Page 3 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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THE GOLD BUG SEPTEMBER 26,1969 PAGE 3 Actor To Present New Prof , Nixon Invites Griswold Ben Franklin Show Writes Book chnoren by To White House A book about de" On Thursday, October 2, at 8:15 .talented man. Butwlththewig,cos- Dr. McCay Vernon, professor of Dr. L. Earl Grtswold.professor ttve. Th~ sociology professor has p.m.; William Patterson will pre- tume, makeup and his words I hope psychology at Western Maryland of sociology at Western Maryland sent the monologue, "A Protne of to give a convincing suggestion of College, Westminster, Is being College. Westminster, attended been intimately Involved with SOS, student volunteer Ben Franklin." Few students at the man." pubttshed this month. a White House workshop on student a Western Maryland. program at WMC recall Mr. Patterson's per- The monologue consists of two The book, Multiply Handicapped volunteer programs In Washlng_ The workshop, "Student Volun- formance lour years ago when he parts and a ten minute tntermtss- Deaf Children: Medical, Educa- . ton september 22 to 24. < tary Action: The University and presented "A Profile of Holmes." ion with settings moving from ttonat and Psychological consto- Following Invitations this sum- its Role,"wiU be held In the Execu- He presented this monologue in ~ England to France. The presen- er auons was published by the Co- mer from President Nixon and tive Office Building of the White London, Aspen, Datrott, Minnea- tatton, scheduled for Alumni Hall, uncI! of Exceptional Children. Al- Secretary of Housing and Urban polls, and ClncinaU as well as at is free to all students, so this month, an article by Dr. Development George Romney, Dr. House. Purpose of tha program wlJl advice on how be to offer practical Town Hall in New York In over Vernon, "Soctotogtoaj and Psych- Lowell S. Ensor,presldentofWes- to promote, organize and conduct two hundred and fifty performan- IFC Considers "- ological Factors in Profound hear- tern Maryland, appointed Dr. Gris- a broadly-based program of stu- ces. ing Loss" was published In the wold as the college's representa- dent voluntary action. Director of Having been born In Buffalo, Journal of Speech and Hear tng Re- the conference will be James R. New York, Mr. Patterson attend- Bidding Changes search. ETS Plans -ranCk, formerly of Michigan state ed Brown Untver-stty In nearby University and now Youth Program Provtdenca, Rhode Island. Fol1ow- re~:~rc~erf~~n h~:s ~~~d wt:Satd~:: Teacher Exams The Inter-Fraternity Council is Ing hlsgraduattonfrom the Univer- considering a new system of frat- over the past flve years, part of Office of the National Program for Voluntary Action. ' sity, he served as infantry lieut- SOS, Student Opportunities Ser- enant in France during World War ernity rushing and bidding. Atthls the time in California at the Cal- College seniors preparing to time no final action has been taken Ifornia School for the Deaf and the vice, Is a student originated and II. but a system now being examined greater part in Chicago at the Psy- teach school may take the Na- managed program at Western After his return from the war, would make the fraternity system chosomatic and Psychiatric In-, tional Teacher Examinations on Maryland College. About sIx years Patterson worked with sever-al very similar to that used by the stitute of Michael Reese Hospital. any of the four different test dates ago a group of students decided to today by Educational announced Eastern stock companies as well sororities. Dr. Vernon joined the Western Testing Service, a nonprofit, edu- become more Involved intheworld as on television In New York. Also under scrutiny in the In- Maryland faculty this fall. He will cational organization which pre- around them. Their first project Soon, however, he joined the Cle- ter~Fraternity council is the pro- was to plan, supply, and actually veland Play House starr for which posal that the IFC cup be replac- be principally concerned with the pares and administers this testing set up a llbrary in a small village program. special program the college is con- he became assistant director in ed by pennants for individual cha- ducting jointly with the Maryland New dates for the te sttng uf pr-o; in the Philippines. The students 1960, He works presently in San mpions in football, bas ketbalj , School for the Deaf in Frederick. spective teachers are; November Collected, catalogued and arranged Francisco with the Arnertcan con, softbaU and scholastics. In the The new professor is a graduate 8, 1969, and January 31, Apr!14, for shipping of the books and then servatory Theatre as featured past, a point system was used In of the University of Florida, re- and July 18, 1970. The tests wrll got themselves and the books to the player. This Is his second season which the fraternity with the high_ ceived an M. S. in education of be given at nearly 500 locations PhiUppines--wlth their own funds. of 'fA Profile of Ben Franklin." est total of points from the four the deaf at Gaflaudet College, an throughout the United States, ETS Since that time they have set up areas in several According to Mr. Patterson, mentioned areas took. the cup. M. A. In psychology at Florida said. libraries Rico, in Appalachia and on of Puerto "The Franklin role will require an The IFC Is alsolnvestigaUngthe State University and Ihe Ph.D. In The Bulletin of Information Cor an Indian reservation. They have hour for me to makeup. Nobody possibilities of separate housing psychology at Claremont Graduate Candidates contains a list of test been involved In community action, could imitate that marvelously for fraternities. At present the School. He came to Western Ma- centers, and information about the Council would like to see housing ryland from the Institute for Psy- examinations, as well as a Regis- recreation, and educational pro- bul lt by the College and leased to chosomatic and Psychiatric Re- tration Form. Copies may be ob- grams In the same areas. At aU ..the fraternities. search where he was project dir- tained [rom college placement of- times they have planned and man- ector tor a research and demon- ficers, school personnel depart- aged the programs on their own. Dr. Griswold has been an unofficial, stration grant to study psychosis ments, or directly trom National but very active, faculty sponsor of deafness. Dr. Vernon Is editor Teacher Examinations, Box 911, in chief of American Annals of Educational Testing Service, the group. SOS has been referred the Deal. Princeton, New Jersey, 08540. to as Western Maryland's private Peace Corps. Joe Sadler's House Of Music and "The Room at the Top" P4*H&DLiC HI. De"a P." •• I. 5'.... P.... , ..p. WI'. Ps"h.dli, lI,hls Deca's new full stereo ~ble phonowaph with psychedlic:Illtlts fea· tur. a full si~.4-speed ellinger Ind lutomatic: shutoff; a solid nat. 11· transistor Implifier; two six~nc:h INgnet spllllllk.~, plus psyc:hedlic:liltlts Saturday Night Dances which IIf'II activated by sound of music. Liltlu may be set for 9nat .. or l_lntaNity ort\Uned off c:ompletMy. $98 95 SPECIAL PRICE featuring P.r'.W. IoHtry P•••• .~.. ~~ This MW mini si~.phono ha I m- Top Name Bands lid ltat. ImPifi ....; opWate$ on bat· ~.OP.'5' tay Of' electric:; citro"... turnIIbI., po-'uI 3" x 5" ., : SPECiAl $1995 Ind oJMlnltel at 33 113. 45 78 RPM. . PRICE Saturday, September 27 D.". Alf/f. CI.. k RotIl. Th. new dock 'liii0 features corn- plat. AM.FM tuning ranges with Denny and the Hitchhikers built-in AFC; ten tr~ pI~ 4 diodes, tilKhron full featu,. dock .nooze button: 3%," PM dyna- .......... ndllklerul.dial. SPECIAL $2929 PRICE 8-11 P.M.
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