Page 27 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 27
November 6, 1973 The Gold Bug Parents day full No stealing in A full schedule of events is slated for Western cafeteria Maryland College Parents Day on Saturday, Nov. By Nellie Arrington 10. Parents of present and past students will visit Contrary to some apparently malicious rumors, campus, meet with faculty members, and follow a pilferage by cafeteria workers is "just about non- schedule of activities beginning at 8:30 a.m. with existent," according to director Arlene MacDonald. registration and reception in McDaniel Lounge. The first public announcement of a new annual Asked to explain pictures of employees carrying support program, the Parents Fund, will be made packages to their cars, Mrs. MacDonald said during the day's events. This year's fund will aim cafeteria workers may buy food from salesmen for $30,000 towards the purchase of new library who visit the kitchen. They can get fresher items at materials. Harvey S. Horsey, II of Easton Md. is a cheaper cost than at a local supermarket if they -the cba"lrman- of the -18-member- parents' ;olunt~er buy, say, pork loin from the meat broker, the board. Mr. Horsey is Financial Vice President of manager noted. Lincoln County Land and Cattle Company. Other packages may be filled with left-overs from "This is the first year of the Parents Fund," says the dish room. Mrs. MacDonald explained food Gerald F. Clark, Jr., director of Annual Funds. which comes back on trays cannot be re-used in the "Each parent who helps to improve the Western cafeteria, and the employees take these scraps home to feed their pels. Maryland College llbrary can be certain his own child will be one of those who benefit most from The third possibility of the contents of those these efforts." parcels is extras after a meal is served. If there are Fred DiBlasio of Baltimore, president of the some rolls left, for instance, Mrs. MacDonald gives junior class, has served as chairman of the her staff the option of buying them at cost from the kitchen. students' Parents Day Committee. The photographs in question were given to the The d.ay's activities following the morning Coffee Gold Bug by an amateur camera bug shooting m McUamel Lounge includes: 10:15 a.m. _ through a window in Rouzer. Mrs. MacDonald in Alumni Hall; 11:20 a.m. - Meetings indicated the kitchen staff has been the target of ; 11:30 a.m. - LUnch in Englar Dining obscenity .and the workers cars have been pelted by p.m. - Western Maryland football game projectiles thrown from the same windows. . at Hoffa Field; 4:00 p.m. - Post- Mrs. MacDonald's main concern is that the Alumni denuded in McDaniel Lounge. students, by such actions, will encourage the kit- chen staff to stop doing extra services which the By Dave Marple students seem to take for granted. This might in- clude such niceties as preparing food for group The workmen seen around Alumni the last few parties, and taking extra time to fix the buffets. weeks have been removing the ivy that has been growing through the old building's walls. This "Story" continued from p.5 prepares Alumni to receive the silicone treatment. a process tha t keeps the bricks from becoming soft: the two people, and tragically, the love story can (Ed. note: Nobody wants flabby bricks) to ascertain has been assigned An architect not survive, everything around it is killing it. And exactly what must be' done to restore Alumni and with death, momentarily there seems to be an exactly how expensive it would be. One of the Julie Mullen understanding between the two gangs. But un- project.ed. changes other than the general repair of derneath the tensions are still bubbling and seething, the city still pulses its conflicts and in- the building IS the complete redesigning of the teractions. interior so that it will seat less people but more The U.S. Civil Service Commission announced Next week the Dramatic Art Department will comfortably. today the filing deadlines for 1974summer jobs with present West Side Story, a play about the city with The final decision of exactly what will happen to Federal agencies. Those who file by November 23 its conflicts, interactions, and love stories. West Alum~i will be. revealed when the long range will be tested between January 5 and 26; by Side Story will be on November 16, 17, 18. ;,R .p planning committee releases their final report • December 28, between February 2 and 16; and by sometime in early December . January 25, between February 23 and March 9, at locations convenient to them. The Commission said the earlier a studentfiles and takes the test, the greater the chances for employment. Each summer about 10,000 positions .~geti are filled from a pool of more than 100,000eligibles. About 8,000 of these are clerical jobs, and ap- proximately 2,000 are aides in engineering and has openings for pari-tim« WESTMINSTER AMERICAN science occupations. DON DEVILBISS. ,""0". Complete instructions for filing and information sales work and stock work. \ 18 WE;ST MAIN MD. 5TRE;ET WE;STMINSTER. 21157 on opportunities available are contained in CSC announcement No. 414, Summer Jobs in Federal BUSINEss ,"HONE; 848·9790 Agencies, which may be obtained from Federal Job Call 848· J 200 for an Interview. Information Centers, most college placement of- fices, or from the Civil Service Commission, Washington, D.C. 20415. Unlike its practice in past years, the Commission DISCOUNT . not automatically send forms to those who . but who may wish to remain on the consru<,,~,.ronin li;;iw~h~S~s~~;d~~:I:~:~ RECORDS 1 1=~~~::~;~:~~la form enclosed in the They are not required to repeat the Current Albums 3.99 Postal Service is not participating in the employment examination for 1974. regarding summer employment with the " Tape World Gift Certijicate5 are Service should be directed to the post office nice to give or receive " employment is desired. UTAH SPEAKERS 8"· 10"· 12" An evaluation team of the Middle States 8UY ONE·SECOND SPEAKER Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools will be on campus from Nov. 11-14for reaccreditation ONLY 10.00 . Two concurrent open meetings for the . to meet part of the team are 323 E. Main St. Westmlllster, Md. (Speaker affer expires Nav. 1) . on Nov. 12. The meeting for Baker Memorial Chapel seminar level) or else room 102; faculty. AUDIO VOX FM·CARTRIDGE be in McDaniel lounge. Members of POSTERS community desiring a private con- TUNER 39.95 a team member should contact Mrs. MSA campus coordinator, in the president's Op.nl2 noonl09P .•. dan, Closed Wednesday
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