Page 88 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 88
APRIL 5, 1971 l encou'nter 'Comment: Time for change ? Letters to the Editor been of campuses Only the luckiest spared the einbarrassment of not have having Western offices. Open letter enough people to run for is not one of the Maryland, unfortunately, luckyones. TheS.G.A. Senate voted on March 15, to refuse to Miss Clark begins by stating that "amazingly As of last Wednesday night, the tally looked ask the Student Body how they felt the Senate was enough, the Byrds played at the Naval Academy." this: out of a possible seventeen offices, performing. A proposal was brought up by a Sub- There is absolutely nothing amazing in this fact SIX were unopposed, three were apparantly Committee of the Senate which had been asked to since some of the most well-known groups of our unwanted, and the remaining had, at the most, investigate and recommend action concerning the time have performed there, among them the Grass movement to abolish the Senate. Roots, the Rascals, and countless others. five candidates running, and that only for SGA The Sub-Committee felt that because the Senate There was the complaint that "someone said 'The treasurer. But maybe the issue doesn't lie in was ultimately responsible to the Student Body, it Byrds for $1.00,''' and "some cadet .. hit us for the number of interested people, but in the was up to the Student Body to decide if the Senate $3.00 a piece." Hit is any consolation to M.issClark, nwnber of interesting positions. should be disolved or not. I personally, can see no ALL tickets were $3.OQ-even those bought by Do we need seventeen offices of so-called reason why the Senate should not respect the midshipmen)! Perhaps this will serve as an responsibility on this campus? Undoubtably to wishes of the Student Body as a whole. If the Senate example that one cannot ALWAYS believe what the people who hold the offices right now, we would have been truly concerned for the Student "someone said.'" - do, but what about the people who are directly body, they wold have agreed to submit the question This brings up another point of interest. It is quite to them. There was no reason given for the rejec- obvious that Miss Clark is quite confused as far as affected by these elections? The SGA is tion of the proposal. There was no administrative her military academies are concerned. CADETS currently evaluating its own worth, and could problem because it could have easily been placed are from Westpoint (That's the ARMY, Carol); possibly come up with some surprising an- on the Spring Election ballots. MIDSHIPMEN are from the Naval Acad~. And,_ swers. The whole purpose behind having class If the .exact wording of the proposal was the just to set the record straight, they wear NAVY officers is supposedly to promote class unity. reason for its rejection, why wasn't a new wording~ BLUE unitorms, not black. Does this exist in actuality, or is it another proposed? Why was debate stopped when many Now, as for the "sadistic signs urging Navy to others wished to be heard? Why, when it legally beat Army," I have rarely, if ever, attended a sentence that looks good in WMC propaganda? takes a two thirds majority to close debate, was it sports event where the teams were urged on by Tradi tion for traditions' sake is only a closed with a 12-8 vote whiche is only three fifths? signs such as "Please win." "Win, but win nicely," sometime thing. If the days of class spirit and Why, when the illegality of the vote was noticed, did or "Victory through kindness." Such events MAY all that sis, boom, bah have trickled away with Jerry Hopple refuse to bring the question up occur-cbut I doubt it. the old freshman beanie and crewcut, then it is again? May I extend my most gracious thanks to Miss time for the college system to look inward and I can only feel that the Senate thinks that it need CI~k for considering my corduroy jumpsuit as decide what to do. Would it profit Western not know who the Students feel. The Senate never to try and develop a better inter- has been, responsive to Student interests and it ~~~r~t~~~~~i"a~h~~~e~h~t r:~lrr~~~d;h~ !