Page 24 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 24
Page 4 The Gold Bug November 6, 1973 Mathias Visits by Sue Cocking "A man cannot be the judge in his own case," Senator Charles McC. Mathias said in the speech he gave here on November 2. Speaking on the subject of who should appoint a special prosecutor in the Watergate affair, he contiued, "It follows, I think, that a man can't appoint the judge in his own case." Senator Mathias is co-sponsor of a bill in the Senate which would give the court rather than the President the power to appoint a special prosecutor. He reasons it this way: "If the offic~ of special prosecutor is the gift of the ~xecuti:ve branch then it is very hard for that office to ill- vestigate the very branch which created it. Wh.ile there is sorre difficulty in having the court appoint a special prosecutor, of the two difficulties, t~at is the lesser of the two. It is possible under Article 2 Section 2 of the Constitution. I think this is the route we ought to go." Senator Mathias then opened the floor for questions. Asked about the content and volume of his recent mail, he replied that it has been nearly 4 to 1 in favor of impeachment of resignation of the President. A leading question was put to him as to what he thought the odds were that President Nixon would be impeached before his term expired. "I'm not an oddsmaker," he said. "But there will have to be a Infirmary complaints due to demonstration of a change of attitude on the part of branch executive if or the impeachment resignation is to be avoided and I don't say that as an individual. 1was at a meeting of the Republican O'N1!a1 patients' impatience Senatorial Policy Committee the other day. That is By Cindy a very conservative group, a group that can be counted on to be as loyal to the President as any There is a place on campus cal~e? the l~fIrmary. after having incurred an injury, before becoming group you could find. The feeling of isolation from Often it becomes the object of ridicule, Joke, and upset about slow service the patient just might the White House, the inability to communicate was complaint perhaps un.beknownst to those who have consider whether he is truly an emergency case. very grea I tnat group .Y ou ce a't continue- to run anything to do about It. There never ha.s ~een any Objectivity is difficult from a patient's viewpoint the goven u.vnt with that spirit of isolation. If that particular organized movement complaining a~out but perhaps the medical team does know its doesn't change, I think the odds will be very high." the infirmary. Maybe those wh.o have .complamts business and just how much a delay will matter if at The senator was asked how the bill he is spon- about its effectiveness are afraid of being labeled all soring compares with other bills which have been hypochondriacs if they talk out about sick ex- Other complaints were simply related to being introduced on the subject of special prosecutor. He periences. But then. a~a~n, perhaps ~he standard, sick, and though directed at the infirmary, really answered, "The others look to a presidentially matter-of-fact, yet Incidious compla.mts that sur- have little to do with it: "It was boring 1 was there appointed prosecutor or one appointed by the at- face in unorganized spasms are not~mg more than a week and there's nothing going on You need a torney general. I question whether any of these worthless stories by students w.hoeither e.x~gerate private room to get away from the queers around schemes would work if the President were seriously or else know nothing a.bout th~ field of medicine. you who are sick ... interested in getting rid of the prosecutor as he was The various compla.mts which go on and o~ s,~und Finally, other complaints are so ridiculous that in getting rid of Archibald Cox." something like this in paraI;'hrased form. .The they are nothing more than about those treatments Was there any special interest shown by nurse sticks a thermometer In your mouth, gn~es which in most cases seem to be successful. There Republican Congressmen in getting Gerald Ford you some coricidin, and a cup of salt to gargle with were even those who ventured to admit: confirmed as vice-president in order to open the no matter what's w:ong with you ...They gave me "Everything was OK...Thenurseis alright; they've way for Nixon's resignation'? Said the senator: the same yellow pills when I had the flu t~at got good magazines ...It's OK 1guess; their attitude "There is a tremendous spurt in activity as far as another guy got for a broken nose ...I went back five is all right." Ford's confirmation is concerned. There was a times for a cold. I got, cough syru~, and yellow It is difficult to say