Page 66 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 66
photo by Anderson ----Sound happening directions---- By Jim~Bean The Sound Happening w11l probably undergo some of it, making way for more material for an active so we might have to go looking for another place to changes this semester, due to the advent of a Coffee audience. This Is not to say that the Coffee House will meet. We have considered Understage, but that could House on campus and the general spirit which seems be exclusively formal and passive, the Sound Happening produce all kinds of problems. t would also llke to to prevatt among those involved In the Happenings. Informal and active. Certainly, both stageswllJ accomo- stress the fact that is impossible to organize the Sound The Happening, since Its beginnings, has evolved In Its date both types of presentations and there Is no reason Happening performance to any great degree, but If we form according to the tastes of the performers, the type to structure things in order to force such a distinction. do find more people partiCipating some sort of order of material presented, and, at course, the personalities One of the most striking aspects of the Happening, from wUi have to be worked out without destroying the spon- of the people, their relationships to one another. Myself, the performers point of view, Is its spontanatety, But, tanalety. I enjoy playing music by myself, or accompanied, for an because of the general spIrit which pervades the Sound audience who just Usten as well asmuslcwhich everyone Happening at Us best, a closeness, togetherness of per- can get Into, singing along, swaying backand forth keeping former and audience, 1 tend to believe that the material time. We have, w1ththis last Happening, gotten Into some presented will be channeled, by audience demand, toward hard rock. Woody likes traditional <1hQotenany" things the more active. that everyone can get into. All of these personal desires, Last year, after sensitivity 'rratnme , the Sound Happ- whether it ~s the desire to be a rock-and-rop star, like ening took a definite shift in this dIrection. Many ot the myself, or Just wanting tc be apprectated.artect the.dfrec- people involved, many of the people who make up {he nons which the Happening experience takes. audience as well as most of the performers, had grown The Coffee House wm provide a new stage on which music, readIngs, and dance can be presented. From my :~;:e ~~~:~~Sh~~ss~~U:;!litst~;es::~!:~~~~;:t:e;r:e::~t~~ past experiences with coffee' fiouses I can say that such mlc and simple. People joined hands to sing and dance, presentations are generalIy formal, that Is the perfor- to hug one another'j r'ncklng back and forth In time with mers perform their material In front of a passive aud- the music. This spirit was present at the beginning of Ience, one that does not actively take par-t In the present- this year, but due to a bad case of the winter WMC blues ation. The audience shows Its appreciation by listening the infrequency of Happenings, and a generallacko! t1m~ quietly and attentively' and, of course, by applause. Be- Ing, this spirit has jaded (I like that word). But have no cause the Coffee House wlll provide a stage for this kind fear, spring is on its way. of presentation, I think the SOundHappening wtll stage less Furthermore, there are some add1t1ons to the Sound Happening experience which might tend to work with this mood of togetherness. Steve Grant w1l1be trying to In- stigate some street-Theatre type productions for Hap- penings. We may experiment with some sense-retaxa , tion exercises, and other such things. I would also like to see more of the people on campus who play get a chance to do so. (If I can feed my ego at the Coffee House, I won't, I hope, try as much to "steal the show" at Happenlngs----- __somethlng which I feel quite guflty of.) I would also like to see more readings and dance and anything else anyone can come up with. I, person- ally, would like to see the Happening stage open up to all kind of art expre.sslons and the creation of a very close, freely open audience. Just a nnat note, however, about some of the prob- lems which we will probably have to face. The chapel The Boston Bean Bros. team up with West Virginia's doesn't lend Itself all that well to a very active audience Waddy Prince. The result: a pleasant mixture of spit-it- ed hootenany and subtle folk photo by Smith ~~ Italian IIiniIIg Ream 85 W. Main St-. Wedminster 111102148 THE TOP HAT DRIVEĀ·IN DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SUBS RT.140 5 MILES EAST OF WESTMINSTER
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