Page 68 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 68
the gol!;ibug Cooed dorms Not so wild,but a better way to live around and everone was casual and relaxed. IndivIdual When January term ended I decided I needed a HtUe freedom was expanded because it gave people an option. break so I put some concrete between me and the Htn. U a guy doesn't happen toUkeglrls,he can shut his door. Everyone should do that once in a whUe. It is excellent But if he needs some soothing and ego mending he can get medicine for the mind. I wound- up at the University much closer to It than a dirty black telephone receiver. of Maryland for the weekerid. I stayed with a friend For those women's rIghters among us, bathrooms were of mIne who ttves In an experimental coed dorm. I quite equal. In fact the dorm was at one time a girl's only spent three days there so some of my thoughts dorm. Naturally they couldn't use a guy-s dorm, because might be a bit premature, but I couldn't help getting guys destroy their dorms so that they aren'tflt for I1vlng. a tttne sad about this unnatural sex segregation that Maybe this would be a good excuse not to fix an elevator our enUghtened Institutions have been practicing for so so that It gets caught between floors. It might interest many years. the administration that there was very little property It is unnatural that marriage should be a prerequis- destruction anywhere In the dorm. ite for men and women to live together. We are all As far as dress went, chicks wore house coats and aware that 'We are ready to enjoy and profit from each guys wore something besides BVO's. I didn't hear any- other's good company long before we are socially and one contemplating moving out because they couldn't run economically prepared to marry, What our hearts around In bra and panties. In fact they could If they know, however, our minds have been trained to deny wanted to. No one I met knew of any cases where a from the time we were little second graders when the chick or guy was raped and everyone seemed very well boys were told to keep their hands out of their pockets. adjusted and happy. And of all the people I saw there The tragedy Is that this very dogmatic and stagnant was only one little girl who looked forlorn. I learned approach prevents students from ever really getting to that she had Just moved in so I expect she will get the know one another. It denies many the opportunity to hang of guys after a wbne, make the sexual contacts that make their Uves more Naturally after my visit, coming back to enlightened meaningful and rewarding. Instead of a healthy atmo- Western Maryland College makes me feel even closer sphere we are able to see hundreds of lonely people to all of the cows grazing in the gently rolling hills of locked up in the walls of our tradHlonally chaste Carroll County. But after a while even a moderate buildings. After all, some of us are shy and don't intellect such as myself, exhausts the social potential meet people as easily as others. of a cow and seeks to expand Its horizons to people, and We become victims of a system that makes meeting whether the administration likes It or not, people come people necessarily a contr-tvence, 11 we aren't good in sexes and people are basically gregarious, so why socializers, then we meander through the dorms watch-' all the walls? On a college like this, facilities could be Ing our more fortunate friends come and go with smtfes a problem, but I'll bet that If someone asked the students, on their faces. At Hagerstown dorm, however, people they could come up with a workable solution. We could didn't have to go looking for companionship. It was all even find someone to police the halls for people violating the campus PDA rules (Public Display of Affection). IFC changes constitution for more effective government The Inter-Fraternity Council held a meeting of all of " Each fraternity body," etc. fraternity men in Baker 100 at 6:15 p.m. on February The motion to pass this change In Article 9 of the IFC 10. The purpose of the meeting was to change Article 9 constitution was passed with 124 for the change and 10 R.J. RACOON of the IFC constitution. Article 9 reads as follows: against. "Amendments and by-laws to this constrtutton must be The purpose of this change Is to make the Inter-Frat- approved by a three-fourths majorityofthelnter-Frat- ernity Council a more effiCient governing body by making By R. J. Raccoon ernity Council before submitting the proposal to the It easier for the IFC to put different programs for the From the Colfax Avenue sidewalk, Denver looks mud. member fraternities. Each fraternity body must approve fraternity system into effect. Wheareas previously It like any other big city, complete with tall bulldlngs, noisy the proposed amendment or by-law by a two-thirds was possible for 1 person more than one-third of any majorIty tor its passage. Suchby-Iawsandamendments one fraternity to block the passage of an IFC proposed crowded streets and other typical big city bassets, But are binding on all fraternities at Western Maryland measure, it will not take that many people in two frat- Denver also has something very special- something that College. By-laws and amendments shall not conflict ernities to stop future IFC measures. makes it one of the few big clUes In America worth liv- ing in. Just a lew mnes west of Denver stand the Rocky with any of the provtstons of this constitution nor with The Inter-Fraternity Council proposed this change In Mountains, thrusting tall and steady up from the mile the policy ot Western Maryland College." Its constitution in the hopes that with more governing high plateau upon whIch Denver Is situated. From these power now within Its grasp, It will be able to institute mountains comes ZEPHYR, the cool western breeze that The change In Article 9 was In the second sentence, changes In the fraternity system, at WMC which will soothes city ctwellers' tattered nerves and gentty beckons making It read: "Three out of the four member frat- make the fraternities more appealing to the