Page 57 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 57
the gold bug february 2. 1!.I70 page 9 The Intramural Scene Animals romp,Nads strong inAA by AI Shaffer All other basketball teams, ABA, NBA, College may as well fold. The Animals have arrived and posted a con- Whlmsee vincing 26-13 win over the Moon Flashers in single A in- aCI trarnurat competition January 27. Coach Leon Cronce has the definite favorites In the division, since he has all the size, skill and speed he Leon Cronce (ontrols needs; the size of "StandUp" Seaman, the skill of "Zippy", and the speed of "Black Bart" Christy. Bart seemed confused at times, however, as when he tackled Dane Eckert of the Flashers and when he pushed hi. Old Dominion teammate Bob Fox, who had the ball, out of bounds. Tall players from other teams will have trouble with Greg- Brown, which is what you get when Greg Barnes and T. opponent with a Lumpy Brown are put together, even II you don't get two points. But the fate of a team depends mostly upon the ability of the Coach. Leon Cronce showed he was more than able Saturday Nite Ride. when, alter putting ten men on the court, he asked the referee what the technical was for. Should the compeU- '}Ion ever become serious, the opposition would find it difficult to stop the drives of, as well as drive on, Law- rence Luv, T, Lumpy and Black Bart. Fine outside shoot- in'g by "Baby'Ve" Lindsey and tenacrousban hawking by Bob Fox should keep the Ani mars on top, 'Rasslers' extend win streak, In double-A competition, the NADS, with sure-shooting of Steve Byrne and help from ex-av sensation Wayne Curry are the favorites to take the division. Although they have played only one game, this was a very convincing win over Old Dominion victim number 18 Pressed Ham, presently 2-1. In that game Byr-neaccount-, ed for 25 of the 49 points scored by the NADS. The concentration of talent, however, is In the trfpja- by Gary Scholl A division. AGT at 2-0 is leading the division and have to be considered favorites because both victories came over The Winter Wonders of Western Maryland began this major frat teams, one over PAA and the other an over- wrestling season by defeating the stubborn grapplers wins for him. This ties the school record set last year time victory over DPA. by Terry Conover. Coming off this great victory, the from Delaware Valley. This opening victory was an WMC Matmen are headed for their arc consecutive championship, Western Maryland athletes omen of good things to come. In their next outing the Mason-Dixon Tournament win. and their first Dual meet College. WMC defeated Washington Matmen soundly Mason-Dixon In the Maryland State Intercollegiate Wrestling Tour- gain post-season honors nament held at Western and Morgan State were beaten as WMC swim club meets, Towson, urn- rivals Maryland, ve r srty of Baltimore, WMC won the tournament. First place winners for WhimSee athletes were well represented in post-sea- western Maryland included Gary Scholl, Dick Schmert- son All-Star selections in Football and Soccer. In the zle.r , and Wayne Gibson. Don O'Brien, Terry Conover, sets goals andplans future Mason-Dixon Conference. senior guard Tom Pecora and and Art Blake took second honors, and Tom Barnes Il.nd sophomore tackle Fred Kiemle were first team sel- and Fred Kiemle came in as third place winners. Gary ections, Ends Randy Klinger and Peter Markey, quarter Scholl was named the outstanding wrestler of the tour- The Western Maryland Swim Club had its first meeting back Bruce Bozman, and middle guard LarryGarromade nament. on January 20, 1970 and promptly began practicing the honorable mention. The Middle Attanttc Conrerence ptck- following day. At the first practice several persons ed Dan .Ianczewskt as their defensive end. Klinger was The annual Western Maryland Quadrangular was for showed that they had rather extensive swimming back- an honorable mention here. The Maryland state CoJ.11ge the second straight time won by the WMC matmen. The grounds. All-Star selections had senior center Tom Morga~and Terrors won 44 to 0 over Lynchburg, 35 to 8 over pre- The goal of the Swim Club is 1970 is to enter as many viously unscoreo on York, and 28 to 9 over Monmouth. sophomore safety Arnn Hines representing W.M.C. on Undefeated wrestlers for the day included Jim Shart- men as possible in tin'! Mason Dixon Conference Cham- the first team. Janczewskl and Garro made honorable ner, Scholl, Schmertzler, Kiemle, and Leon Cronce. pionship on February 27-28. At the present time it looks mention. Gary Scholl was named the outstanding wrestler of the as if our 1970 contingent will consist of approximately The soccer selections saw sophomore Ron A
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