Page 62 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 62
the gold bug february 16, 1970 Holloway on student dissent (Continued from Page 3) which were originally changes from hypo- So, with no destruction of physical property, critical stances to morereaitsticstances.And and no infringement Ofthe rights of others, It pertaining to aiconorot. becomes a wholesome and responsible arrair. Goldbug - Ok. Now I'd like to get back to some more gen_ Goldbug - In terms of thenatureorthestudentbody, when eral questions. There IsagrowIngdlssatislac- we went to a larger number It seemed to me tion among the student generation with theway that the quality of the students was lessened. I our government Is running the country and has don't know the staUstical information, on last run the country. The implications of this grow- years' freshman ctass or tbis vear=s rre shman Ing dissatisfaction are to be seen on the cam- class but do you think that If there was a tem- pus with an ever-growIng number of, for want porary lowering of standards to Increase the of a better term, radical students. What Is student body this wm be a temporary thing? your opinion 01 radical students and of tnerr Is Western Maryland moving to Improve Its place on the campus and on campus demonstra- academic standards or are we at a status quo, tionsetc. or are we dropping our standards? Holloway - Well, I think that it Is wholesome of our stu- Holoway - I thinkwearemovlngina direction to stabaltze dents to be Involved Inactivities and programs, and Improve our academic standards. This a diversity of activity and programs which change to. accomodation of two larger freshman appear to be modifying the dlrectionswhich our classes was necessary in the development society Is taking and I think our sfudents should plan but now I think they'll be stabilized. I be involved. have no information that would indicate that the student body will be increased In Size. So Goldbug - Do you think that the radicalism onhhls campus I think that our acacermc standards will be has been responsible? stablized and will be improved. Holloway - All that I have seen, yes. You must remember that the Moratorium in November was re spons- GoJdbug - III a recent plan which was refused by HEW, Ibly held. As far as I'm aware there was no the Maryland State CoUeges were attempting destruction of property and no Interference to work towards a more honest approach to an with the rights to go and come and to particip- Integrated educational system. Evidently, HEW ate in the academic program and social life. didn't think theIr plan was honest enough. Do you think that the decision, as applied to State schools, has any implications for a private college like Western Maryland in terms of the ratio of black students to whIte? We have nine in a student body of over one thousand. The "I" in IRS could be you! HoUoway - This goes back to our previous question to a insta nce tnstttutions degree. In this particular and discharging recognizing We are torn be- Ilities to the disadvantaged. their responsib- tween the use of our merltocratic admtsstons cr leter-Ia, that Is everybody has 500 or above on the college board scores, comes from the upper 25% of thefr- class, and has recommenda- tions from all of the individuals involved. We are torn between using these and malntalntng our academic standards and recognizing our responsibilities to this other group. I suspect very strongly that this Is what has happened to t!le.M:r).'land State institutions, that they want to maintain academic standards and they find It absolutely necessary to maintain aca- dermc standards and they find It absolutely necessary to maintain acaderntc standards. I don't know their specific situations with re- gards to the Middle States Association. And I'm not. sure that we really have devised the (Continued on Page 5) Let's Get It Straight SEARCH FOR MEANING Satlslying and rewarding Ftevenue Agents •.. Tax Auditors •.. careers as are professional accountants identify and explain tax issues to I am a young person still searching for mean- trained to examine tax returns of taxpayers by correspondence crln QUES:rJ01f: I went to church a few times, but all the ing in life. -Revenue Agent corporations, partnerships, person and act as epectauete in preacher talked about' was things that happened way back individuals and others at their resolving a variety of Federal Revenue Officer place of business to determine income tax questions. A bachelor's in Moses' day, or what we should give toward the church Special Agent proper Federal tax liabifity. degree in any major will qualify budget. Isn't there more to Christianity than that? Has it to say to young people today? got anything Tax Auditor Accounting graduates qualify. you. I Revenue Officers ... 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