freshmen towards the solttude of the mountains. ernities must approve the proposed amendment or by- in future years than this year, and thus prevent the fur- ZEPHYR Is a big city blues band and expresses law by a two-thirds majority for its passage." instead ther stagnation and decline of the fraternity system. anxiety and rrustratton of living with concrete and glass the instead of rocks and tall trees. It Is a musical voice lor " Where the weather suits my clothes" the large Denver-Boulder underground community that recognizes the difficulty In city life but Is also able to rejoice The ZEPHYR album cover is symbolic of this ness. at the close proximity w1!h such a vast wUder- By Alan Winik feeling. It pictures a big porcelain bathtl!t with rain- I asked one why he wanted the rnoneyv-be told me that he A taxi is a dlftlcult thing to find on Madison avenue on wanted to use it to finish his graduate education at Har- bow colored water on the floor that runs out the door a Friday evening; when the little purple falcon stopped I vard. Roy laughed and gave them a buck. We parked on and on the Inside cover, flows all the way back to the was a bit surprised to see a meter next to the driver but Henr-y Street and went in to eat. And wondered whether mountains. In the middle of this water Is a single rail- U was getting late so I jumped inand said, "The Waverly the bum thought it was as funny as we did. road track lined with shower spigots headed straight -Theater, Please." The driver asked me for an address The village has two new.thtng s-rour poltcemanon ever-y to the mountains, like the cleaning action that starts as and I told him that 11was In the Village. Turning down corner; that's sixteen per intersection and hundreds of soon as the frustrated city dweller heads toward these Fifth Avenue, he cut offahugetruckand I decided to con- eleven year old kids. We tried to get In to the V1l1age distant hills. centrate on the floor. Ah yes, New York City. Gate to hear Nina Simone but were told that one needed Musically, ZEPHYR Is very talented and at the same Gypsy cabs are semi-legal taxis that came in to being reservations. As we left, a US Navy limousine pulled up time a disappointment. It features a complex reck and because regular cabs will not go in to the rough neigh- and a three star Admiral entered with twoMarine guards blues sound that Incorporates a good ideal of jazz. Thl borhoods. As the number of rough areas in New York and a very pretty blonde. In front of a music store on a Instrumentation Is excellent on most cuts, particularly increases, the police are more and more lenient with the side street, we spotted Johnny WInters, a blues performer "Somebody Listen", which is largely a jazz-rock in- gypsies. Hence, though there was a dearth of cabs on currently at the FUmore East. Wefollowed him In to the strumental. The disappointing element Is ZEPHRY's the landscape I made it to the Waverly. I did not meet a store and listened to him jam for a whUe. A police car lead singer, Candy Givens. She tries hard to sound Jop- boy named Frank Mm. I met Ance, stopped in front of the store and the cop began asking the l1nesque instead of trying to develop a style of her own, Alice looked like a fashion model on a small scale and kids standing outside for identification; three of them were one that would better fit her voice. She just doesn't have she was standing In front of the theater looking at a young searched. Johnny leaned out the door andpulj ed the gate Joplin's stamina and often, to make up for 'her lack of bearded man in a business suit and a cowboy hat. He closed. We said thank you and walked toward Bleecker power, she will insert a lot of pointless screaming walked over to her and said helloi.-She emnec and said Street to get a baer , which just makes her sound even more inconsistent. hello back and six people coming from the eighth avenue Passing an alley we heard a cry--decidlng to get In- On a couple of songs she does a fairly reputable job, but subway pushed the two strangers Into one another. They volved, we turned down the street and found rwo utne they would sound a lot better with a new singer to com- both fell on the ground and the boy In the business suit girls laying behind some garbage cans. One was hold- pllmant the fine ZEPHYR musicians, The lead guitar- and the cowboy hat laughed and helped her up. He asked Ing a needle and a bent, blackened spoon; the other was ists is fast and clean and works well In conjunction with her if her mother told her not to talk to strangers. She slumped over the curb throwing up. Roy bent down to the organist, who sounds at Umes like Jimmy Smith. told him that he had afriendlyface and wasn't a stranger. the !irst kId and felt for her pulse. I walked down the The jazz cuts are the better cuts on the album and it A blue per-sene stopped, a horn tooted and she grabbed alley to look for help; three kids came back with me while Is there that ZEPHYR shows the most promise. They a hand, gave It a little squeeze and disappeared Into the one went to get a cop. When I bent down to the girl who are still a young group and should improve greatly In City. The cowboy hat was pushed back on the head, that had been throwing up Roy told me that they both were later albums. I saw them several times last summer was wondering about New York and trtendnness, dead. and they really know how toget the audience behind them. Roy finally came and I (the head under the hat) tied my When I returned to Westminster someone asked me why As far as this particular album is ccncemec.n might be suitcase on the back and pushed until the car started; we I was wearing a cowboy hat ; Ltotdthem that I had all ready of interest to a person who is really Into blues and jazz- headed for China Town for dinner. TheBowery is on the seen Mfdnite Cowboy and that my trip to New York had rocx forms, but I wouldn't recommend it for general lis- way and at a traffic light two bums asked us lor a quarter. been nne, tening. Maybe next time.
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