the infirmary does not hold up feeling when he was first nominated that there was pills the first time, red pills later, and finally when I its end of the college community. Few if any truly no hurrv about this and of course, the country has made my second .appointm~n.t t~ se~ the doctor, he credible complaints that can be pinned satisfac- existed for many, many years without a vice- gave me some kind ·of antiblOllc... . torily to the infirmary and its staff have been president." He paused. a moment for the laughter As far as medication goes, the nurs~ to discovered despite attempts to do so. It seems that which ensued, then continued, "Now it turns out distribute cough syrup, salt, and antihistamines ~o inspite of negative opinions (many of them formed that there's an entirely different feeling after Cox those patients who require them. The d~ctor .wlll from lack of knowledge or from irrelevant factors) was fired. Carl Albert has taken the position that it prescribe antibiotics for such as strep mf~c~~~n,~ from many students, most experiences, once the would be unhappy in his personal point of view to and bad colds or sore throats. I?r. Welhver IS. III person is past the "down on the infirmary talk," succeed to the presidency after having ousted the Monday-Friday afternoons (With the exception of have been just as good as any experience at getting president and vice-president, that that's the wrong Wednesday) from aboul4:30 until he sees everyon,~ sick or hurt can be. way for him to become president. So he has become who is waiting. it is requested thai students call one of the proponents of Ford's confirmation. ahead at about 4:00 to affirm the doctor's office However, there has been no concerted ti~~~plaints continue: "I got there at 1:00 after I I-------:::::~;;;;:;;:::;:;~l Congressional pressure on the President from either side of the aisle for~resignation up to this cut my foot and I had to wait till. 4:30 when ~he point." doctor got there ...This friend of mine got ~ spike As 10 what constitutes enough evidence for an stuck in his hand during the play we were doing. He we serve ... had to wait an hour and a half that night for the play impeachable offense, Mathias commented, "I ought to choose my words carefully here because if to be over until he could find a ride to the hospital ...I the Ho.I~r of Representatives does bring in a bill of thw~~~e~~~ai~~~~t;~r?r~!~; ;~S! ~~~~e~t~~~~e~.~~ BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER impea, hment then the Senate becomes the cort. Every of the Senate judge-juror. member The then at a more leisure time, perhaps the com- p'.zz a Constitution does not define high crimes and parison would help to explain what appears to ~e an Sub 5 mlsdera-anors. but clearly I think violation of an attitude problem. Dr. Welliver averages 65 patients a week. Approximately 200pa~i~nts weekly. en~ up inaugural oath would be a high crime or on the register for infirmary VISitSfor me~lcattons misdemeanor. The conduct of military operations process, the violations of outside the constituional etc. Actually, the doctor will talk to any patIent who the 4th amendment that guarantees us against wants to talk; he has spent as much ~s. a h.aJf an Soft ice cream search and seizure, that guarantees the privacy of hour talking to one patient ~alhng IS and citizens, all are major areas of concern. Im- always will be a problem, for Impatient p~o~le. In peachment is not an area in which the law can be the evening neither the nurse nor doctor IS III th.e WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE stated glibly. Several years ago, however, Ger:ald infirmary. Instead, there is a house mother, who, If Ford was asked what his definition was of high necessary, will contact the nurse. Students. have Open 6 a.m. daily except Sundays 8 a.m. crimes and misdemeanors. He said, 'U's anything come to the infirmary at 9:00 or later without the House of Representatives says it is.' That's the calling ahead as reques..ted (especially at night.>, latest authoriatative definition." because they were "too busy" to make the tr~p Asked how long he thought the legislative im- during office hours. In such cases, th~ nurse wlil NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 passe between Congress and the President could usually go on call to the infirmary and If necessary Westminster last, Mathias said, "I don't think it can last very will try to contact the doctor. Ifheis in turn out on a EXPANDED SEATING '848-9110 long. Either the president's policy is going to have ~~~:~~~!\~tr:~ ~~ei~;i~~~~~~rf~;~:rW~~~?~: L _.j to change or there will be a change. The legislative
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