Page 70 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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page 12" the gold bug february 16, 1970 Honor code questioned Exist (Continued from page 5) (Continued rrom page 6) taking the Black/Whlte course as twofold, '. First I thought It was a valuable program and there were Interesting really available is a return to the high school tactic of courses offered, Second, the Black/Whtte course Is 'uni- having proctors in the room for tests and the abolition LECTURE of take home tests. Further measures would perhaps have que Idea to have whites go to the black world." Greg February 18 to be taken, making Western Maryland College Into a 13th, Barnes who is taking Figure Drawing commented, "You don't get a chance to work with models during the regu- Sidney Hook, "Academic Freedom and Academic 14, 15, and 16th grade high school Instead of a college. lar semester ." Reglsteredfor the parapsychology course, Anarchy", 10;00 a.m, Decker Lecture Hall. Dr. Hook, 'Sahdy Fargo said, "I'm taking this course because I've firmly opposed to all varieties of totalitarianism, has Such a situation is what will be In the future unless been doing research In the field since October, took the expressed In his many writings the beuer that democracy something Is done to make the Honor System workable. course In January term and plan to continue research can become a llv1ng faith for ,America, In this age 01 The Ideal way would be a complete change in the attitudes until May. r think that sharing experiences Is a good social and scientific advance. He Is one of the chief tar- of the student body, but since that ts (lot practical the only way to learn." gets 01 philosophical and poUtical attack In the press of means left ts a change In the HonorSystem Itself. Section Two criticisms have been raised about the program. Communist counttres. In of the Honor Court consutututon doesn't work, as is Sue Crow remarked, "1 think Its pretty neat but I never Andrea Diegel, "woman's Liberation." Decker Hall, 7:00 shown by the fact that the Honor Court has an average of 4 really saw much printed about It, so I didn't really know p.m, or 5 cases a year, approximately one half of which are about it. Another criticism was directed towards West- acquttats, The majority of cases are turned in by pro- CHAPEL fessors and these are usuaUy for plagarlsm. Obviously minster High School. Advertisements concerning the February 22 more violations than the sefaka place. The readers of the Exist program were not allowed to be distributed among Gold Bug probably each have one or two particularly good the high schools -student s, It was hoped that they too Rock Mass, sponsored by Newman Club, 7:15, Baker incidents that they relate to each other jokingly. unrortun- might be involved. Memorial Chapel. Exf st , however, appears to have a favorable start. Dr. atety, the Honor System at WMC Is nota joke and neither March 1 Is Its deplorable ineffectiveness. Palmer sums up the atmosphere of the program. " Accord. Rev. Albert B. Cfeage, Jr., Shrine of the Black Madonna, ing to Marshall McLuhan, lectures are "hot" (low en- Detroit Michigan, 7:15. Mr. Cleage Is chairman 01 the The problem has now been stated, now what can we do to voivernent) and discussion are "cool" (highenvolvement). Economic Development Corporation and BlackCooperative Improve the situation. For example, the January term was primarily "cool". Services, Inc. which grew outofcommunltyeifortsfollow- The exist program is really "cool." As for the future Ing the 1967 Detroit riots. Mike Rudman concluded. "It will be what we want to MUSIC SGA plans make it to be. It is up to us to make it work ... " February 17 Wrestlers continue Richard Porter, Honors Recital in Piano, Levine Hall, 4:15. (Continued from page 7) February 20 winning streak The National Symphony, Howard Mitchell, conductor, 8:30 p.m.; Alumni HaU. As an aftermath to the queatfonnatr-e whtcf was rusmbut- ed by the SGA on the Grille, a great deal of discussion FILM was devoted towhatcouldbedonetoimDrove the situation. Ion FolIowlng Western Maryland's victory over Old Domin. to face Loyola on the home prepared matmen the February 19 Jan Weido, president of the freshman class, made some mats. When the Greyhounds showed up with only lour ('The Hipple Temptation," analysis of the Haight-Asbury suggestions which he said the freshmen class would support wrestlers, Coach Case decided to put the Terror Junior sub-culture. Soc film series. Decker Hall, 4:00 and 7:00 financially. These were that the wens of the Grille be Varsity against the visitors. The J.V.'s gave up only six p.m. painted and decorated with contemporary design; Jan also points as Jim Shartner and Jay Kintzing lost by eectstons to experienced opponents. Kenney Myers and Doug Yust February 22 Indicated the possibility of getting a juke boxwhtch would both won by decisions In their matches. The rest of the "Some Won't Go", the way American youth looks at the work without having 'money put In. matches were won by forfeit byWMC. The hlgtrltght of the draft. Sponsored by Religious Lite councn. Decker, 8:30 Jef! Davis asxec Jan to investigate getting new tables match came when Stuart Baurn stepped on to the mats in p.m. his wrestling debut and was met by the deafening cheers and chairs. He also mentioned the Idea of getting flooring February 26 which doesn't show dirt as badly as that now In use, of admiring fans. faced the enthusiastlcwrestlersfrom Next