Page 23 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE 7 The Esquire Barber Shop hairc uts & h airstvlfnq earle h. brewer & marvin j. brewer ~s:!!s open 7 days a week sun to thurs-l O to II fri & sat 10 to 1 29 east main street 848-6070 r.yUALL!~ Terrorette sticks bruise Cate-State U:I' & LAUNDERERS, INC. LAUIilDIRIIIIG DRYCLlAIIIIIIIG 'AILORIIIIG by Nellie Arrington Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service The WMC jv squad mad.e up for the varsity by taking the Service for Students In WMC Student Center In an evenly matched field hockey game on October 3 on game from the Towson JV by a 2-0 score. With center Monday through Friday the UMBe hockey field, the WMC Terrorettes con- forward Charlotte Lent makin~ both goals, the Jv played 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily centrated the action on their offensive half of the field and with close unity and skill. This Junior squad shows a lot of brought home a 2-D victory. promise. After the starting bully, the Terps took the ball to their The Terrorettes did not even look like the same team as-yard line. Then the Terrorettes gained control of the that lost to Towson the week before when they played ball with a free hit and dribbled down the right side of the Catonsville Community College at Western Maryland on field to their goal circle. Several stray hits in front of the the fifteenth. In the one week between the games, WMC cage and a couple of free hits later, freshman Lin Van improved their defense and started to playas a team. Name, the WMC left wing, drove home a goal, barely live resulting in a 3-0 win. minutes into the game. Five minutes afler the starling bully, Debbie Clark During the remainder of the first half, WMC dominated pushed in a goal to get WMC really moving. CCC tried to control of the ball. Most play occured on the sides of the stop the 'rerrorettes with blocks and dodges, but they field, the right side seeing slightly heavier action. Kay tended to bunch on free hits and roll-ins. The action went Canoles, WMC goalie, made one save, but said during both ways for some time before Terrorette Lin Van Name halftime it was a stray hit and UMBC had not yet driven scored the>second goal. CCC kept trying for a goal but for a goal could not seem to both dodge the WMC defense and move The second half began like the first, but WMC could not the ball straight into the cage. The game went back to the get in the right position to score. One good goal attempt WMC side where Nina Knaper made the third WMC goal failed and the ball went to the UMBC half of the field. with three and a half minutes to halftime. Wl\1C forwards worked the ball back to their goal circle The second half concentrated on defense. CCC made a and had missed several good chances to score when Lin striking drive at the goal, only to have WMC goalie Kay 'Van Name made a strong drive for her second goal of the Canoles kick the ball to her offense. Catonsville later day. came back several times to try for the goal but their Catch a sparkle For the rest of the game, the Terps tried desperately to drives came from outside the circle. In such a situation, if from the morning sun. score, but could not seem to dodge the WMC backfield. the goalie should touch the ball and the ball should go into Hold the magic The Terrorettes missed several attempts to score because the goal anyyway, the other side would score because of a sudden breeze. they did not move fast enough or hold their sticks down someone had touched the ball in the circle. Therefore, Keep those moments afive. Both teams had the same problems. The players Kay let the ball go into the cage to prevent a ecc goal. They're yours carried their sticks in the air, they didn't move their feet, Catonsville made one more concentrated eHort to score for a lifetime and they chopped down on the ball. Neither team took with less than two minutes left in the game, but succeeded with a diamond advantage of the passing opportunities. only in having the ball slice across the cage front. engagement ring from All players on the field saw action. UMBC's goalie The 'rerrcrettes are now playing with a unity they did made several strong saves. While Kay Canoles com- not have in either the UMBC or Towson games. They are Orange Bfossom. plained of boredom at the half, she saw more action passing, they have their sticks down, their defense is Colonial Jewelers during the second portion of the game. blocking the other team in the circle. The Catonsville win Undoubtedly, freshman Lin Van Name stood out in the was over a team that has a fast forward line with stick 32 West Mai n St. game. Lin played fullback at her Morristown, N.J. Hrgn skill. The game was on a soggy field. For the WMC school, and the UMBC game saw her playing left wing for TerroreUes to win with these factors against them proves the second time in her life. The biggest change in position, their vast improvement during the past week. accordning to Lin, was facing the goal without a forward nearby to take the ball in to score. Lin has the speed and heagy's the good stick work which combine to make a good strong WMC soccer expressing potential forward. The general·consensus was that .Lin Swill be somebody for rival hockey teams to watch out for in sportshop future games. The 'rerroreue varsity lost the match on the eighth of by Jim Seamans October to Towson State at Towson. 16 w. main. st. In the first part of the game, WMC made repeated at- The soccer team played Randolph-Macon and Get- westm inster, md. -tempts to score, but the Towson goalie defended her cage tysburg since the last edition of the Gol~ Bug. successfully each time. Towson mane a strong crrve lor Randolph-Macon was a game we'd like to forget. The the goal, but goalie Kay Canoles made a spectacular save enure team had a bad daythat afternoon and the score to prevent their scoring. Then the game changed. Towson proved it, with Macon win-ning 4-0. n\ade three goals in the remainder of the first half, the The Gettysburg game was a different story. This year's full line of sporting goods second from the edge of the goal circle and the third team, with its tremendous potential, started to get it all seconds alter they took a corner. Towson capped their score with a fourth goal in the second half. ;}~~~~ry~~~fi~~~i~~~t?i;u~~~~~~~~~~~e~ During the entire game Towson displayed a strategy of corner of the goal. The second goal came on a cross from NOTICE dodges and feints, accompanied by good ball control. U.E. Lindsay to Steve Easterday who dribbled. into the Western Maryland's deficiency lay in its defense. The goal. At half time, the score was WMC2-G.Burg I. Announcements for the weekly SGA calendar of events' Towson score would not have been so high had the Two more goals were scored for Whimsee by Cary must be submitted to the Deans' secretary by Thur- I'errorettes defense been in th_e circle to assist Kay Jones on a cross by Amos Mc Coy and another by Ed sday afternoon at2:00 p.m. Calendars are distributed Cansles. But several times the Towson defense neo a Bwalya on a good cross from Lindsay. The game ended every Monday. path to the goal and they took aavantage of this. with a 4-2 victory for Western Maryland.
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