Page 63 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 63
fetJruary 16 1970 the gold bug page 5 Exist: students organize new· curriculum ,By Kathe Rourke Since the beginning of the year, groups of students into the regular curriculum. Dean Laidlaw concluded course, one "depressed" sophomore replied, "In this have met to discuss the pos"slbillty of organizing their by saying that she would like to see an evaluation of day and age, a young lady should know all the facts own courses. January Term offered students the op- the programs when It is over. about avoidIng planned or unplanned parenthood." Linda portunity to study subjects that they might never have Dr. Palmer of the English Department Is offering Vaughn remarked, "I think It's good because people had a chance to take in the regular curriculum. Now, one of the most popular academic courses or the Exist leading tlje course are reatty interested In It. I think with the advent of second semester, there Is a new program. His course offers a new dimension to acad- every girl should take the coursem natural childbirth program, EXIST. emic study. "To o!!set the possibility of a lack of time, whether she plans to get married or not." One Of the Headed by Mary Rutledge and Charlie Mesberg, Exist I plan for no one person to "teach" the course. Instead five males In the class, Chris (Hiroshima) Bothe ex- offers twenty-four courses deallngwUhlndlvldual special we'l! all co-operate, each will give and take. Each w1U plained, "I took the course In Natural Childbirth and Interests ranging from academically based courses such select a unit and lead an open discussion. Students will Contraception because I think it's something good that as Exlstentiualism to special Interest groups such as choose their own material." He went on to express rav- every husband should know." Another male student Natural ChUdblrth and Contraception. On February 11, arable sentiments about the Exist program. "One of the remarked, "I think that natural childbirth and breast- 1970 approximately one hundred and twenty five students really good prospects lor the Exist program is that It feeding is very Important In child development." reglstured for all but five of the courses offered. After can add an intellectual dimension to the campus in a way Another popular course, the Barbership Group, re- registration, Charlie Mesberg remarked, "I think It's that evening social affairs can't. It will help extend gistered twelve male students. One of them, Mark fantastic the number of people who registered consider- learning beyond the normal program by making It more Rudman stated, "I signed up for the course because ing how much work people have at the beginning of a re- awayof life." 1 love to sing and Dave Moore (who is heading the group) gular semester." MarY_Rutledge' stated that registration When confronted, the students presented many favor- Is fantastic. He really knows music." Ned Roads went went exactly as she expected. She also commented that able comments and reasons for participation in the on, "We just like to sit around and make music and we 'the ratio of people Involved in Exist was greater here Exist program. When asked her reason for registering thought barbershlp would be neat." Dave Moore com- than at the University of Maryland which has a similar Jeanne Bischoff replied, "I thought !t'd be interesting." mented on the program in general. "Because It Is stu- program. Another freshman stated, "It's a good opportunity to study dent oriented, it gets students Involved In their own When asked what she thought of the program, Dean something you're interested in without having the pres- education and to do things they've wanted to do but for Laidlaw replied, "I think it's a good Idea because it sure of studytng and grades." Margaret Hofferon com- some reason couldn't." is a way to develop and pursue an interest." She sug- mented, "It's about time something like this was done. Other students expressed a similar Interest in pur- gested that perhaps where academic courses are in- Everybody sits around and says somebody ought to do suing their education. Dave Wiley remarked, "I'm volved, there should be a !lason with the curriculum something. Well, somebody did." - interested in studying the works of one man such as committee. She went on to say that if it were success- A course in Natural Childbirth and Contraception nestoyevsky and or Hesse which Exlstential1sm seems ful maybe the special interest groups could become registered twenty-three students (five boys and eight- to be offering. Tom Blair expressed his reasons for clubs, and the academic courses could be incorporated een girls). When asked why she was Interested in the (Continued on page 12) Holloway···recruiting black students (Continued from Page 4) procedures necessary to recognize the stu- ences wnn responsrme proressionai Negroes HoUoway - If the students can make a case for it. Except dents from the disadvantaged group who may Inthe community generauy Indicates that these to satisfy their curiosity. I am not In favor In be successful In our programs. Forustowork same problems canbesurmounted.Allwehave placing a student on the BoardofTrusteesjust effectively with students from the hard-core to do is recognize them and be realistic and act to place a student on the Board of Trustees. disadvantaged group would require from 4500 in good faith. The students have not been reprimanded direct- to 6000 dollars per student. Obviously, we ly In their behavior. The student interest has should seek such "funds from philanthropic Goldbug - Western Maryland at the moment is a cortege defended. This, to me is a problem, that we can foundations. composed of mainly white Anglo-Saxon pro- not, and I don't think the students want us to, testant middle class students. Would you say put a student on the Board of Trustees just to Goldbug - Do you think that we should move in that dlrec.