Page 42 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 42
PAGEl NOVEMBER 16, 1970 Political behavior class reacts to campaign ByCathy Nelson accompanied their respective candidates to Now that the election is over, the students of Dr. meetings, speeches, dinners and .other campaign candidate "very well. I thought my job would be Weber's Political Behavior class are recuperating functions. -CarofSfms wrote up a newspaper ad as more of campagnmg door-to-door, but instead I from the arduous campaigning that reached its well as a ten-second radio endorsement for her accompanied Mr. RIce to several meetings, and peak almost two weeks ago. Of the original four- candidate, while Don Krueger was involved in the really got to know him better." Gary Mcwllliamsv teen participating, ten students had observations Tydings' "Operation Grassroots," a telephone also saw a lot of his candidate. The most in- regarding their experiences in the campaign. drive to get people to canvass for votes. The teresting meeting was on election night, when, "I The assignments of the students to their students felt generally that they were being used talked to him for about a half hour after his loss; respective candidates were as follows. Carroll constructively in the campaign, and that the about why he though he lost, predictions on the County Commissioner candidates; Mike Binko (0- candidates were taking their (the students') work futures of the winners, and things like that." Carol 10sO--JI..1arkVidor, Charlie Moore and Jerry Hop- seriously. Sims remarked, "I got to know him and his family ple; Herb Rice (Rwom-Sandy Gomane; Lou There was much speculation among the par- really well; I guess I had a lot more contact than Scharon (D'Iostr-Dave Denham. Congressional ticipants as to why their candidates won or lost. other people did." Dave 'Denham said that he and Most agree, however, that the amount of footwork his candidate were "actually together about ten ~~~~~1a6~~~~rt~~rB!~~g~~_~~~f_~~::~)H~f:~ the candidate actually did was a vital part of his hours a week ... he was easy to talk to and very open Ross Pierpont (R·losO---Gary McWilliams. Carol success. For example, all three students working to ideas." Sims worked for unsuccessful House of Delegates for Mike Binko said that his loss was because, as The less fortunate students included Sue Hille, candidate Aria Fox (0), and Don Krueger worked Charlie Moore put it, "he adid absolutely no foot- Jeff Klunk, and Don Krueger, each of whom said for the-then-Senator Joseph Tydings, who also lost. work from the primary on." Mark Vidor agreed that they had Httle contact with the actual can- Jobs of the campaigners ranged from handing out with this, saying, "There was very little unity didate. "1 sat and talked mostly with Byron's campaign literature at shopping centers, to the among the Democrats ... they never really got executive director, "eaid Sue. "We also got a lot of. actual writing up of a pamphlet to be handed out at moving as a party." Jerry Hopple expanded this instructions from Byron's wife, o~ filing papers, the polls. Jerry Hopple, Charlie Moore and Mark whole concept still further. "The old-fashioned and things like that." Jeff Klunk noted that his Vidor were involved in a research project on low- methods of footwork and hand-shaking payoff candidatedvtrtsn to set up regional groups to direct cost housing. Jeff Klunk was the coordinator of a better in the long run than the newfangled ap- his campaign in different areas." Don Krueger saw survey to determine how the voters felt on certain proaches. It's a safe way to conduct a campaign." Senator Tydings "about four times during the issues vital to the campaign. Susan Hille, Gary Personal contact between candidate and student whole campaign, but when I did see him I was McWilliams, Sandy Gomane and Dave Denham was generally good. Sandy Gomane got to know her really impressed, so 1 got to appreciate it more when I did see him." When asked if they would participate S.G.A. REPORT: Deja Vous elections as a result of the rigors of this one, the in future The Student Government Association has student life council. The proposal-will be passed on answer from the students was an overwhelming Dave Denham perhaps reversed its decision to cut the budgets of the Aloha to the president following the action from the "yes". of the group by saying summed up the simply, feeling "I'm and the Gold Bug along with the junior class to council. The SGA senate adopted a constitutional make up the deficit in the concert fund. amendment which would allow a junior to become disappointed it's over." If the sentiment prevails, At the November 9 meeting, discussion centered SGA president. perhaps WMe will see a greater number of cam- on the announcement that the organizations would paign participants in 1972. be cut by several hundred dollars in order to sup- The action, buildings and grounds, and long- CHARLIE MOORE: "Most work was done on plement the concert fund for Spring Weekend en- range planning committees. are collaborating on a our own initiative ...caused me to be much more tertainment. Instead, 'the senate voted project which would convert the present library likely to become involved in future elections." unanimously to do 'away with big name en- into a student union building. The possibility of DR. WEBER: "The experience was good from a tertainment attractions completely and to re- featuring New Left speakers on campus variety of perspectives ...meeting different people, allocate the concert fund budget, which currently periodically was also brought up at the meeting. A seeing a candidate in