Page 89 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 89
APRIL S, 1971 THE GOLD BUG PAGE 5 Double Talk Transfers express I A vision of judgment "Well .... " I trailed off. Just as I was gOing to examine the tires of the bus I was packing my bags to go home after my final .She looked sternly at me over the rim of her I heard a loud clammer coming from just behind test .last seme.ster, when I heard a horn sounding glasses and demanded, "What's the matter with the dorm's door. outs.lde my window. Moved by the curiosity that you? You seem confused." Suddenly, the doors burst open and two armed "To be honest," I retorted, "I am. I mean in guards came out. Immediately behind them came a ~~~I~:~~~~ecli~~~h~~~~J~~r 3/°! ~}I~~07re~~ relation to why I'm here and where I'm going." hassle of girls, banging luggage and giggling. education) I stwnbled over to-the window to see "What? You don't know?" I stood staring for a while, then I saw the editor what the commotion was. .- I shrugged back. taking pictures and I remembered that 1had a duty . Looki~g out in the pre-noon sun, my eyes were She started to fiddle with a manilla envelope on to perform. Instantaneously, I grabbed my filled with the glare of the sun reflecting off an ~er lap '. "We don't have much time, but I'll try to notebook and pen from my back pocket and ran to aul?mobile roof directly below my window. As I fill rou In as much as possible. Early this morning the irregular line that the girls were making on squinted my eyes to eliminate the glare, I saw that we Intercepted top secret documents dealing with their way to the bus. the car was the Gold Bug Limosine. While I was the deportation procedures to take place this af- "Uh, miss?" 1 started. "Why do you feel it's making this observation, the driver's door opened, ternoon. They figure that would be the best time to necessary to leave here?" take them away. They've got it all carefully worked She started to answer, and then her face took on a ~~~~t~a~~e:-e ~~e~~en~~t and beckon~d with out to get them out of her without raising a great look like they do in the movies when they see Immediately Iturned back to the room, grabbed amount of suspicion. Understand?" something coming over from behind the camera; my newspaper smock (union requirements) and "Sortof," I replied. I really did, I just wasn't to but I didn't hear the footsteps, and suddenly I was my n~tebook an~ pen, rushed out my door, down sure who "they" or "them" were, but at least I was grabbed from behind. I turned around to see who two flights of stairs, out the section door and onto confident that i~was a big story. my agressor was. It turned out to be one of the the sidewalk in just enough time for the chauffeur She continued: "I'll take the pictures and J'want armed guards. "Get out of here beofore I bust your to have the door of the Caddy opened for me. you to get the interviews with them, which should head," he growled at me, and then he tossed me Without thinking, I jumped headlong into the be a little risky, but not too hard." about twenty yards in the air into a group of bushes. yawning abyss of luxur-y exposed by the opened I nodded an affirmative, but interjected, "J'd be Everything went black. ?oor. After landing easily on the leather seat, I glad to interview them, but...well ...uh, can you The next time I opened my eyes, 1 was staring Inspected my feel for cleanliness in order that I tell me who "them" are. If Iplan to interview them, straight up at the stars, and in between the mi.ght n?t fear dirtying the car carpet. As I was 1 should know who to interview." constellations I could see the face of the chauffeur doing this, I heard a rustling on the seat and looked "You mean you still don't know who this is all looking down on me. _ up to see who my mysterious companion was. It about?" I shook my head to clear my thoughts, ane then 1 was the editor. "No .... " remembered where I was and why. I jumped up "Oh, hi. It's you." I managed to say between "The transfers you idiot, the emigrants, the and grabbed my notebook and pen, ran around t( breaths. chicks leaving this place. There's so many of them the front of the dorm, but no longer in sight were the "Why of course, who'd you think 'it was." that they decided it would be politically expedient guards or the hassle of girls or the big army-type "Well, I wasn't sure it was the editor, your eye- to move them without attracting a lot of attention. bus. Only the Gold Bug limosine sat there with its makeup threw me off; I didn't know editors wore So with everybody in exams and the transferees "motor running. eye-makeup, I mean Schultz never wore it, but I still being on campus, I figured that they might The chauffeur came up and opened the door for guess I shouldn't rely on my habit of expectation make their move now. Do you understand?" me. but J wasn't about to give up that easy. "Where for.:." .1 was about to wander on in extensive ver- "Yes," I nodded back. "Just one thing, 1 are they," I demanded. He looked at me quizzically. bahzatlon about man's false security when the understand now just who "them" are, but who are chauffeur leaned over from the front seat and in- "they?" "The girls and all," I