Page 90 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG APRIL S, 1971 Poet discusses poetic creation by Cathy Nelson "You don't learn how to write; you learn that you can write." Such was the philosophy of poet- prosaist- professor William Stafford as he expressed it on Wednesday, March 31, when he visited WMC. Mr. Stafford's afternoon included not only a reading of some of his poetry, but also a session with the criticism class meeting at 3:00. "Knowing How To Write" became the chief topic 'of discussion at the 3: 00 session, as Mr. Stafford attempted to explain what the mechanics are behind the "birth" of a piece of writing, be it poetry or prose. "First there isn't something, and then there is something," said Stafford. "You begin with any little thing, and then you let it lead you to the next step." If this sounds somewhat obscure, it can be remembered that the class Mr. Stafford was addressing was filled with budding writers of every type, and the communication was established by the fact that all writers had experienced what Mr. Stafford was referring to. Devoting most of his discussion to the inspirational aspects of writing rather than the mechanical expression, Stafford also offered the comments that being a writer in- volves "a willingness to accept what occurs to you," and that a writer must free himself "from the preconceptions that will inhibit you." An aspect of writing that can sometimes be problematic is the question of form, and what kind of rapport it will establish with the reader. In deciding what form a piece of writing is to take, Stafford advises, a writer should "come at it as if you were the first to do it...let it find out what it wants to be." The communication will come, SPRING- IS HI\fJP( IlllrJrs WE MUST sUDS 'I''''/ST"" 6~ S'~(W PLACEt) I" (i.lto",,Ic> vP'i ,Ot pow rI . DE~l€R,,> off ~~I~II"'" AI..')o A.t,.,EII'I6€1t IT" .s"~f. rOIJp-" 1oU1I..'- &/tolol JIISr 1"I&to"r plA ...r T~£'" pMTllULftR DotJ'" IT NOW 1 y€:.~ I you T60 CI\N .... ,r''S &j{'w ~HU1."'l (_."IItr/lt,.r tXPEkIEI"~ C.O~/I'II(_ ~t"~LAnl~S! NEWS BRIEFS Film scholarships to be awarded classics at New College, Oxford, and received a Six scholarships will be awarded to film students Ph.D. in drama from Bristol University. His poetry when the University Film Association gathers for has been collected in the book Discontinued Design Stafford added, not through the form of the writing, its annual convention in August, 1971,according to and is included in numerous anthologies. He has . but rather through the language itself. "Com- Professor Howard Suber, Scholarship Chairman of written three works of criticism:" Greek Tragedy munication is only through the common the rm-member organization of collese rum and the Modern World, The Vulgarity of Tragedy, language ...not through the writer's engineering of makers and teachers. Winners will be chosen on the and The Origins of the Theatre. He was producer the words." basis of film or written-work submitted. and director of the BBC TV series "Six Bites of the William Stafford regards his poetry as an ex- Cherry" and has written four films-Fuge for a tension of himself; his is poetry that is intensely The awards are: Honeybear was shown at th!! Edinburgh Festival. McGraw~Hin Book company Scholarships, $1000 In his lecture on Greek drama, Dr. Aylen will personal. In an interview before the criticism class session, he explained in part by this approach and $500 each; The White House News discuss the thought, language, construction, saying, "I do it in the way that everyone else Photographers Association Scholarship, $1000; the staging, costuming, and choreography.Jn general, talks a way, writing poetry is like talking, to University Film Association Minority Scholarship, Dr. Aylen says, his talk resembles the sor.t of me. It's an easy, natural, daily activity. It's not a donated by UFA member Rose Blyth Kemp to discussion he would have with the cast and high -tensioned, purposeful,' change-the-wor ld encourage members of minority groups to pursue production team before rehearsals start on a project. It's immediate as talk. It's true that I write careers in film, $500; the Ken Edwards Scholar- production. Dr. Aylen has lectured at a number of things that are identified as poems, yes, by some ship, donated by UFA member John Flory, $500; colleges and universities In the United States. people, and that's all -right with me, but I think and the University Film Association Scholarship, poetry is not something separate, but it's im- Evangelist to speak mediate and near, as talk." $51~formation and application forms can be ob- One of the more interesting aspects of Mr. tained from Professor Suber in care of the. UC~ Stafford's life has been his position as a con- Motion Picture Divi'Mon, Los Angeles, Califorma, The Religious Life Counsel is sponsoring scientious objector during World War II. He had 90024. evangelist Dr. Akbarr Haqq as guest speaker at this to say about it, "It was a much less popular" WMC April 28-30. Dr. Haqq holds outstanding Greek drama lecturer degrees from the University of the Punjab, India, position in World War II. In fact, there were probably many people who didn't think it even and the Northwestern University. The schedule for Dr. Leo Aylen, poet, critic, playwright, and TV the three days is as follows: possible for a passable human being to be an ob- j.ector in World War II. And I think a lot of people producer will lecture at Western Maryland College April 28, 7:00 p.m. - Reception and introduction still feel that way; that it was a good war. Ofcourse, on Tuesday, April 6. . April 29, 11:00 (assembly period) - "The Lost almost everyone I meet thinks that this is a bad The Englishman will speak at .4:~ p.m '.m Room Dimension in Our Time"; 3:00 p.m. - Dialogue with war, now ... I am a pacifist myself, and the idea of J06, Memorial Hall. The public IS invited. Dr. Professors; "Various Beliefs in God"; 8:00 p.m. .choosing a sustained mode of conduct of plotting the Aylen's topic win be "The Staging of Greek '.'Does Christ Have Anything Against Us" harm to masses of people in another country is a Drama." . April 30, (morning) -Personal conversations with fantastic idea to me. I didn't take it then, nor would The speaker was born in South Mrica, read students. I take it now."
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