Page 65 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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february 16, 1970 the gold bug page 7 SGA begins second semester activities The Student Government AssociattonheldUs,ftrst meet- those who are interested in renting small 22 cubic ft. Ing for the second semester Monday at 6:30 P.M., Feb- refrigerators for $28 per year. ruary 9,1970. The S.G,A. Is trying to get Rosemary's Baby to be shown Earle H. Brewer, Prop. The first topic discussed was the coffee house to be built Feb. 29 from the movie distributor in place of the- movie Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. in the lounge above the Grille. DanWiles, chairman of the previously scheduled which Is no longer available. Hair Cuts By Appointment committee of the Coffee House Committee stated that the There will be a speaker on campus March 18 from the Phone - 848·2820 or 848·5220 coffee house should be built In a week and In operation State Department. His topic will be the Nixon Doctrine. 58~ W. Main St. shortly thereafter. The S,G.A. and the Argonauts are sponsoring a tutorial Westminster, Md. A man from the NorcoldCo. w1l1be on campus Wednes- service. Mike Rudman, vice president S.G.A. will contact day (Feb. 11). He wllI be putting up sign up sheets for all the heads of all the departments on campus asking for the names of 5 to 10 students from each department who the head of the department feels Is qualified to tutor in In- WMCreviews housemothers, troductory courses in that subject. Any person who wants Tk firs} Sense.. wnowtlt see a tutor will contact his S.G.A, repreeentattve that he gets a tutor. Tutors will be paid the going college rate ($1.130)onehalftobepaidbythe may substitute monied couple tutee, S.G,A. one half by the Monday, 8:0,} P,M. Feb. 16, will be a meeting in the G~est~h.t S.G,A. office above the Grille of all men and women in- By Bryson Popham terested In learning and teaching draft laws to college and high school students, E;:r~~e We: . improve if N;t;les Throughout the American educational establishment, Since Alurnni Hall cannot be used for the Spring Week- there Is a variance in one of the factors vital to the COl- end concert, Danny Wiles suggested that the concert be held out of doors behind Harvey Stone Park. This sug- lege experience; the manner In which a student lives. The made for a group for the spring Weekend Concert, the ~G';~f.~ gap Is wide: it ranges from Bob Jones University, with gestion was not adopted but Is being investigated. 9:00 P.M. curfews to Antioch College, where just about Mike Rudman moved that before any definite plans be anything goes. The life which a student leads at college Is particularly important to him, as It Is often indicative S.G.A. Senate vote on both the group and the cost. The I E.MainSt. of his later life In the larger SOCiety. motion was passed unanimously. Westminster, Md. Somewhere between the two extremes lies Western (Continued on page 12) Maryland campus. We are in an age, however, In which institutions are being reviewed with an eye to what is best for the student. Mrs. Frey, the wel\-knownhousemother of MCDaniel Hall, even goes so far as to declare, "We're on our way out." The advantage of a married couple are several. Most important is the Issue of relevance. Because of the dif- ference ir, age, the couple Is simply better able to talk CAMPUS with the women who live in the dorm. They are naturally closer to the customs, conventions, and problems of our INTERVIEWS age. Mrs. strong, housemother at Whiteford, is In favor of the couples plan due to the added security of a man In the dormitory. Also, the experience of watching a mar- NEXT WEEK riage at work, l1mited though it may be, may still prove beneficial to the observer. The part-tme arrangement by which a married couple For bachelor and uvea in Blanche Ward Hall last year worked out "ex- master-degree candidates tremely well," according to Dean Laidlaw. Their ab- sence this year points to one of the difficulties of the system. Western Maryland would have trouble attract- ing couples due to Its small graduate program, which Is a primary source for house directors. SlmilarlY,coplng with the turnover caused by the employment of graduate students would be a constant headache, Weighing the pros and cons of the couples system, one finds the argument in Us favor. The reactions of women NIH at other colleges who have' seen the change range from apathy to entbusrasm , with the latter far more prevalent than the former. Though the attitudes of the parents of students may not conform to those of their offspring, it The world's largest center is significant that at Jackson College for Women, of for conquest of disease Tufts University, not one complaint has been registered against the system, which was instituted this year. and improvement of human health "Freshman girls," says Mrs, Frey, "are more re- sponsible than last year." Perhaps the women don't need mothers any more. The National Institutes of Health-NIH-is the principal research arm of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and conducts many of the most advanced programs in medical sci- WE'LL TRUST YOU ence today. These programs of career possibilities: in a wide range specialists require of disciplines. Examples [Even If You're Over 30 I CHEMISTS (BIOCHEMISTRY). . MICROBIOLOGISTS WORKERS NURSES ... MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ... SOCIAL (M.S. ONLY) ... LIBRARIANS (M.S. ONLY). ENGINEERS. COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS .. MATHEMATICIANS. SYSTEMS ANALYSTS ... MANAGEMENT INTERNS. AC- COUNTANTS. INFORMATION SPECIALISTS ... CONTRACT SPECIALISTS These are permanent positions that offer high professional Student Charge Accounts are invited at challenge and the benefits of career Federal employment. Start- Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many ways to develop a meaningful relationship ing salaries are attractive and opportunity for advancement is with us - like Keepsake Diamonds . Famous- excellent. Brand Watches and Gifts. Wild Charms, CAMPUS INTERVIEWS from only 88¢' . Pierced Earrings for girls (or men with highly individualistic traits). An NIH representative will be visiting your campus next week Come in and get your shopping jollys at the to discuss these positions with interested students. You may store that was chosen from all of America's interview during this visit by contacting the Place- Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The ment Office. Or, if you prefer, you may write or call Year" - friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers in the Westminster Shopping Center. College Relations Officer NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Phone: (301) 496·4707 An equal opportunity employer, M&F
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