Page 4 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG SEJq'EMBER 26,1969 Changes Disclosed SLC Begins In Campus, Faculty Fall Projects The Student Life Councll held its organizational meeting on This year, asinthepast,return- assistant to the dean of students, Monday, September 22. The SLe, ing students have found numerous Replacing him in the admissions whtcn includes faculty and student changes In WMC. Of course the cmce will be Mr. RonaldSisk,who members, is basically a "clear- biggest change is the annualtnflux w1ll also continue as head basket- inghouse" for a variety of issues of freshmen and transfer students, ball coach. Other additions are and is especially concerned with but there have been many other Greg Getty, WMC class of '69, as subjects concerning student ure, changes as well. admissions counselor; and Hugh Last year, the Student Life Coun- Most apparent, perhaps, are the Dawkins, 69, a~ststant to the dtr-. en devoted a great deal of atten- physical changes. The new swim- ector of computer programming tion to such problems as the din- ming pool has finally opened and Is and head resident. tng hall and open houses. The now In use for classesandrecrea- In addition to administrative SLC welcomes proposals from tlonal swimming. Memorial Hall changes, there have been a num- students; last year, for example, has been almost completely re- ber of changes in the faculty. There the Rouzer committee on open- novated. The basement and flrst will be two new professors on ~ houses submitted a proposal to Six new as- N floor, formerly Idtchensanddlning campus: Dr. L. Stanley Bowls- the SLC. hall, are now housing the computer bey, .rr., education and Dr. McCay F App e r Student members of the SLe center and classrooms. The third Vernon, psychology. ewac es a include: Jeff Davis (president of MaxW. Dixon,dramatlc -A T floor has been refurbished. The sistant professors have joined the the SGA), Mike Rudman (vice- second noorwtn be remodeled next faculty: WllUam F. Cipolla, modern B. president of the SGA and a non- year. Changes Include, new furnI- languages; S erm egI ns voting member of SLe), Earl se- ture, wall-to-wall carpeting, and art· Mrs. MaryEllenSmlthElwell, wartz (president of the Men's Co- air conditioning. sodlOIOgy; Dr. Robert J. Weber, II uncn), Ruth Thomas (president of int~h~h~rtp!~~::tio:~th H:~:eml~: :!~t,ic;~I~~!~;~;; ~~~:ti:~:a:~New Faces At WMC Tom Blair Spar knng renovations took plaee !:~~~:s~~:~tc~~n~~!\~:f:_~:= year, is now the site of the publicity Mr. Ethan Seidel economics. In Meeting new faces and getting over the summer In Memorial ernity Council), Carol Fleagle office, as well as the GOLD BUG, addition there wili be five new In- reacquainted with old faces that Hall where college maintenance (president of the Inter-sorority Contrast and Aloha. structor's: Mr.GeorgeAlspach,Jr., have changed, Is a large part of men worked hard to complete plar Council), and Jerry Hopple (editor In addition to physfcal changes, biology; Dr. Concepcion Alzola, the September month.-This holds ned remodeling. Unfortunately, of the GOLD BUG). there have been a number of per- modern languages; LindaR. Eshle- true for Western Maryland's ca- the work was not finished on the of Moore Attends sonnel changes, both In faculty and man, mathematics; Alexander mpus as well as students. 1969, second floor by the ~glnning administration. First, WMC has Ober physical education' and Mr especially, the upperclassmen and September. But as hme goes on, two,Othn,',Wet','""'th'n~~:~a"'n·o,Tthh',F!tar:~ Jam~s R. Carpenter, Jr.: phYSICai ~~: 4~r=ur:t:d:~~S i:~:!:i~:: the final changes wUi be made. Youth Meeting e .. ...., ... education. Women students in McDaniel ~l;~ :: ~~~~!~t~O~~owr:a'nJ~: Oe~:V:;:I=~~~~~:~:~U:s~Jeu7t~ ~~:r::t~~h a~:~o~e:~~~ o~~~~= ::~ea~:a:~oi~~~rll:t:~li~; ~~~!; Charlie Moore, junior class pre- sldent, attended the 24th annual National Conference on Citizenship :':~:n:~;:;:': ~;~,~~;;:~!:~;;'~i~,~t.:?;::~i 6~\~::~:::~rp:;t;~~~~~;l:;t~~~:;,:; ~:;Id':f~t ~o~,::;'~:~~~:~~n~~~; in WashIngton, D. C. (Sept. 15-17). SOC. Dept. Plans WhUe at the Conference, Charlie sess- partiCipated in work-study professor Lawler, ~:r:!~~~ assistant Two More Films ~0~~1~~~.::;~r!h~!~~~::~l:~ of ~:~tf~ll H~~n;~~hl~~ (adjaCent to 16;hf~e!~~a:e:e~~~~;t~r~~~~~~ Ions Theme of this year's National organizations." on "Youth dence Rouzer halls, was "Citizenship S~~'rh~~:~~: For October ment as a part-time Instructor. th;.:r~!;~!a~:dw::~~e~~r~;69_70 ;f:;e:~~!n~ra:":~e: students --10 men Conference Responsible Involvement." Re- quires saw the official opening of the new ool--February nu~:~i~~a~:~!:l~~sh~~eth~;:c~ Conference The wUl try to put The sociology department w11l ulty. Dr. Charles E. Crain is now swimming pool below the cafeteria. E~::~~~:?~y~:;~r;~~~~~~ these it is Of and 14 women. youth activism to work on a year- ~. round basis. ~:.~2r~:~:;;;~?°Ef:~~~;:~!~~~:,:fi:~:!:~£~;1~;;r~~~::~~::t[.~:ei~~::! Founded In 1946, the National Conference on Citizenship has as p.m. in Decker Auditorium. ment. Dr. Keith Richwine Is now competition. some courses durlngsummersch- one of Its main goals encourag- ing participating in clUzenshipac- st;~~~~;~ ::l~~ llir:~~~:~~:~i~~ a full professor and chairman of the we~:~~I:pe!