Page 61 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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february 16, 1970 the gold bug page 3 A gold bug interview Dean Holloway Goldbug - How dId you happen .to come to Western Md. Goldbug - There is an opinion by some responsible stu- Goldbug - Why? College? dents that the honor code Is useless. And has Holloway - The President will have to answer that. Holloway- I was Invited by a faculty member to apply for been flaunted and means nothing. How do you the position of dean of the faculty. feel about this and what can we do about it. Goldbug - OK. We, not pertaining to the Goldbug but to the Holloway - To me the 12.55 student/faculty ratio is a Goldbug - What did you before you came here? whole college community. factor In that. The basis for the decision, all Holloway - J was chairman 01 the biology department at Holloway - It seems to me that Intttally, the student of the factors Involved, I'm not aware of. a comparable tnstrtuuon. And had a very exten- body should decide whether or not they want sive research program Involving four to six an honor system. If they don't want an honor Goldbug - I hate to do this but I want to be sure that It individuals and an occasional post-doctorate system then I should think that the facuIty is right. is there a moratorium on the hiring student. 'reactuna. _research, admtrustratton would agree, would be in a position, to proc- of new faculty? and publication. That is my previous exper- tor tests and examinations. Should students Holloway - Yes. We have recommended that no new full renee and responsibility. elect an honor system and as a procedure to time or part time faculty be employed for the guide their collective behavior, then I think session 19'/0-71. Because the student body Goldbug - What about your educational background? one should be desinged and accepted by the will remain the same size as it Is now. Holloway - Born in York County Virginia, entered Ran- majority of students. Or that the one that Is dolph-Macon College in 1943, put in a year, currently in existence should be reaccepted by Goldbug - There Is a problem In the United states today then two and a half years in the United States the majority and continued. with drugs. Western Maryland has not been Navy, and then back to Randolph-Macon-and untouched by this problem. I think that everyone finished in two more years. From there to Guldbug - There are some contradictions in the honor is aware of this. What disturbs me Is that I've the University of Richmond, finished off a code. There are some professors who will heard that, within the administration offices masters and from there to the University of make students sit two seats apart for tests, at WMC, there are llsts of students who are Virginia for a Ph. D. degree in biology. While who will be right there In the room while you either known to be -taking drugs or who are at Roanoke college serving one summer as a take a test. To me exams themselves are suspected of it. Is this true? visiting investigator atthe UnlversityofMichi- absurd. It seems ridiculous to have to write Holloway - Not to the best of my knowledge. This is the gan. Also, 'during the tenure at Roanoke all you know about Sociology one morning and first ttme-Irve heard that such a list exists. College directed a research program in which and all you know about English in the afternoon. And I'm being quite honest. I spent four months at the south pole and the But this may be a personal hang-up. The point program logged approximately two years in Goldbug - Do you think that there Is a drug problem at two months of occupation at the pole. is if we have an honor system, why not have a Western Maryland College? liberal much more to exam taking. appraoch Ie: letUng a student design an exam schedule Holloway -I don't have surnctent tnrormanon. I don't have Goldbug - How do you like being anadminlstratorwlthno information which would indicate that there is teaching responsibilities? within a 2 week pelod that would be mutually a widespread drug problem at WMC. Now, it Holloway - I'm finding it very challenging. satisfactory to both he and his professor? may be that we just don't know. Would something like this not refurbish a spirit of honor code at Western Maryland? Goldbug - Do you miss teaching and research? Holloway - For us to facilitate the taking and grading of Goldbug - We talked about a drug problem. Ok. I think Holloway - I miss student contact and would hope to have final examinations I think that we have to have that everyone on this campus knows that the a class In a year or so. rule forbidding alcoholic beverages Is com- this structured arrangement of this part of the academic process. It's unfortunate thatwe pletely asinine In that there Is widespread use Goldbug - What are your general Impressions of Western have to have such structures but I think that of alcoholic beverages on this campus. Is