exasperated. terrupted me: As' she turned to answer, the chauffeur "Oh. you mean "them", them're gone, left awhile "Where to, ma'm?" he directed at the editor interrupted again, "We're here, Ma'm?" ago." "MacDaniel dorm, and make it snappy." . "No time now," she turned away and out the then I looked down at the ground disappointedly. and to entering assented As he the Caddy. The chauffer- nodded, put the car into gear and door, "I'll tell you about that later." spun his way across to the road. Assured of my enlightenment tater, I got out of -eepared to shut the door, the chauffeur peered For a few moments, we remained silent in the the Caddy and surveyed the scene in front of lown, "Don't let it bring you down, it's only castles back seat. Finally, 1turned to the editor shrugged MacDaniel dorm. A larae bus, the same color green rurntng." my shoulders and questioned, meekly, ;'WelI?" as army buses stood looming directly in front of the I nodded and he shut the door, once more I was door, faced in the direction of OUT, in preparation sealed in the automotive coffin and I still didn't qU~~~iont:n::ck.t~'Wr::l~?,,rather innocently and for a speedy get-away, no doubt. know who "they" were. ~",~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.:.:.:,:,:,:,*:,~.~,,>,,.:.:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:.:::",:,:,:,:,::::::,:,:,:,:,:,::::::::~ Play is conflict, ~ : ~,~:l The sea is sensuous, my love. :~j: Art show a duet SEA ~j~ '-' He comes up frothing on the sand ',' ~ He moves, fingering the sand. ~:~ impossible dream On display in the Fine Arts Building through by Michelle Catington April 16 is perhaps one of the best shows exhibited at Western Maryland. It is a dual showing of by Jeff Karr photography by Mr. Phil Grout, a reporter The scene is the waiting room of a prison during ~otographer for the Hanover Evening Sun; and the Spanish Inquisition; the inhabitants-prisoners I'"~¥~~I~~~~I Oils by Mr. Orest S. Poliszczuk, an art instructor at "governor," a "duke.v-a gang of grimy Montgomery College and a native of Luiv, Ukraine. muleteers; an acting troupe led by Miquel .de In combination, the two exhibits are' a unique ~:I~~t~!d~~~~iST~~t~!~ti:~~~~rv:t~~;y a 070~~~ contrast- the photography exhibit portrays life as portraits, landscapes, seen through Mr. Grout's Quixote, knight-errant of La Maneha. and slice of life shots in black and white. Mr. The play is, of course, Dale Wasserman's Man of Poliszczuk's work is largely the painting of a La Mancha, to be presented by the Dramatic Art brilliantly colored fantasy world. Department on May 0-9 in Understage. The show will be done environmentally with the whole of ~ Understage transformed into the prison waiting The oils of the Ukrainian artist reveal his talents room, action, taking place around, through and ENCOUNTER in realistic painting and in the field of popular above the audience. Bill Tribby is directing this Attention - any sophomores interested in writing a contemporary art. His colors are vibrant and flat with the exception of one painting- a fantastic work production, with musical direction by Carl Dietrich script for next year's junior follies. Please submit entitled "My Heritage" which dominates the entire and choreography by Sue Scott. an ~)Utl~neto Ed Hogan via campus mail to Box 1097 wall on which it hangs. It is a beautifully painted The 'play deals with the conflict between despair by Aprt130. Also anyone interested in directing the history of the Russian people done via portraiture and vision, reality and dream as Cervantes tells his production please submit your name by that time. of the country's great men. story of the questing Don Quixote amid the grim reality of 11prison. A camping and hiking club is being formed this Mr. Grout's ph-otography hits just about every Dale Wasserman has said of Man of La Mancha·: year at WMC. Activities will take place Inthe fall aspect of life there is to hit. He shows the warmth "It is not. an adaptation of "Don Quixote," but a and the spring of the year, with possibilities of and query of the young in beautiful pictures of tribute to the spirit of his creator. To blend and skiing in the winter. The clubIs sponsored by Dr. Asian children, and the wisdom of the old in his merge their identities-for what I had learned was Jordy and Dr. Boner and-has the approval of the whiskered wrinkled men. From -Carroll .county to that in all essential ways Miquel de Cervantes was dean. If interested in joining; contact Janet Levy, the Far East; from horses in a windswept land- Don Quixote. The upsets of existence never dimmed or Mark or Richard Steele. scape to an Asian reaching down a terraced sewer the brightness of his vision, never soured his for a stone- his subject matter is limitless and his compassion nor his hwnor, never stripped him of Here's your 'chance .girls - ask the. man of your eye is sensitive. faith.!' dreams to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. Friday, April 9, at Big Frocks. Free bus:service to Frocks. 7:45 to The show has to be seen to be believed. See it. ~2. Tickets ar~~9R. ,'.II jIll- ".~ .,., . . . . . . . .. .- ,....~......~...... ,
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