Page 20 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 20
Page 12 C-o-m-m--e-n~t-a-ry----~~~~----~gr~ Well, it's finally happened. The college administration is actively supporting one of our vices. For several years now, they've given passive awareness of the evils of open house and fermented fruit juice. But that's passive. Now we can gamble-Iegally-on what have been called the Dean's toys in the student lounge above the Grille. My first reaction to the installation of Las Vegas East was favorable. I liked (I still do) the idea of using a $50,000 building for something besides traffic jams at the mailboxes. I didn't even mind avoiding the players at that hockey thing when I tried to get to the Gold Bug office. The first inkling of tragedy came last week when I met a professor as he left the lounge. His pockets, which normally jingle to distraction as he lectures, hung silently. His eyes were glazed, his face was drawn. He grabbed me by the shoulder as I passed. "Guess what?" "I know. Agnew just resigned." "To hell with Agnew. I just got up to 80,000 points." "Marvelous." I know this guy: There had to be a kickback. "How much did you tiltit?" "Only about 6 inches. It was hitting it on the left side, about two feet up, that did it. Do you know what this means?" "Uh, not really." by Mike Andrei "Maybe tomorrow I can get up to 90,000 by against kicking it." The Western Maryland Terrors scored their yardson They the ground produced Washington' 16 first' also Lee'. "I'm proud of your integrity," I coached as biggest win of the' season Saturday over a he loped up the path. hapless Washington and Lee by a score of 35 to throughout the game', '15 of them UJ • ""m ... Senior quarterback Mike Bricker to 2 17. The win boosted the Terror's record I must admit I didn't think too much more performance of the year. about the morals of the campus for the next wins' and 3 losses On the season. Mark Yurek also played an couple of days. I always felt that gambling was a vice of the intellectually stagnant. Washington and 'Lee led atthe end of the Maybe the faculty and administration would first quartet 9-7, Iollowinga Mike Bricker TD. fall prey to the foibles of gambling, but the The touchdown was the first of three that Mike students were above all of that. Scored dtrrlng the course of 'the same. At least that's what I thought until yester- day when my roommate dragged into the Afterexchanging punts, 'the 'rerrors scored room. It was 9:30 at night. Her eyes were again on a second run' by Bricker. That Western Maryland had swollen, her hands-shook. She wouldn't look at brought the score tip to 14-9 'at the half, with kicked by freshman John me. WMC in the lead. were 'good. The 'rcrros Now, at times I really try to overcome what offensive 'yards against out to the 3rd quarter From on, this turned some have caned my cynical and sarcastic be one of thosefootball games where youknow and played one of their mostoutstanding g;aml" of "the season.' ana Homecoming tendencies. This was one of them. who was going to'win ; it was just a question Of College are next at r.soon Hoffa Field on "Sit down and tell me about it," I said by how much. The Terrors gained 'nearly 300 soothingly. coming Saturday. . She still wouldn't look at me. "You're gonna be mad at me," she cried. "Now, I promise I'll understand. Just ex- plain what happened." "It's so terible. I mean I just couldn't help myself." She hesitated, then blurted, "I spent $2.50 in the pinball machine tonight." "$2.50!" "Well, I did get one free game." "Oh, that makes alI the difference." It's gone downhill ever since. Now she's playing Las Vegas solitaire and altering her shirt sleeves. She even wanted to use the leaves off my begonia for poker chips. Worst of all, she and that professor have 5-3 odds that I won't pass his course, and he says I won't. Does anyone know a nearby chapter of Gambler's Anonymous before I flunk out? NWA Fans support a lot The tallest girl on varsity is 5'8" but that hasn't stopped the women's volleyball team from posting a 5-2record on the season. "Group effort" is the key to success, according to one team member. Another clue might be the vocal support from the band of followers greeting the girls at home games. Fan support does mean a lot, as the winning Terrorettes can attest. Their next game is October 26 at U.M.B,C. (Homecoming Concert night) a doubleheader against U.M.B.C. and Salisbury. Not The cross country track demands endurance from team members in both practice and meets; soccer goalie Chris a very nice reward for a winning team. makes another fantastic save as he is tackled by a member of the opposing offense.
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