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PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG SEPTEMBER 26,1969 Moratorium Asks For Wide Campus Support (The Student Call-Vietnam traced to Its Influence. order that students, faculty mem- university community to support National Moratorium Comm- The discredited policies of the bers and concerned citizens can the moratorium, and we commit ourselves this effort to organize ittee) past which have brought about this devote time and energy to the im- on our campus and in the larger portant work 01 taking the Issue of Ending the war in Vietnam is 'American tragedy have not been community. We ask others to join the most Important task facing the changed. We follow the same mil- peace in Vietnam to the larger co- us, American nation. Over the last ttary advice which has created a mmuntty, few years, millions of Americans futile and bloody conflict while we If the war continues this faU and Action at WMC have campaigned, protested, and cUng to the same policies which there is no firm committment to demonstrated against the war-, Few have caused the Parlsnegotlations American withdrawal or a negoti- The Student Call for a Vietnam on October now defend the war, yet it contin- to falter. The token displacement ated settlement members of the aca- 15, Moratorium, which is printed par-tlcipattng ues. ot 25,000 troops over a three mon- demic community will spend the above, expresses the position of Death and destruction are un- th period slmplylsnotthesubstan- entire day organizing against the the Western Maryland Vietnam Co- abated; bombs and !Ire continue nat change in policy thatls so des- war and working In the community mmitment Committee. We are not to devastate South Vietnam. Bill- perately needed. having an actual moratorium at Ions of dollars are spent on war Thus It Is neces saryror an tbose to get others to join us In an en- Western Maryland, hut we are Um- while the urgent domestic probl- who desire peace to become active larged and lengthened moratorium tng the activities at WMC so that ems of this country remain una- again and help bring pressure to in November. This process will they coincide with the nattonal act .. continue is American until there ttended. Moreover, the war has bear on the present Administra- withdrawal or a negotiated settle- ivlties -- on October 15. We are had a corrupUng Influence on every tion. ment. asking everyone to at least think aspect of American life, and much We call for a periodic morat- We call upon all members of the about the Issue of Vletnam-- and of the national discontent can be orium on "business as usual" in make a decislo_n. Administrative Censor Hinders Paper's Advertising Campaign Western Maryland College is af- to decide Intelligently whether or by Jim S!}1yth fiUated with the Methodist church, not to participate in the celebra- President Ensor has refused to and that the church discourages tion of the vine. Why is the college allow the GOLD BUG to print ad- the use of alcoholic beverages. unable to grant its population a ve-nsemenrs of businesses which sell One must bear In mind, however, Similar modicum of free will? alcoholic beverages. We feel that this that not an of the students follow Th!" revenue lost as a result of censorship should be brought to the attention of the student body. The this Methodist doctrine to the let- President Ensor's piety amounts following editorial presents the ter , to about fifty doltar-s per Issue. We GOLD BUG position. The State of Maryland assumes don't want to shake the very founda- Last yeartheGOLDBUGencoun- that by the age at twenty-one an tn- tions of civilized life, (that Is, the advocation but of a wet campus), dlvidual will have attained a degree tered rather serious financial dll- of maturity which will enable him merely to exercise our freedom of ftculty, By the end of the year, the the press and make a Uttle bread. paper owed nearly eight hundred dollars. In order to make up this Early To Bed, Early To ... loss, there has been launched an at the Key Policy Questioned extensive campaign to acquire new local advertisers. Several local merchants Interested Inhav- Ing GOLD BUG ad space are in- by Cathy McCullough volved in the sale of alcoholic bev- Last spring the Women's Coun- tion to giving junior girls the pri- erages. cil submitted the following pro- vilege." He does feel, however, Admission Procedures For Blacks no qualms about the appearance posal to Dr. Ensor: senior women, that "after more mature and In a three years of college, Ensor had In the past, President girls are women, Junior ads for alcoholic beverages. GOLD of and women over 