween more real and exciting for children in Parents' Day, Homecoming Float, Homecoming ether or not the seniors want to graduate in caps Westminster. gowns. This will be strictly a survey, not to be Early Tuesday evening, October 30, ap- Court, Service projects, Recycling, Posters, strued as a final vote, which will come later. proximately ninety children, under the supervision Typing, and just plain helping. If you missed out in signing up, please contact Fred DiBlasio, Box 288, methtng else the seniors have to decide is of the HINGE tutors, will be on the WMC campus. ex. 347. POSSible first semester projects will be the ether or not they want a homecoming queen or The children will be divided into groups and taken Dance and publication Christmas g. This choice hasn't been available within through the Art Department's Haunted House, directory. 'I'he next class meetin~will of a student be Novem- ent memory. Voting is tomorrow in the Grille. after which they trick-or-treat through the dorms. ber 1, in Decker. alloween in Harveystone starts at 9:00 Later in the evening the groups will meet for a loween night. Prior to the party (for seniors Halloween party in Big Baker Chapel. y) the seniors will be involved in an escort Sign-up sheets will be posted in the dorms for vice for neighborhood trick-or-treaters. Talent those willing to have children stop at their room for till needed for the party, so last year's Follies candy while trick-or-treating.Individuals can also yers and this year's stars, sing up! sign up by contacting Cathy Gough, Extension 355. Help us give these kids a Halloween to remem- This year's ghost house will be bigger and better ber! worse, depending on one's attitude), according im Sollers, President of the Art Club. Last year Team handball, included on the intramural Halloween pight, strange noises e_minated f~om schedule for this year, will be covered in a clinic art building. It was the unshrouding of the first during the second meeting of the Physical st house on campus-inspired, instigated, and Education Majors Club on November 12. It will be ermined by Roy Fender. conducted by Dr. Case and Captain Mekke1son. All e haunting began at about 7:30 as children those interested may attend. rted by HINGE were spirited through. They The first club meeting was held on October 22. ountered a blood-drenched Dracula and were Speaker for the evening, Mr. Ed Lanehart of the e-struck when one of the pumpkin heads spoke. Baltimore County Public Schools, spoke on rie noises resounded from obscure corners of the Elementary Physical Education. Mr. Lanehart was selected as 1972Maryland Teacher of the Year for l!rog~s~t~~::~i~!d1n~uri~!nttaS:~~!iimes outstanding work as an elementary physical etched as far as Whiteford. Close to 500 people educator. vived the ghost house last year at a mere 25¢ a Several students also attended the annual con- d. (All heads remained attached.) Credit vention of the Maryland Association for Health, uld be given to the dramatic arts department for Physical Education and Recreation at Montgomery imaginative garb the "creatures" wore. The College in Rockville. Fern Hitchcock and Dr. Club hopes to administer adrenalin shocks to Melvin Palmer were among those presenting topics n more people this year. to the convention. 45 E. Main Street Westminster 848-6040 TEEN AGE ACCOUNTS INVITED COLONIAL JEWELERS Fall Complimentary 113 West Ma;ryStreet Westminster Make-Up Lessons W;nes - soreton sna Domestic DIAMONDS SPECIALISTS SINCE 1922 All Credit Cards Honored COLD BEER 32 WEST MAIN ST ....... , .. WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 FREE L!PSTICK with $5.00 purchase Full nne of tiouore, cordiete. etc. 848-7606 through Nov. 10.
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