Page 64 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 64
pag',6 the gold bug february 16, 1970 Letters to the editor --- the gold To the editor: in the- girls' dorms, I find myself with able? Maybe! But, why not use an analogy that hUs close to home? ASSignments especially, made Here atWMC many students,freshman the desire to ofter a few comments on the current situa- their dectslon to attend this college mainly because of fa- bug tion. Last year, when Dean Laidlaw granted the seniority cutues available for both study and relaxation. The pride now employed (after Freshman room assign- procedure and joy of all these racntttes pool. Didn't the Is "our" ments), she commented that the girls could have seniority, but she'd control the midterm assignments. Fine, except pool attract the eye of many freshman? at course it did. that rather than acting as an Intermediary In the matter, It was meant to do Just the same. Isn't the pool a high- Honor among students she has become the sole executress. several misplaced light of campus visltaUon? to WMC has evidenced The past January Well, why then can't we, who were attracted persons. While some people made the assigned changes partly because of the new poet.use it during the hours and By Chuck Spicknall without difficulty, others were given rooms- where they on the days which are most comfortable to our schedules? had expressly aSked not to be placed--strange inequities Who wants to swim after 9:00 psm, Maybe that's why at- Western Maryland College operates under an honor tendance at recreational swim Is poor. tUhe hours were system, the purpose of which according to the Honor Sys- when there are several locked rooms in the dorms. It from 7:00 until 9:00 psmsmany more students would pro- would have been simple to call a brief meeting during tem Handbook is, "to generate a sttuattcn of honesty, exam week of all those desiring room changes for second bably swim. Integritl:" and, freedom so that students may take due pride semester and allowed the girls to discuss the situation Even 8:00 p.m. Isn't too bad, but when a student goes in their individual achievements." among themselves. Apparently the alternative was too to the pool at the usual time (8:00). puts on his swim The Honor System is "developed from the belief that logical. trunks, takes a shower, signs the register, and Is told by students who are accepted for enrollment atthts college What the above all leads to Is this: from my exper- the guard the pool Isn't open until 9:00 p.rn, because the are people who, Interested in their own education, would ience In the past four years on campus, 1 have observed YMCA Is using It, the student Isn't too pleased. Such is not be satisfied to obtain merely the symbols of education, the situation which prompts me to write this article. such as grades or degrees by unauthorized use of the the Dean acUng against the advice offered by students. Why should we students be Inconvenienced by an off· work or others." Granted that students are not always the best counselors, and campus organization when we are trying to relax from but they do have an eye out for their own interests Unfortunately, the Honor System does not work In any- the weirere of their peers. If the Dean would pay more hours of study? thing more than providing a situation where there Is lUtle attention to what makes the students more comfortable In fact, rule 9 on the sheet of Harlow Natatorium re- fear of getting caught. As deplorable as this may sound, (and/or happy), I'm sure that ther-e wculd be le ss antagon- gulations states, "The pool Is for the EXCLUSIVE use it Is a fact. Along with this tact are a number of others ism toward her administrative dicta. of the WMC student body and faculty •.•" The rule does which show why the system does not and can not suc- Suo Phillips add that special permission to use the pool can be se- cessfully work under its present form. cured from the Director of Athletics. However, how The basic fault, however, Is not to be found In the Honor often does a request' for special permission Inconven- System, but In the assumption upon which the System Is To whom it may concern: removed tence the party who does not need permtsston-o-tn this Will the person or persons who "accidently" based, that the students at Western Maryland College are a black attache case from my office on Monday, January case the WMC student body and faculty? Why should here in the pursuit of knowledge, and not the pursuit of 19th please...conslder returi1ing the papers in the case-- special permission be granted four nights a week as has the symbols thereof. This may be true In some isolated no questions- asked. As a reward you may keep the case, been the case with the YMCA? I realize that the YMCA, cases but the majority of students here would readily which while it was given to me as a group farewell gift Is renting the pool, but shouldn't the student body come admit to some other reason for their presence, such as when I departed from my former job, Is only a thing and first, the public last? If the pool Is for our "exclusive" the draft or parents, before the search of knowledge came can do without me as I can do without It. In addition you use as rule 9 states, why are we excluded from this use? Into the picture. may also keep the answer key to the sociology 101 final Furthermore, why Isn't the pool open longer on week- Perhaps when the Honor System was devised the assump- ends when students are tree from classes? Swimming tion upon which It ts based was true; but since this Is no exam, which we won't be using again anyway. The other Is most enjoyable when students have the most time to longer so, there are parts of the Constitution of the Honor worthless looking booklets and papers have an amazingly retax-vnamery on weekends. Court whtch, although they sound great are in most cases high value to me and I would ltke to have them back. So what of the guy who rented the second street ocean snatchers purse and pick pockets Many professional unworkable. do arrange for return of victims' empty wallets with Im- view cottage and couldn't swim In the ocean? Tough luck, These are: portant personal papers. Can you demonstrate that we ugh? Section III Reporting Infractions college types operate on the same high level? Well, what about US? A. Any person guilty of infractions of the honor code is on his honor to report himself within 24 Hopefully, Ron Jemmerson & Friends hours by enclosing in a sealed envelope address- Mary Ellen Elwell Class of '73 ed to the Chairman of the Honor Courtthe follow- Sociology