- that the pressure from the alumni will keep have a student 00 the Board of Trustees. lion? western Maryland as It Is right now?Interms There must be reasons, It must grow out Holloway - I'll answer it and not answer it. of ethnic make-up. of neccessJty and secondly, as you may have Holloway - Well r don't think that the alumni will be the heard, In somelnstances,toputafacultymem_ Goldbug - OK determining factor, I think that tne vcice or tne muer- in the Board of Trustees; Is that you can Holloway - Let's see, we have nine students out of a thou- alumni will be a factor in the decision making ruin a good faculty membersometlmesbyput- sand; we should, let's put Itthlsway.Nine In a process in the development of Western Mary- tlng him on the Board of Trustees. Because thousand is not In keeping with the percentage land College, but not the determining factor. once they put him on the Board of Trustees; of Negroes In our population. then what happens, the trustees say, "Ok every- Goldbug - Is the voice of the alumni stronger In terms thing here Is confidential, this Is an executive Goldbug - So what's your point? of Interest or how much money one gives? session and nothing that takes place can leave Holloway - An academic environment is arunctat as Is; Holloway - Isn't financial contribution an tnotcatton of this room." A good faculty member at a state why should we perslstwlth some practices that Interest the samethatthe budget of an academic university was really r ulned, I mean what makes it even more artificial? At best, it's instltutlon--that the amount expended for the could he do, he couldn't.communicate with artificial. It'll continue to be arnnctat. educational program isa renecuon of the in- his colleagues, so see It needs to be defined, stitution's commitment to excenence m aouca- there needs to be some ground work laid. Goldbug - Well what IS your offtce dol ng to end that aspect tion. of the artificiality? Is there any program to Goldbug - Perhaps we should just eliminate executive maybe tutor black students before they come Goldbug - I think there will be Increasing pressure from sessions that are confidential. here. Is there any recruitment program for young alumni to move WMC in a more liberal Holloway - Well, we haven't been able to get away from black students? Or recruitment of black pro- directlon. And I wonder how the administration that In government, even our local little towns fessors? feels about this direction. Is western Mar-y- and communities In America, in the demo- Holloway - The AAC had recently proposed a program land going to remain sitting in the sixties or cratic process, how can we hope to get away for the disadvantaged which involves tutoring. move out Into the seventies? That's kind of a from it in a private institution'? There will be more mrromancn on this later. cheap question but 1 think that its a necessary I'm not specifically seektng a black person; I'm one. Gotdbug - r think that's one of the things our generation seeking qualified, and as highly qualified Holloway - I would certainly hope, that considering again, is all about, getting rid of that sort of thing. faculty members as I can find. if a highly ali factors of our constituency relationship; But that's a whole other thing. I want to thank qualified Negro is an applicant for a job and in and I mean that everything should enter in to you for talking with me this morning. the decision making process stands out as the the decision making process, that with all of Holloway - Well, T appreciate talking with you. most desirable candldateforourprogram, he'll these that ultimately a well defined program be hired. for future development will be determined, put Through a continuing series of interviews In print, and that thlswilltakeusto the seven- with campus leaders, both administrative and Goldbug - Well, you know my next question. Jfa black man ties and I'm convinced that with tbe parttctpa- student, The GOLD BUG hopes to further the and white apply for the same job with equal tion of all ,WesternMarylandCollegecanmove exchange of ideas on campus and let people qualifications, which one would get the job? in to the seventies realistically. I think that I know what other people are thinking and plann- Holloway - At this particular point in time, the Negro, Should point out that where we stand right now, from where I sit. our stance is wholesome and academically ing. We would like to thank the Dean for his sound. The point of view from the physical participation and hope that we get the same. Goldbug - Where would he live in Westminster? plant, the study body, the faculty, the admin- response from other candidates for interviews. HoUoway - This would be a factor, we'd have real pro- istration, and alumni. I think that our stance blems. We'd have problems In finding him a at this particular time, ight now Is academical- place to live, we may have problems in finding ly sound. I think that we have a good academic a Church to attend, we have all sorts of pro- program, I think we have a well-qualified fac- blems. And I think the, it and when we find ulty, I think the faculty is composed ofa large CORRECTION a highly qualified Negro, I think thesearefac- number of stimulating teachers, I think this tors that this man must be made cognizant of. would apply to the majority. I don't think that In the last issue of the GOLD BUG we ran an He wlll be made cognizant of these conditions, eve r y prog rarn is up atthatlevel;I'mnot sure SGA survey which polled student opinion con- and I'll certainly be as helpful as possible In that every program will ever be up at that level. helping him to solve them. The whole institu- Recognizing human nature for what It is. cerning the Grille. The first question in that tion would be helpful in helping him to solve survey was "President Ensor took student opin- the problems, but I think he should be aware of ion into account in his decision to remove the these situations In our community, both aca- Goldbug - A man's reach should always exceed his grasp. Grille". The first response was "strongly agree" Holloway - Yes. demiC and local. I don't recognize them as det~ and the number given was "141". The number ermining factors Inthe employment of aNegro, Goldbug - Do you thlnkthatitwouldbeagood Idea to have should have been 3 (three) strongly agree. I think they can be surmounted. Our experl- a student on the Board of Trustees?
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