his natural habitat as a amounts to about $3000. A referendum will be proposal which would give three hours cre~it to ~he campaigner ...realizing that campaigning is hard circulated among the student body to determine editors of the Aloha and the Gold Bug 'IS belng . work." what sort of entertainment the money should. be committee. An in- used for. discussed in a student-faculty up tercampus telephone system was also 'brought The student regulations committee reported at by the buildings and grounds committee, who are the SGA meeting that the proposal for sectional looking into the possibilities along with the director Curfew-open house: autonomy on open house rules is tied up in the of the Physical Plant. the first step Success of Grill in hands of student interest The Student Regulations Committee has taken its plan for updating the curfew-open house system before the Student Life Council. With the present dissatisfaction felt towards the become a non-profit corporation. They turned any According to members of the Student Regulations Grill, investigations are being made into the profit left over after wages to the adm. The work is Committee the plan will probably stay in the SLC student centers on other campuses. Mrs. Coffey of done by students for low wages. To cut down on loss for at least one more meeting before being passed the Economics department related the set up at of money they use a system of cards. The student on to other groups that must pass on the proposed Randolph-Macon where she attended school. buys a card for a certain value. When a purchase is changes. The next Student Life Council meeting The "Skellar" is completely student owned and made, the price is punched on the card. However' will be held on Wednesday, November 18. The SRC is asking for the dispensation of curfews run. They do have a faculty advisor only to help they did have problems with suppliers who try to and the creation of an open house policy which take the money but not deliver the correct order. them with the business management. To raise the Even though there are problems the system is would allow the dorm sections to set the times they capital needed, the students bought shares of stock want open house and for how long at four dollars a share. In one night they raised good. The important factor in the success of any $1500. With this they renovated an old store room project is the interest the students have. This can't The so called "section autonomy" part of the attempt. To succeed the interest under the main building on campus. With the rest of be a half-hearted not shelved when exams come. The proposed changes has caused some confusion mustcontuinue, the money they bought their equipment and stock. amoung students, according to the SRC members. At first they didn't pay rent, but they decided to students have to be willing to put a lot of effort into They pointed out that the phrase meant any section it. should be allowed to set the time it. wants to hold open house. There will be no limit imposed on how much or how little open house a section wants if the proposed changes are accepted. SRC members Open line--volunteer help for a dime were afraid that some students were interpreting the clause to mean that there would be 24 hour open house. The SRC is asking Student Life Council to endorse {';P' Monday, November 2, Carroll County Open the phone, problems of youth, and the referal the proposed changes. After the Idea passes that Line went into operation to help young people in services available. Volunteers are able to tell committee it will go to the deans for recom- any kind of trouble. The telephones are manned by runaways, pregnant girls, people who need money, mendations. The final authority is the President. professional counselors, college students, or drug addicts, where they can get additional help. In a statement read to women students in their monisters, and people from the general com. Open Line works on the idea that a person will dorm meetings on October 21 and to the students munity. About thirty-five Western Maryland feel more free to discuss his problem if the listener attending the SRC communication assembly on the College students participate. The phone number is doesn't know who he is. The listener is not supposed 22the Student Rights Committee said they hoped to 848-0200. to give his name or agree to meet the caller. Open effect the proposed changes within a month's time. In the last year or two, the Probation department Line attempts to help the caller think out their of the county, Dave Rimbach, a minister, and "If these proposals are not met within this time counselors in the schools, felt concern for the young problem and not give personal advice. So far the period, the members of this committee will take the program has received a large response. Many of people in the area, and a need to have them help. the youth's problems are non-critical, such as boy- responsibility and the leadership of an organized Their answer was Open Line. Mrs. Elwell of the girl problems or quarrels with parents. Many calls protest to achieve our aims," read Pam Zapardino from the SRC statement. Sociology department was instrumental in the are made'afteI"tht~ru'cloekjtwhen school lets out. organization of Open Line. Volunteers undergo Mrs. Elwell feels that the program is already quite The members of the SRC are Jerry Hopple, Pain Zapardino, Sandy Kearns, Bill Dayton, George several training sessions, dealing with manner on successful and will be around for quite a while. ' Sbellam, Mike Shultz and Bryson Popham.
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