21 years of age better position to use their judg- Under Fire; Faster Action Urged BUGs from 1963 through 1967 con- with parentalpermlssionshall have ment." of the GOLD It is the position cur- of self-limiting tained ads for the Downtown Tavern, the privilege by Bill Werley We need sophistication to attack jne Homestead Inn, and the Car- few In the form of the key system BUG that college women have the When the battle over compulsory a bureaucracy. Then we only said riage House. Sometime between presently available for use by sen- right toaseU-UmiUngcurfew. Last ROTC was won last year the issue "why?" Now we must ask tougher then and now, the administration iorwomen. year's experiment proved that the of Blacks on campus became most questions. What percent (and how has undergone a change of heart. Dr. Ensor denied this privilege system works, and that the women important. The Admissions De- many) of the total applicants last These ads now prove orrenst ve to to junior women stating that itwas are capable of using it as there partment's lack of vigorous re- year were Black? How many were the dry behinds of the admlnistra- "a major step In giving the senior were no problems or violations or' cruitment of minorities and the rejected because Admissions felt tlve ears. girls this privilege after so many the system. blind defense of their own inaction they would not succeed academical- If they would take the time to years of no such system" and that Dr. Ensor seems aIraldtomake were criticized everywhere from ly? Were any Whites admitted wUh examine the situation, the admin- he needed "more time to see how changes rapidly, but it is the con- GOLD BUG articles to Association lower qualifications than any of the istration would see that there is it worked before there could be an tention of this paper that the right to of American University Profes- no cause for their present excite- 1mmediate stepping down of class- self limiting curfew is long over- sors' meetings. Perhaps the Ad- Negroes who were rejected? How ment. The GOLD BUG is a student es." due as it is. If a woman student's missions Department Is full of good many Blacks were unable -to get paper, completely managed andftn- The President explained that the parents feel she Is capable of set- intentions and Is merely slow. scholarships? Does the football anced by the staff and student body, senior class division line was an ting her own curfew, It Is not the It is very slow Indeed. Three team member get more college as- respectively. Knowing that they do "arbttary one" and that he is not privilege of the college to deny her years ago, Dave carrascowas ask- ststance than the average student? not share in the execution of the "one hundred per cent in oppost- that right. ,lng why no ghetto kids came to The Admissions Department publication, It seems rather par- WMC. Representatives from Ad-l may be working against the best anoic of the administration to feel THE GOLD BUG missions painstakingly explained interest of the student body by slow ~ that they would reap the repercus- the lack of applications, the short- Ing integration. They must be given sions at anything that appeared in Official student newspaper of Western Maryland ccneae.: age of funds, and on and on. They a chance to explain their goals and the paper. ' published twelve times a year in Feb., Mar., Apr., May., Sept., were full of facts and their defense activities. More information must The basts for the adrmnistra- Oct., No",., Dec., on Friday. Entered as second class matter at was without a loophole. be made public so we can judge. tlve concern must be the fact that the Post Office, Westminster, Maryland 21157, under Act of IMarch 3, 1879. SECOND.CLASS POSTAGE PAID ATWESTMtNSTEh, MO. 2115"1 SU8 Schull.... .. Busineu Man., Lee Schwartz •. . Production Editor Susan Baker, Pam Zappardino.. . News Editors Mike Shultt..... .. Editorial Page Editor Brian,chanev SportsEditor Richard Anderson, Tracey Begtin... . ; .. features Editors Jim Smyth Adlrertising Men.r Tim Smith, •. , Nancy Decker ,................. ... .Inside N~ Editor Cathy McCullough Publishing Editor John Van Horn..... . . Photography Editor CRUD AND SCUM have invaded the beautiful, pastoral Western Maryland Campus. The Bio CO¥inne.Klein ArtEditor Pend back campus has degenerated into a stagnant puddle supporting a culture of dead beer cans- Susan Smithers. Ci~ulation 8fI~ Exchange Editor and rotting trash. Hopefully something will be done to improve the scenery. 'Sandy Kearns ... "'.,;~: ·······~.),.,.,.l·:..-rv-rs-..\..;'lyejNt.'¥~~ , ......." ": '.;.~ .~ .a.IiI. I":' I'
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