Page 69 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 69
february 16, 1970 the gold bug The feminist revolution in girlsb-ball By Gloria Phillips Women's basketball has taken on a completely new players are learning both the thrill and disappointment of appearance this year. Instead of the standard six, women shooting under pressure on a court. And former offensive better appreciate players of stopping the dif!lcuUies are playing a live -playe r game with the already customary someone from shooting. It is a whole new world for many unlimited dribble and unhindered movement of all players girls, as well, a game very similar to, that presently played by the,ni'en. Naturally there is a certain amount qf flounder- It wiU be some time before girls react by instinct to ing'in adjusting to the changes, but women are showing the new game. Every now and then someone takes off In or forgets to run to the other basket the wrong direction that they have the ability to play this game. 'at all. It still feels "funny" to some girls. Most realize One of the biggest factors inthe new game is the condlt- that they never conceptualized the game as an enttty, Now ioftlng of the girls. The game is much more physically they must see the whole thing. Watching the men play, demanding. Everyone must be able to shoot, dribble, and rebound; no longer Is the offensive player distinct from the girls participating in this new game have a much Dejected Terrorettes discuss one of their recent Basket- the defensive. Women are likely to "relY' on the fast greater apprectatton of the difficulties and skill Involved. ball defeats. Some of the girls feel that problems in break, a strategy hard to come by before_'with stationery And the men remarked that they understand women's adjusting to the new rules contribute to the present 2-4 defensive players. Phy~cal size has become an even basketball for the first time ever. It seems that everyone record of the team. Iphoto by Anderson greater asset. A team can effectively us~.a tanerptayer is better pleased. In the keyl'irea offensively and to stopl]).!?_~e,shots·de- tenstvety. Some teams have buut their entire game around Cagerettes upset Notre Dame-record stands at 2-4 the combination of fast breaks and Inside shots by a tall player under the basket. The game is rougher with more By Gloria Phillips contact.More people are moving at the same time, and of last season. A new type of gtrl Is needed, one with much they have further to go. Thus, the whole face of the game All we have to say is it's not whether you win or lose, more skill. The moves made by a player are either an has changed, it's how you play the game. Looks as if the women's bas- asset or handicap, and those girls who can fake and move Most girls comment that they like the change. Captain ketball team has adopted this as their motto so far this like the men do are at a great advantage. In the old game Mary Lou O'Neill comments, "It's really a more excit- season. Their record presently is 2-4 with six scheduled a strong team effort could win a game. Two or three peo- ing game, so much faster, filled with the opportunity to games left. team On January 31 the girls met astrongBrldgewater think more and use your Intelligence. There's alot more and lost the game 27-37. Resulting In a period of soul- ple easily took care of the ball handling, and the weakness of the other players In this respect went unnoticed. Also, self-discipline involved; we must work more as a team." searching, the Bridgewater game pointed out the lack of two stationary defensive players did no shooting at all. Nr7N In many ways the game Is more fun. Former defensive real team playing. The feelingwasthatthegirls could and everyone must be able to skillfully handle the ball and should do better. A rally came on February 3 against shoot. As a team players can no longer completely com- This "new type" Towson State slips by WMC Notre-Dame with a 45-34 upset. Captain Mary LouO'NeiU pensate for the weaknessesoftheothers. on the WMC campus. of girl has not yet been discovered played one of her best games scoring 20 points for WMC. The team travelled to Frostburg the following Saturday The team is composed of many of the same players and took a beating of 22-43. Foreshadwoing what was to from last year with their existing weaknesses and a few By AI Shafer freshmen. Thus, a season relative to last year's 9-1 come, the Frostburg defeat was sequelled on February 10 Last Wednesday the Junior Varsity team came within when Catonsville marched In and took the game 31-39. record cannot be expected. It will take time to develop two points of defeating Towson State. Although they were Again the girls seriously questioned their effort and realiz- the necessary characteristics in the players. Until then behind by eleven points at the half, the Terrors came ed that they could have conquered Catonsville, and yet winning results against some of the better teams look dim. back, hitting 23 of 36 shots from the rtoor , With six sec- did not. Finally WMC met Morgan on February Il. Al- Realizing their weaknesses but confident in a team effort onds left In thegame,theTerrorsstolethe ball and scor- though the women dropped the game 27-33, definite pro- the girls lookaheadto six more games. On February 16 the ed to draw within one ba sket of overtime, and, as 'many gress could be seen. A team effort was finally put in mo- girls meet Hood away and entertain UMBC home on Fri- thought, victory. Time out was called with two seconds tion; each person truly gave their best. day. Winning these two games would give an even record. remaining but Towson managed to control the ball for that Some of the problems the women have been confronting Having begun with a cliche we may aswell end with one, period to slip by 75-73. However, the J.V. raised their are involved In the switch-over to the new game. The namely, where there's a will there's a way. The willis record to 5-8 with two earlier victories over Frostburg "how" of this season Is quite different Cram the "how" present and the way Is coming. 