the Terrors Jeff said that he thought that the admlnlstatlonwould "Standing Room Only", study 01 the population problem canauoet. Their enthuslasum, however, was not enough to and posslbiUUes of solving It and "Autos, Autos Every- be willing to undertake the remodeling of the Grille if It overcome the skill and experience of the WMCwrestiers. where," an analysts of the Impact of autos. Both films was sure that this was what the student body wanted. The final score was 42-0 as the Terrors captured six are from the ar st Century Series of cbs Nes. Soc film matches by falls, Jim Shartner, Coe Sherrard, Jay Lev- In relation series. Decker Hall, 4 and 7 p.m. stated that there to the vending machines in the Grille, Jeff erton, Dick Shmertzler, Fred Kiemle and Leon Cronce are four alternatives, The first two of SPORTS AT HOME these Is that perhaps the economics department could take all won by pins, February 16 the Grille over and econ majors could run all aspects of the American University was the next team to fall before powerful of WMC. The Terrors grapplers gave up it and possibly receive college credit for it. JV Basketball vs, Allegany Comm. College 7:00. only 3 points while collecting at total of 33. Fa Hs in this The second possibility Is that a group of faculty mem- February 19 bers who have pooled some money would be willing to match were gotten by Gary Scholl and Rick Schmertzler. finance an off-campus aatsxeuer-ttke establishment. Leon Cronce defeated the previously unbeaten American Basketball vs, Lebanon Valley, 8:30. University heavyweight. Thts could be closed to the public, that Is, only for the wrestUng vs, Lebanon Valley, 6:30 student body and runby students. There Is also the possi- western Maryland next played host to Washington and February 21 bility of profit-sharing in such a venture. Lee Untver-stty, The Terrors received their second shut as they won 42-0. Pins in this match JV. Basketball vs. Johns Hopkins, 6:30. Danny Wiles volunteered to look Into these last possi- out of the season by Jim Shartner, Gary SchoU, Jay lever- were recorded February 27·28 bilities. ton, and Leon Cronce. Coming off of this win, the very Basketball vs, Johns Hopkins, 8:30. next day the WMC grapplers won again bya shut out over Dorm sports visiting Hampden-Sydney. The final score In this match NEW YORK TO LONDON was 40-0. Jim Shartner, Ken Myers, Gary Scholl, and Jay Leverton all won by pins In this match. In their latest outing the Terrors faced rival Johns - SUMMER VACATION TRIPS continued from page II so physical: one, in particular, re- Hopkins. The match was never even close as WMC beat All sports weren't ROUND TRIP $169 qulr-ed exceptional guile and deception. Refrigerator Hopkins where they were the strongest. Gary Scholl and Leon Cronce turned In pins for Western Maryland which NOW FILLING· SMALL DEPOSIT AND PAYMENTS SEND looting was a frequent occurrence, and, short of lock helpted contribute to the 33·5 final score. After plnn[ng FOR FREE DETAILS. and key there was no way to protect the sacred ars - the Hopkins heavyweight "Hot Dog Stand" Cronce had enat of' Pabst, cokes, oranges, ice cream, cold cuts, to be controlled by his team mates. It seems that the STUDENT GLOBE ROAMERS ~~ft;:t:~~at~::.e:,,:n~e:~~:~~a~:n :~~a~~P~;ll ;::t ~~~:~ "stand" wanted to attack the local Good Humor Man to BOX 6575 trade secrets, but give one example. Ice cream was satisfy his Inflamed appetite. j_;.";::O,;;L:_LY:.,:W_::O:.;O;,:O:.:_. ;.:FL:;O:.;R;.:'D:;A.;,_:3:.;30:.;2.:_' __;. ~.especially suitable for tampering. Anyone with a good TEACH IN GHANA OR NIGERIA? ~~f!~ti~~ll~~~~:tr~~s~~ni°l~a;~~~~:~~:;~:,.k~~~~p c;nu~~ r melted Ex-Lax worked wonders. Asforstrawberry_~ The WCAO Good Guys wUl play the WMC Faculty in a I. Have a Bachelor's Degree; prefernbly a Masters Degree. but, helI, you figure it out for yourself. beneCit game for the SOS at 8 p.m. Tickets are fltty 2. Have at least 30 semester hours credit in one of the Currently, the cerebral events seem to hold sway over cents. following; our former animalistic tendencies. Card-playing is now a. physics, b. chemistry, c. biology, d. mathematics, he thing, and seems ready for a long reign. The games e. industrial arts, f. French, g. geography. h. home d1ffer--Preachers, Gamma Betes, and Bachelors play economics or i. business education. ither p?ker or pinochle, while other groups favor hearts, FROSTBURG VS. WMC lei maid the participants and lish--but and scenery do 3. Desire to teach at the secondary school level. .not. There Is always one gross, obscene "deaJer"--a 4. Are in good health; single, or married (without child. Leon, or a Greg Virgil, or Rick Diggs, or Tom Pecora~- ren). Both spouses much teach. DeCker ,-, two or three greasy, cheating "players" --Jones, Fox, Athey ,_, Carroll, Shermon, Bennett, Patrick, Tuchie, Butterwort~, Bay, ... Yes: .. If you . Hutchinson, R. ~:~ etc. -- and an amorphous mass of rank, satirical kitJ- Davis " tzers. Amidst mountainsi,p1 empty Schlitz or Boone's HeiSler '" ,-. " , , ,-, WRITE: TEACHERS FOR WEST AFRICA Farm, among thousands of pennies, buttons, and fUp- Hutchinson. S. ~, , Smith d SchwertZler .-, , PROGRAM :~::~, ~~~cU:r :: f~y,Ctl~~~'~~~~;i~S ~:~e~ho~h;'~~;:;~ ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE mania seems like It'll last: where else can you lind aU L__ ....:E_L_IZ_A_B_E_T_H_T_O_W_N:..:,_P_A_._17_0_2_2__ --' the ideals of college life fulfilled in one game?
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75