Department ing information: I. Name Dear Sir: 2. Date of infraction We would like to extend our humble apologies to the dear Mike and Sue and hiro and Um and greg and rich- 3. Nature of the Infraction following (in alphabetical order): Ron Athey, ~RS. Harry 4. Request for a hearing Brock, Bill Candee, Dr. Clower, Mr. and Mrs. Decker, ard, dream a butterfly. have a sunshine day. B. In the case that one person observes another Coach and Mrs. Earll, Maggie Ellis, Dean Mowbray.clohn love, committing an infraction of the Honor Code, he Nesbitt and date, Mr. Ober, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, and (ed. note: This letter to the editor is one of the few unsigned may personally confront the guilty and remind an unidentified lady in the lobby, for our gross miscon- letters that we will ever run. Thank you. we will.). him that he should report himself within 24 duct on the evening of the Loyola--WMC basketball game. A special thank you to the Boones Farm distilleries from hours. The observer Is still obligated to report the accused after 24 and within 48 bours after the two honorary members in the WMC Apple Wine Lov- To The Editors: the observation following the same precedure as ers Club. (AWLC) A child's wonder is not limited to time or place neither outlined In Section III, Part A, and include hi's Signed, Should joy be defined by terms of proper. name. T. W. and Dave (magic does not necessarily cease upon entering the C. Faculty members wlll be bound by the Honor Dear Sir: cafeteria ... ) System to follow the same procedure as outlined I am In no way able, nor do I qualified to explain the Jim Bean and Becca In Section III, Part B. If late discovery of the circumstances that have led up to the fragmentation of infraction makes this Impossible, theywlll ra- the Western Maryland College campus by fraternities Apathy, still a bugaboo port infractions at the earliest possible moment. and their supporters and those individuals who are anti- D. Whenever any student is in doubt as to whether fraternity. However, I am able to state how much I de- there has been an actual violation, he should plore the type of campaign that many Individuals are consult the professor and the Chairman of the launching in order to propogate their opinions. What I Honor Court. speak of Is a campaign of generalities, over-simplifica- Called to the attention of nearly no one and flnlly hap- That this section of the Honor Court Constitution Is highly tions, and arguement for arugment's sake. The individuals penlng without much fanfare, the Freshmen Pool Party idealistic and almost completely unworkable will be who are guilty of this are turning the. conese campus went off as the fiasco It was doomed to be. January 31 did evident to anyone asking the question of himself, whether -c-which tasupposecr'to be aplaceoffact, scientific analy- not find a lot of people on campus and consequently the he would turn In himself for cheating or a friend. In most sis, and opinion based upon' empirical evicence-ctntc a turnout for the party was hardly overwhelm{ng. True, cases the answer Is no. circus of ever-emotional generalities and opinion based the idea of a pool party In mid-winter may not appeal to In addition to the above sections that are unworkable upon predetermined thought patterns. great numbers of people, yet It was hoped that the Idea is Section VI, Part B. "A person will on his honor abide In order to alleviate this situation In one small area would provide some novelty and thus attract a sufficient by the stipulations of the corrective measures imposed only, I wish to present the date that was obtained In a crowd. upon him." This passage farther shows how Idealistic survey of students for a January term course. The pur- Where did the fascination cease and the doldrums set the, framers of the Honor Court Constitutions were. Today in? Perhaps, long before January, enthusiasm In general It is hard to believe that a person who has broken the pose is to refute the statement that all fraternity mem- was on the wane. Of course, there Is the posstbf ltty that IS getting about think dates pants. their into bers code will be honorable In complying with the restrictions The survey showed that the freshman male wanted to most of the freshmen class Is composed of non-swimmers placed upon him by the system especially when the fear pet on the first date (48%) and have intercourse (45%). or that 73~ was an exorbitant price. These are weak con- .of being turned in to the Honor Court is practically non- Compare this to the fraternity men who said petting is all jectures and most likely untrue. So one must go back to existent. right on the first date (28%) and intercourse is proper the original assumption: that the co-operation and spirit In.talklng to two members-of the Honor Court and one- then (18%). These statements are further emphasized by were at an all-time low. former member it was discovered that the honor Court the overall attitude of the campus sex life by the fresh- One must not blame the freshmen class entirely; from itself Is not unaware of the IneUectiveness of the Honor man. Ninety percent said that it was backward, while this modest observer's view, participation in anything System on this campus, Although these people did have only one-half ofthefraternitymembers believed this. Deal other than frat parties, has never been outstanding. But ideas on how to change the system to make It more ef- in fact! . th!:; is not news, in fact it Is very stale Information, fective, they all felt that the main fault lay in the students Dan Janczewski guaranteed not to ruffle or disturb a largely apathetic and not the system itself. Keith Muller stated the point readership. when he said, "People are turned oUbythe idea that they Hopefully, although this lack of spirltseemslnfectlous, should watch others and others should watch them." TO THE EDITOR: it is not long-lived and chronic. Coming up Is the Fresh- If such is the case, what are thealternattves-whtch are What about the guy who rents an ocean view cottage men Slave Auction. Everyone Is Invited to attend and available to the present honor system somar the.stl!dents on second street for the summer and discovers when participate and, If such a phenomenom were to occur - aref:1't responsible for each other? About the only one summer arrives that the beach can only be used by that the turnout was truly overwhelming, then people might those who own lots directly on the beach? unbenev- be amazed and enjoy themselves •.:
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