83-50 and Baltimore U. 78-61. High scorer s ror tne Tow- son game were Harris with 23 points, Wiedo and Arms- Stir-crazy males develop new indoor sports trong with 13 apiece, and Foster with 12. After a game here this Saturday wlth.uM~C. the team faces Allegany Community College at home on February By Dave Sampsel1e 16, Mercersburg away on the 17th, and .ronns Hopldns at Winter weather does strange things to WMC males. pucks. To play dorm hockey, you simply took 2 players, home on the 21st. For one thing, it drives GOLD BUG editors totally in- one puck, one hall, closed all doors, and went to It. All The GOLD BUG needs helpl sane, so that they coerce reporters to write trash ar- players wore high-topped tennis shoes (try stopping ticles like this one. Mainly, though, wind and snow a speedy iron pellet with your ankle), and kicked like We need interested, hard working people to help force the male indoors; no longer can his massive hell. Some players tried to "dribble" up the hall, out- out on the advertising staff. The job requires torso bronze in the sun; no ionger,is the Quad teaming fake the enemy, and shoot, but a well-placed elbow to time, perserverance, and immunity to ulcers and with semi-nude, hairy breasts. 'IlIstead, all animal the nose, or knee or elsewhere, ended sueh fanciness. since the Irate pricks This game was far too short-lived, an eyefor design. We need you. Contact Mike instincts are._.feleased in the dorms, adding many new on the noor below you sooner or later stole all the SOCIal calendar. recreations crammed to an always Shultz or drop by the office any Friday after- Now, I'm not· going to bore the hell out of you with a pucks. We tried week-old rolls cut In half, but the damn- noon at 3 p.m. rehash of the mundane exertions all males encounter ed things shattered on contact. (r.e ., bagging, flashing, getting smashed, shacking at Searching for a substitute sport has been a maniacal Lee's with assorted concubines); rather, I'm going to impulse ever since. No event has really caught on-- bore hell out of you with an account of the exotic and until now-vbut several deserve mention. COSTUMES AND FORMALS erotic Dorm Sports at WMC. One enter-pristng Idiot found that barbe ll weights Your poor underclassmen never will experience the without the bar could be stood on end. Someone else calibre of acttvtttes Invented when I was only 19. In then discovered that they could be spun like tops. This FOR RENT those days of Saturday classes, men were men, etc. may mean nothing to the spinner, but the person hi the After a day of 12 hours' classes and study, 3 sumptuous room beneath gets pissed to beat heU--the sound com- meals, and a brisk workout in the Gym or in McDaniel's bines thunder, cannon fire, wild beasts, and the Prea- Phone For Appointment 75 W. Green 848-4630 Lounge, you were psyched for the serious stuff. An .chers drunk. We found that In-pound weights only shook early favorite of the Dorms was "Hall Basketball"-- the room below, but the 20-pounders brought down plas- a game requiring strength, agility, knowledge of physics ter and mirrors. One sadist violated the sanctity of D... I~, Eldordlce (we never stopped being students back then), deceit, two the game by rolling the weights down the stairs, but players, and an I.Q. of under 15. The only gear needed stopped soon after he found himself being rolled at 3 was a large metal trash can, set at end of hall, and a finals, several At first, people--notably before In the work SIEGMAN'S "oan.» balls--rubbery the rolls in the old dIning hall made Bel Air bumpkins and Eastern Shore chicken farmers-- and tough, they had a great bounce great TEXACO SERVICE (a great game in itself was smuggling 17 rolls out of manifested their psychoses irf strange ways. On occ- 39 Manchester Ave. the dining hall under your T-shirt as 25 waiters, 3 'aston they would jump and "try to touch their elbows to times, they stood at the tops of the light globes; other custodians, and Byron himself eyed you), but soon they lost their spring. As a substitute, we began "borrow- stairs and tried to jump to the bottom--forgettlng W..ualutu TI &-NIl ing" tennis balls, paddle balls, golf balls, eec., from the ceiling ledge in between; usually, though, they stmpfy TBllOO IU.TnuHB the gym; soon there were as many balls as there were stood In the hall in their underwear, throwing golf rene, GA80LINB on. "borrowed" T-shirts, socks, and jock straps. soccer balls, textbooks, and roommates against the far Anyway, to bore you further, the game was one-on- wall. • (Continued on page 12) one, no fouls. More sophisticated players could ricochet WTfR to stiff -arm or knee your enemy and "stuff" the ball. SHARKEY'S OPEN 24 HRS. a shot off two walls and a doorknob, but the basic play was The someone lost a tooth, broke a nose, or was cas- later, game was usually pretty short, since, sooner or AM-M70KC FM-Sterro trated--or else some ass left the bathroom door open where the ball inevitably bounced. u.s. 140 For variety, another game developed. Soone r or later-, 3 MILES EAST OF lUARYLAND WESTMINSTER every freshman went to the bathroom, and eventually we WESTMINsTER discovered that the metal knobs on the johns can be un- screwed. These are about an inch high, a pound in weight, hard as a first date, and make great hockey
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