~~i:::1 ~~:: ~~~~r- ~~lbr:~yth:l:;~~~e c~;:u~~: UvlUes and the promotion of coo- of Odober 2. Two related films ~~~~!:~::::;tt::::~t: D~~~a;~:~ the summer. Formerly the "gri- avaUable In resIdence halls In peration by all American citizens. Speakers at the Conference in- :!~~u~h~~~~l~~~: !~;I ':~~,~ PhllUps is now associate proles- ~~;~ ~::W~~~,~~!e~~e~!~li~ ::!S ~~~:~d~~d :~~!~:r;~l ~:~ clude the Honorable Brook hayes, Have a Dream,; The LUe of Mar- replaced by automated machines, cluded in the transfers. director of the EcumenicallnsU- Un Luther King". These !I1ms and wlll remain open at all times. tute at Wake Forest University; Court ~~~IP~:~ifv~e~~~~~.p~~:~~~ WMC Hosts Art Lecture French Club former Supreme and Assistant Justice Se- Tom C. Clark; blaokAm"'''. Begins Year cretary for Education James E. In "Black History, Lost, Stolen Allen, Jr. or Strayed", BUI Cosby revIews Charlie was impressed by the which have been omlttedfromAm- In Decker Auditorium were Officers for In the first meeting, conference, most especially by the French Club the black' achievements American elected erican history. He also relates September 18. The meeting was sight of young people running nat- committees. This showed ional the absence of recognition of At- What painter was employed as a In addition to the three pro- held in the French House. him, that despite what many people rica's contrIbution to Westerncul- diplomat by the Governors of The grams on Rubens presented bythts Betsy Fuestel was re-elected say, students can exercise res- ture, and the changing Hollywood Netherlands'? Who is one of the outstanding will lecturer, Mrs. Joseph to another term as president of ponsib1l1Ues. if they are given present pro- Osmann three stereotype. most well-known portrait painters grams on Rembrandt. Mr. Os- the club. other officers were Ka- them. Ray Charles and other celebri- of history'? renWagner, vice-president; Joy ties including Aretha FrankUn, Join Charles Leidenfrost and mann, himself a renowned artist, Ridington, secretary; and Pat Col- The Advisory Committee on present a documentation on ilie Joseph Osmann at Decker Audit- in his second year at Governor beck, treasurer. College Policies will be consider- significance of Soul music In "Body Thomas Johnson High School In A slate of activities was also i!lg long range development pro· Maryland, recieved and Soul - Soul". The secondfea- orium on the Western Marylano to Frederick, of Fine Arts from Penn a planned at the meeting. The club grams for Western Maryland Col- campus Bachelor can find the answers ture of October 9th Is a biography these questions and many more. State University with additional plans to see the French fUm. "A lege. The ACCP invites opinions or Dr. King as well as a chron- Man and A Woman" and the play from the college community. ology of the civil rights movement Mr. Leidenfrost will present study at the Slade School of Fine "Antigone" by Jean AnouUd at The faculty and staff members In the 50'S and 60's. three programs In the Six Week Arts, University of Lor.don, Eng- st. Joseph's College In Emmits- are: Dr. Stevens (chairman), Dr. Art Appreciation Series sponsor- land. He is currently worldng on burg. and a Christ- David, Mr. Case, Dr. Lightner, A foudue party a M. F. A. at the Maryland Insti- Students interested in various ed by The Carroll County Coop- tute in Baltimore. mas presentation are planned for Dr. Achor, Dr. Phillips, Dean eraU ve Extension Service. national fellowship awards for the year as well as a slide pre- Mowbray and Dr. Clower. The graduate s,udy should see Dr. -Born In Hungary, Mr. Leiden- In June 1967 he exhibited paint- sentation by Karen Wagner and student members include: Steve Ridington in 301 Memorial Hall. frost received a solid foundation ings In the Inter College Exhibition Jan Smith who spent their junior Grant, Tom Bennett and Cathy Some awards require ~pplication In the arts and humanities during of Eastern Art Schools, and in the year at AIx-en-Provence, France. McCullough. as early as October 6. his secondary education, althou- Three Rivers Art Festival in Pitt- FULBRIGHT awards: U. S. gh he studied to be a farmer. He sburgh. In the spring of 1969 he government grants for graduate received his B. S. Degree in the exhibited a large acrylic palntlngof SIEGMAN'S ~~ study abroad. Available to memo Agricultural University of Buda- four figures in the Cumberland. Valley Show at the Washington Co- pest, Hungary. bers of the present senior class. unty. Museum of Fine Arts. TEXACO SERVICE Italian WOODROW WILSON awards: Since 1966 he has Initiated Art, Awards for graduate study for Music, and Drama Appreciation A drawingwUl be held each even- seniors who are considering a Workshops in cooperation with the ing fo! a print of the painter being Dining Room college teaching career .. Department of Extension Home studied. DANFORTH graduate fellow· Economics. As a result of the For further Information, caU 85 W. Main St. and succe'ss of these ships: For seniors woo have a acceptance programs, he is current- Kathleen Brown, Extension Agent, Westminster cultural serious interest in college teach- ly worldng tull time as the eul- Home Economics at the Extension TJaACO IlAVnLIIIl! 848·2848 ing and plan to study OIL for the '-----~ tural Resource DeveIopmentSpec- Of!ice, County Office Bulldini, GASOLINB 848-5411 or 876-2085, Extension 4. laUst.
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