Page 41 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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VOLUME 47 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE,WESTMINSTER,MARYLAND NUMBER 12 the gold bug MONDAY NOVEMBER 16 . 1910 local minister calls for college improvement of Union Street By Tom Yingling owns. Mr. Schaeffer hopes that a housing com- Reverend Roy A. Johnson, the vice-president of mission will be formed and thereby take the HOPE, is calling for Western Maryland's ad- problem out of the college's hands by procuring ministration to cooperate with HOPE in improving housing elsewhere in the county. - college-owned houses on Union Street. Mr. Phil The real problem with the administration's Schaeffer, treasurer of the college, pointed out that policy, Rev. Johnson charges, is that the renters the college is in an awkward position in the case of are trapped. Two-thirds of the occupants have low- these houses. income college jobs and low-rent housing. The Much of the college owned property on Union renter is afraid to complain about conditions for Street- 15houses in all - was willed to the college in fear not only of losing his home, but also of losing the 1920's. The college then procured more his job. Rev. Johnson believes that these attitudes property for the eventual purpose of expansion. In must be changed. the meantime, however, the clamoring for housing Mr. Schaeffer says that he wouldn't call the led to the rental policy. housing adequate, by any means. The ad- Rev. Johnson has two plans in mind. Student ministration promises to keep the houses paticipation in the upkeep of these houses is his first weatherproof and they do have indoor plumbing. If suggestion. However, manjor investment is needed the occupant wishes to improve the conditions in in the majority of cases -- a difficult venture for any way, he may. The college pays city, county, unqualified students. Nonetheless, SOS and and state real estate taxes, sewer rental, and water HINGE have responded to this call for help. bills. and charges $10-$25 a month rent to cover An agreement between the administration and these expenses. The college puts no more money HOPE is the second suggestion. He suggests that into the houses because it has no investment HOPE buy land from the college at a reasonable housing fund. If the college wanted to be in thev rate, and build low-rent housing on this land with housing business, Mr. Schaeffer added, we would the people now in college houses having the first fix uthe houses up and charge $120a month, but we option to rent. Then the college could tear down were forced into it. these houses and continue with its desired ex- Complaints with the housing include poor roofing, pansion. HOPE has already borrowed $40,000and poor plumbing, and just plain poor construction would like to borrow money from the college to sloping floors and ceilings, etc. There presently is expand its operating capital if the plans to secure no housing commission in Carroll County nor are Both Rev. Johnson there any housing regulations. college land fail. As to the feasibility of these proposals, Mr. and Mr. Schaeffer feel that the commissioners- The dilapidated properties on Union Street were giv- Schaeffer agrees that student participation could elect will push for housing regulations. There still en to the college in the 1920·s. Phillip Schaefer, col- do little to substantially improve conditions. There is no end in slght.on this question and it remains to lege treasurer says there are no plans to improve the would be no land available for sale, as the trustees be seen whether or not the college and HOPE can houses have plans for all the property which the college get it together. Holmes, Hanna named to key offices In trosh elections By Donna Herbst mtttee to supplement the budget. Holmes also for comment after the election. Hanna hails from Gene Holmes has emerged as president of the stated that he would like to see a poll taken on the Frostburg, Maryland. He was president of the freshman class following a high voting turn-out at opinion of class rings among his class. He is in student council at Beall high school, and played on the tennis team for four years. He is currently an the class of 1974's election last Friday. favor of a semi-formal Spring dance to be spon- SGA representative and a member of the WMC The results of the other offices include Gary sored by the freshmen, but wants to concentrate on band - Hanna, vice-president; Greta Herrmann, low-cost functions for the time being out of treasurer; and Melinda Jackson, secretary. Voter necessity. "I think our main social function right Melinda Jackson, newly elected class secretary, participation was exceptionally high with more now is to sponsor as many GIGIFS as possible," expressed her thanks to the freshmen, and than 80% of the class voting. Holmes said. His background includes being an promised to put forth her best effort into the office. Gene Holmes won over four other candidates in Honor Society' member, sports editor of his school Melinda is a native of Alexandria, Virginia, and the election, the first official function of the fresh- newspaper, and a correspondent to the Baltimore plans to major in sociology. She was business man class. Following the announcement of his News-American. He spoke on behalf of the National manager of her high school newspaper, and wrote of her class's constitution. Melinda was chairman victory. he commented·, "I'd like to thank the whole Association of Student Councils on radio and the school's prom and magazine drive, and a freshman class for their show 'of confidence and television. Holmes won varsity letters in football support." He expressed concern over the lack of and lacrosse in high school, and swam in the student council representative for four years. In funds in the class budget, since the freshmen have Mason-Dixon competitive conference. her sophomore year she served as secretary of her been cut from $250 to $50. Holmes stated that his Gary Hanna vied with 'four other freshman to church group, and was elected president of the first job will be to establish a fund-raising co!fl- t:.ecome_class vice-president. He was not available .Greta Herrmann- Treasurer
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