~:: Maryland remains so now. It seems to me, at least, that the attired in slacks, culottes, and similar dress ap- college relationship and abandon the old majority of members of the Senate care only about preciate her compliment also. As for the uniforms notions about class supremacy? Could a themselves and the "position" they hold. The ...Well, I suppose there are some girls who would system be worked out whereby some offices Senate as a whole is even more apathetic then the prefer their escorts to be attired in faded jeans, would be retained, combined, or thrown out to general campus. almost-shirt, maybe-sweater, and vague better achieve their purposes? Or will we I feel this is proven by the lack of interest in all representations of shoes. Ijust don't happen to be a continue to sponsor a seventeen-election show campus activities. Senate attendance has never member of such a group-fortunately! Those which is threatening to turn into a farce been good and many times, Senate meetings have uniforms stand for a Hell of a lot more than those died for lack of quorum' (one half). The Senate, faded jeans!! 1!!! someday? when the Executive Council felt that ·the Senate I console myself now that I dscover that I was DMH should be disolved, put forth no good reasons why it "disciplined beyond enjoyment" as I was "capable should not. Instead it blamed the failure of the only of clapping after songs." And all this time I THE GOLD BUG S.G .A. to the fact that the Senate was uninformed thought I'd had a good time. Had I known then that Entered as second class matter at the post office, Westmin- about the real workings of the Committees. clapping was no longer recognized as an ap- All these S.G.A. Committees are open, especially propriate and satisfactory method of expressing ster, Maryland, 21157_ Secon~ class postage paid at West- to members of the Senate if they took any interest. appreciation and enjoyment, I most assuredly minster. Never, have I had any Senate member ask me how would have attempted to scream at the top of my Editor-in-chief Donna Herbst to get involved or to get on a Committee. The only voice, rip off my clothes, scale the wall, attack a Assoctate edltor Chris Bothe part of the S.G.! . that has functioned has been the Byrd, or find some suitable. replacement for the newly created committee structure! The successes now-obsolete act of clapping. I really must No." Cathy Nelson of the Cafeteria, Student Regultions, and Buildngs apologize for' the lack of rioting, the presence of Sports Bernie Pfiefer and Grounds, small though they may be, can only which may have indicated a higher degree of en- Business manager Belinda Bonds be attributed to the Committees. Absolutely nothing thusiasm on the part of the audience. can be attributed to the Senate, except maybe the ........'Ibevpoor audience," 1wonder. I seem to recall .. Dave Korbonits, *Mike Schultz, *Gary Kilbo~me, frustration of trying to get a reaction out of them. that the people-yes, REAL people-sitting near me ·Bob Miller, ·Richard An~rson, ·Greta Herrman, Still the Senate refuses to reform itself or let were. deeply engrossed in LISTENING to the "Dawn Campaigne, ·Marla Weinstein, "Nellie Arring- anyone else reform it. But still the most serious concert. Perhaps this fact accounts for the lack of ton, *Chip Rouse, "Keith Thurlow, "Jackie Parsons, crime of the Senate is that it refuses to be physical activity which Miss Clark so severely responsible to the Student Body. =Don Delaney, ·Bruce Lindsey, ·BiIl McCormick, I call upon the Senate to answer my charges and ~:!cgl~s~k ;~~~ i~es~;~~:~t,,~~s ::roJ!'n~~~rh:e:l:; .J~ Prado, *Dennis Kirkwood, ·Jeff Karr questions. got into it.'.'? From where I was sit~ing_(w:hich was *Tom Gra~or *Mi.clrUeCatington *Stew Haje Dan Wiles. about fifteen feet from the stage in the middle of Address all mail to: the gym' floor-in my"high fashion" jumpsuit, no "Byrds" response less), they seemed quite "into it." I suppose it's all Box 352 College Western Maryland a matter of opinion. Just as there "has to be a response" to a per- Westminster, Maryland 21157 To the Editor: former, there had to be a response to Mi~s .ClarK's This is in response to an article entitled "The Published by and for the students or Western Maryland Byrds is just alright with me" by Car?l Clark. I article. Thank you, Gold Bug, for providing the COllege. The opinions in this paper 1~ eot necessarily would first like to state that I am pinned to a opportunity for such a response. Sincerely, reflect those or the Admi~~iion. midshipman and that I attended the concert in Donna French question. I feel, therefore, that I may speak with P.S. The Byrds is just alright with m'e~lOo!! SUBSCRIPTION, $5,00 yearly some authority on the subject.
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