Page 87 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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APRIL S, 1971 WMC thinks ahead by Belinda Bonds On October 18, 1969, the Long-Range Planning Committee was formally authorized by the Western Maryland College Board of Trustees. The purpose of this Committee is to "establish rational control over the destiny of this college." The Committee has established seven elements of the planning process. These are: philosophy, objectives, programs, organization, staffing, facilities, and financing. In an effort to plan wisely for the future of Western Maryland, three trustees, four faculty members, two administration officers, the president of the college, two students, and one non- board member alumnus were appointed to the Committee. The members of the Committee are': Dr. Harry L. Holloway, Jr., dean of faculty, "' chairman; Dr. Wilmer V. Bell, past president, Alumni Association; Dr. L. Stanley Bowlsbey, Jr., professor of education; Mr. Alfre V. Clark, director of development; Mr. Gerald W. Hopple, president, Student Government Association; Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, president of the college-ex officio; Dr. Jean Kerschner, professor of biology; Mr. F. Kale Mathias, trustee; Mr. Joshua W. Miles, chairman, Board of 'trustees-ex officio; Dr. Allan W. Mund, trustee; Mr. Wilbur D. Preston, Jr., trustee; Dr. Ralph B.Price, professor of economics; Mr. Thomas E. Beam, president, Argonauts; Dr. Keith N. Rich- wine, associate professor of English. "I Since March 1970, the Committee has been working to establish the present position of the Palmers, David to go on sabbaticals College. In order to do this, many sub-committees have been formed. In turn, these committees have made studies on various facets of college life. These Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Palmer are planning to take reports have led to many recommendations. At a sabbatical leave in France during the 1972second intends to achieve this through a series of questions present, these sub-committees are in the process of semester. which will help indicate how traditional or modern gathering ideas, criticisms, and recommendations Dr. Palmer, speaking for his wife and himself, are the candidates' politics. These questions WiU from the students, faculty, and others through open said that they will concentrate on a joint study of probe the candidates' opinions on such issues as the hearings. In this way, everyone will have a chance French 3I 1 English fiction, besides enjoying ex- dowry system and the government's role m to be heard. periences that will help them in their teaching. Dr. development of the economy. Data on other -A Palmer commented that actually visiting the sites characteristics, such as a candidate's age, religion, The Committee has issued a statement of the of the literary works which he teaches will bring amount of education, and whether he is from an philosophy and objectives of the college: more life to his teaching. "The trip is a combination urban or rural area, will also be collected. This "Western Maryland College believes that the of business and pleasure," he said, adding that the information will be analyzed with respect to how finest undergraduate education occurs on the Palmers hope to visit Italy, Spain, and Germany successful candidates are who are young compared campus of a relatively small co-educational college during their stay. to old, urban compared to rural or traditional where students with diverse backgrounds are compared to modern. Thus the characteristics selected from among those applicants best suited to Dr. William David, Political Science department which are important for the success of a candidate succeed in a competitive setting, where they have chairman, plans to spend the 1971-72school year on will be determined. the opportunity to live together, to participate in sabbatical leave in India. Dr. David plans to research candidates in at least intellectual exchange among themselves and with This will be Dr. David's second trip to India on two and possibly three parliamentary districts with their teachers, and to engage in independent study. sabbatical. His first trip was aimed at learning different political environments, such as an urban The College also believes that the development of more about the workings of the Indian government. district, a rural district in southern India and a maturity of judgment and skill in human relations On the upcoming trip he plans to concentrate his district in the north. Seven state legislators are can best be achieved when young men and women study on the political process at the state level and elected in each district. Under India's multi -party assume some of the many roles of leadership in the characteristics of candidates for election as system several candidates vie for each position as academic and campus activities available to them representatives in the state legislature. representative, making necessary research on in the small college, and when they can demon- Dr. David hopes to find out "whether there are about 100 candidates in each district. strate and strengthen their personal integrity by identifiable background factors or identifiable As of now the project is tentative, pending Dr. participation in an academic honor system ad- attitudes that 'are correlated with election." He David's receiving of foods from grants. ministered by themselves. Finally, Western Maryland College believes that the knowledge acquired from the liberal arts curriculwn and a Student life discussed In meetings commitment to create an environment in which there can be the pursuit of truth, and the growth of the students' attitudes, moral and spiritual values, The topic of the March 15 hearing on student life and critical judgment will develop responsible and centered around the question, can an all college A discussion on Student Services and Facilities creative persons." government, consisting of elected student and was held Wednesday, March 31 in Memorial 106. "We believe it is our purpose to assist in the faculty members, successfully replace the SGA? Conducting the poorly attended discussion was development of liberally educated persons who will Improvements such as the elimination of the Dean Mowbray, a member of the subcommittee of have: incoherent, excessive committee system, and the the Western Maryland college Long-Range Plan- The qualities of curiosity, criticism, skepticism, separation of the policy making and entertainment ning committee. . open-mindedneas, tolerance, and intellectual planning Iunctions were also suggested. Topics for discussion were to include counseling, courage; the power of analysis; the love of truth, There was little indication that faculty members discipline, extra-curricular activities, heal~h and the ability to communicate ideas effectively; would be offended by an all college government service, orientation, placement, non-academic A sound foundation in an area, or discipline; where they would be equal with students. At the records and research. Most of the discussion, of knowledge; same time, there was little fear on the part .of howeve~, centered around the co-or~ation of A sure sense of the interdisciplinary nature students that their autonomy would be lost. A activities, including lectures, concerts, films and of all knowledge; merger between the faculty and students would, it other types of entertainment; the possibility of An insight into the past and present of was expressed, make it easier to deal with the setting up a student lounge; the extension of Western culture; administration, the Alumni Association, and other cam pus health services to include birth control A reasonable familiarity with a non- financial donors. information; and the need for career planning' Western culture; Many smaller colleges are moving toward an all guidance and vocational counseling. An understanding of the physical and college government, because only in large college Th~ main purpose of the discussion was to get. biological environment; can an SGA be powerful enough to serve the college ideas from the students concerning facutnes and An active and critically-informed interest in community properly. Most of the significant services which could be opened to them. Three an area of the fine arts: changes which have taken place at Western students were in attendence. A recognition of the potentiality of the Maryland have come about as a result of the ac- Other members of the Long-Range Planning physical self and the importance of con- tivities of ad hoc committees, many of which had committee are Dean Laidlaw. Tom Beam, Dr. tinuing physical activity; faculty support. Darcy, Dr. Law, Dr. Palmer, Dr. Richwine, Dr. Shook, and SGA president Jerry Hopple. The next A strong sense 9f individuality and respect There were several other-recommendations, the open meeting will be this Wednesday in room 106. for independence in t!:!I!J2ht and action; most important of which is an upcoming referen- and will concentrate on men's dormitory and A commitment to responsible mofci1, ~al, dum for the abolition of the SGA. The question will fraternity life. and political action." ,.:::.~~~~~~J'f.n!t~~;J~!~~eg;ti-m9.~~· z r~1 t.••
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