Page 56 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 56
paqe B february 2, 1970 the gold bug Red neck soul lyrics totally personal and Incomprehensible to the list- eners - songs that Lehmont calls "Cosmic BunshU". Dillord & Clark of the famous DILLARD FAMILY of the Dspresston days So, what can you do? In this case, Doug Dillard, child joined forces with former Byrd, Gene Clark, to play the DILLARD AND CLARK EXPWRE THE COUNTRY country music style, but wIth a sophistication not usually R. J. Raccoon found among country musicians. "The BeaUes were made to be played country! Even Three variations of country music are presented Inthe the Byrds couldn't sound this good," exclaimed Michael DILLARD & CLARK album. First there Isthewhlte coun- F. Lehmont, music editor of Bethesda Beat-Scene Mag- try blues ballad, as demonstrated by "Through the Morn. azine artsr hearing the DILLARD and CLARK version of lng, Through the Night" and "Polly", both written by Gene "Don't let me Down" on their new album. Editor Lehmont Clark, and "So Sad", an old EVERLY BROTHERS tune. made this comment while a Visitor here at WMC for Secondly, there is the tinny bluev-ass stvte InvolVing a lot the purpose of I1stening to country music and obtaining a ot fancy banjo picking and foot stomping as demonstrated in~ Representative'of the art shown in- the Mta Pi Alpha little free bloat at the school careterta. Lehmont, often «non In My sweet Baby'sArms" and "Rocky Top'", which referred to as "The ultimate Byrdsfan",wasparticular- Is afree-wheeUngtune about moonshiners In the mountains Exhibition, this piece, entitled "Horse Dog Stand" ly enthusiastic about this album since Gene Clarkwas one Preacher art show of the original Byrds, along with Chris Hillman, who also appears on this album as a great musician. H1l1man also plays with the FLYING BURRITO BROS, with Gram Par- overcomes dorm sterility sons, still another former Byrd. As a matter of fact there are now four groups composed offormer Byt-ds, in addition to Roger McGuinn's bandthat still bears the name BYRDS, Steve zccte stn One of country music's shortcomings is that it has been The second annual Delta Pi Alpha art show got underway traditionally plagued with sentimental songs about cheating with the bidding starting at $1,220,000 for the entire cot- wives who make such great coffee that their husbands can't lectlon, The Leonardo DaVinciofthewrestungmats, Leon bear to leave them, or songs about heartbroken girls who Cronce, was quoted as saying, "My work is even better are on the brink of suicide because they gave up their than the Saturday morning cartoon shows". Greg Barnes, virginity and became "women of the world". Loss of vir- another contributor, has complained to the twenty-four I ginity has always been a favorite red-neck country theme. hour security guard that some of his masterpieces have But at the same time, rock and acid rock often feature been stolen or damaged by fire; a great loss to the art world. The work of Ypeels Van Johnstone needs no in- troduction. As one of the original seven dwarves, his talent far surpasses his prouucttons, The show Is round- ed out by the fabulous oils of Stefano Ecc.lestno, But due to. their absolute pricelessness, they have been locked in a vault for protection and no ons ts permttted to see them. This show eclipses the one of last years great masters, Markey, Teach, Borga and Dietrich. So bring the kids on up, A section, McLea., first floor. The hours are 9 a.rn, to 9 a.m. in other words, anytime you feel the urge. When you know it's for keeps banjos picking and rosin flying from fiddle bows, DilJard DIRECTIONS Allyour sharing. and Clark sing "Cry'n Holy Unto the Lord." HIROSHIMA Fillyour special memories In addition to these established country forms, DILLARD A display of art in the Preacher section halls has pre- wilibeforever & CLARK try some ideas of their own, particularly with sented an aestetic otmenstcn In the otherwise sterile symbolized by your "Don't Let Me D:lwn", playing blues but substttutfng coun- environment of the dorms. diamond engagement ring try pedal steel guitar riffs and perfect harmony. With this development, the blank walls have been trans- Ifthe name, Keepsake is in the ring A major factor that makesthelrmusicsuperlorto most formed into a media of expression and another taking off and on the tag, country music is that DILLARD & CLARK presents Itself point for interpersonal relationships, A well developed you are.assured of as a unit, agroupcomposedoffivemembers, each a sing- decoration of hall walls in campus dormitories could fine quality and er and a musician. The instrumentaUonplays an equal part have invaluable sociological importance. lasting satisfaction with the singing, whereas most country music involves a Mainly, a shift of personal emphasis would be made. The engagement diamond big-name singer accompanied QYa couple of stoa-men. In the dorms at present, the student's room Is regard- is flawless Because of this factor, most country songs emphasize the ed as his place of existence. Once the door shuts be- ot superb color and vocal, and the instrumentation Jacks sophistication. An· precise modem cut. other big plus for DILLARD& CLAHKls Donna Washburn, hind him, only on infrequent occasions does he venture Your Keepsake Jeweler who sings lead on "Rucky Top" and background vocal on out of his room, and only then to get to the bathroom or has a choice selection the other songs. Her voice provides extra richness to all another students room. This closeted existence leads of many lovelystyles to great disassociation between dorm residents. The He's listed in the tunes in the atbum, The harmony on "D:ln't Let life rooms are the only places utilized for the student's theyeliowpages Down" is particularly enhanced by her voice. living experience because no other place offers a plea- under "Jewelers ,,- As far as Michael F. Lehmont Is concerned, DILLARD & santenvlronmentfor activities. CLARK has just the right number of ingredients to be a This situation has been changed with the display of art great group: a great banjo player, a pretty chick and a on the Preachers' first floor. People have come out of former Byrd, This group doesn't power your ear off like the rooms, and comfortably existed with others in the most rock groups and it doesn't turn your stomacks like hallways, no longer oppressed with the sterility of blank red-neck mUSiC, It just puts out nice mellow sounds. walls. All night ptnnocte games and mass guitar jams have developed in the first floor hallway, Large num- bers of people have gotten together and a greater aware- WOULD YOU LIKE ness of each other established; the hallways have become a place of living, rather than just a transitory means of The art helps create this rapport TO BECOME A MINISTER? getting to the shower. living environment; by creating an by breaking down the prison affect of bare walls and pro- ducing a wholesome atmosphere which invites people to get together- HOW TO GET- It would be a gross mistake to let the possibilities of hall art go unrealized and die with the end of the prea- cher art show. In order to create a greater community A DOCTOR OF DIYINITY DEGREE bond on campus, now would be an excellent opportunity to establish art displays throughout campus dormitories, Doctor of Divinity degrees are issued by Universal Life and get people out of the rooms and to each other. Church, along with a 1Il-lesson course in the procedure of setting up and operating a non-profit organization. For a free will offering of S20 we will send you, immed- r--------------------------, iately, all 10 lessons in one package along with the D. D. I HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING I certificate. r ;;~:~~~ ..i;:£F~~t~f!~~~7~:r:~i.'~~~ot
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