it Maryland College? In twenty five words or less. it Is to a degree a necessity. I think that there your opinion that there should be stiffer pena- Holloway - At this time I think that Western Maryland are various opinions of examinations. As re- lties that we Should put in our catalogue that we College is In a good sItuation. However, It's gards to their academic significance, and I do not permit alcohollc beverages, or what necessary ror us to develop realtsttc.plans ror exactly should be done about a widespread the future. Plans based on some hard facts. feel that they are a justtftable tocl , pedagogical problem such as drinking. And how does this technique, In the academic process. At the same time, I can see where I can respect and relate to In Loco Parentis, etc. Goldbug - Such as? accept a faculty member's opinion that In his Holloway - I think I'd perter not '.0 comment on that pro- Holoway - The role of research at Western Maryland particular drscf pltne, the way he was present- blem. I don't have all the information, really. College as related to teaching. Size of the ed it, that a final examination is not good or Goldbug - r am going to have to print that you prere rred student body, and I think when you say size of necessary. And I think in our procedures he not to comment. the student body then you relate almost every- may sheedule a test during the examination Holloway - For example, I don't have, other than hearsay thing else. information, that drinking is w t sde spr-ead on period. But, for some disciplines, in which there Is a necessity to review, to synthesize this campus. Goldbug - I'd like to ask you some direct questions and all the material, I think that an examination perhaps get back to more general things later is a useful tool. Goldbug - You can take my word for it. 00. Goldbug - Then you think that it Is a good thing that the Holloway - I take your word for it. Holloway - O.K. professors often work In a verv Hber at rr ams , work. Goldbug - You can go In to a dorm and look in a trash Goldbug - How do you, personally, leel about compulsory Holloway - Yes, definitely. can. And you wlU see that drinking is indeed class attendance? widespread. Should we stick to the rule or Holloway - This should be at the discretion of the protes- Goldbug - Nationally, internationally and locally, I say should we ignore it, should we be hypocrites? locally meaning this campus, there is much Holloway - Of course the hypocrisy in our contemporary talk of a re-ordering of priorities. One of the SOCiety, hypocirsy is something which the Goldbug - Now a question about Ad warnings. Ad warn- rumors that is currently circulating around younger generation has pointed out that we ings mean nothing. Isn't it a bit hypccrtttcal school is that there Is a moruortum on the should remove, as far as possible. It seems to be in the whole policy of admlnistraUve hiring of new faculty. Is it true and If so why? to me that we should all stt down and talk about warnings when they mean nothing? Holloway - Our current student faculty ratio is 12.55. this rule if it is hypocritical. And.agree as to Holloway - Yes. The student faculty ratio across the United what we collectively want this institution to be States in allinstitutlons of higher learning in In fact as well as in principle. I have seen Goldbug - Would you personally favor a change in the a recent sample was 18.20. The student-faculty hypocirsy worked by institutions to their punitive measures used? ratio in church related institutions in this advantage and I have lived through changes Holloway - The administraUve warnings have relatively sample was 16.27. So our ratio is 12.55. In (Continued on Page 4) little significance, psychological if anything, the northeastern section of the United States as we both recognize. Since they do not appear which enjoys the lowest student faculty ratio to be accomplishing what they were originally In the country, the ratio is 15.77. I think be- intended to accomplish, why keep them? fore we employ new faculty members we should decide that for all the facets involved In the Goldbug - There Is a rumorthatPresldentEnsorisgoing P"bli""~~~"d ~~,~~"t'~~~t"" M"YI.J making process decision this is what we want retire soon. Also, that you are going to take to do. Professors, students,.administratlon, College on a bi-weekly basis except when Holidays or his place. Is there any truth to either of these ajumnl-i-our whole constitutency should de- exams interfere. rumors? cide. O.K. The 12.55 ratio is what we want and Holloway - No truth to either. Not to the best of my know- this Is where we want to remain. Provided This paper does not necessarily reflect the opinions of ledge. the Administration or of the Board of Trustees. everybody accepts this for what it means and It can imply a number of things. 1 think you see EDITOR IN CHIEF SUMMER JOBS one of them. 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