Page 58 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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february 2, 1970 Girls b·ball underway as terrer-ettes scrimmage A scr-Immage against Gettysburg College on January 20 marked the opening of the 'rerrcr-eues basketball DRAMA season. Whlmsee faced a strong Gettysburg team, a February 1 gruel1ng four quarters teachIng them what to and not to Dress. rehearsal of Stravinsky's "L'Hlstolre du Soldat," do in this new game. They returned having lost a scrim- Lyric Theatre In Residence, Towson State College, 8:30, mage but a little wiser. Stephens AuditorIum Against Messiah College in Pennsylvania on January Jebruary15 23 the gIrls had their first chance to show that they World Premier of "MagrlUeI MagrIUe!" and several realty could do It. And they really did, beating Messtah shorter pieces by the Lyric Theatre. $1.00 for studer+s 41-26. Kathy Walter, freshman, earned "player of the w/lDs, $1.50 general admission, 11:30, Stephens Aud- game". The girls face 11 more scheduled games in a itorlum, Towson State College season that promises to be excttmg In its newness-and FILM hopeful in Us success. February 12 The schedule for the season Is as follows: "The Holy Ghost People," soc film on the snake handUng relIgious cult in Appatacbta, 4;00 and 7:00, Decker Audit- orrum. February 15 "Belle De Jour" Luis Bunnuel's "masterpiece", 8:30,. January 31 Bridgewater Away 2:00 Decker Auditorhim, 75~ February 3 Notre Dame Home 7:00 LECTURE 7 Frostburg Away 2:00 February 7 10 Catonsville Home 7:30 "Dance in the Contemporary Theat're," Arina scsoicw,' Towson, free "compos- 11:00 a.m, Stephens Auditorium, 11 Morgan State Away 7:30 'tug for the:ContemporarYDanceandTheatre,"JoeTliome, 16 Hood Away 7:00 2:30, Stephens Audttor iurn, Towson, free 20 UMBC ~:~; 6:~~d: February 10 21 Dickinson AIr souution Seminar- 7:30 Decker Auditorium, Better' Air 24 Towson Home 7:00 Coalition, and the Maryland State Department of Health 27 Wilson Home 7:30 MUSIC May 3 Goucher Home7:IS February 3 John Heisler takas a free throw against Towson, Towson state College Faculty Concert, tree, 8;30, stepreos as Bob Decker, Randy Hutchinson, and Ron Audftorium Athey wait for the rebound. Towson Chamber February 8 Concert, tree 3:30, Stephens Players Terror cagers fall to Textile by John Offerman Audttortum February 10 Recital Omicron, Members of the Omicron Eta Chapter of Delta 4:15, Levine Hall, Towson Concert Band andJazz Coach Ron Sisk's predominately young inexperienced Second overall In both categories is Art Harris with Ensemble, free, 8:30, Stephens Auditorium team enters the second half of the season looking for a a 12 point average and 9.7 rebounds per game. Second February 12 .500 record which has escaped the club in recent years. in scoring for the Bullis Prep game was John vere- Towson Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Madrigal Despite an early 5 game losing streak that record Is still erose with 11 points. The team plays against John £ingers, and Clarinet Ensemble, free, 8:30, Stephens In reach. Hopkins Saturday, January 31. Auditorium The standard problems of Size and strength which have An outstanding Philadelphia Textile team, led at both TESTS plagued the team in recent years appears to be on the way ends of the court by 6'5" Charlton Poole, defeated February 14 to being solved. Four freshman: centers H;arry Bucking- Western Maryland in Gill Gym last Wednesday. This Federal Service Entrance Exam. Complete details In ham, John Bayles, forward Tony Oceanrlde and guard was one that the Terrors, who usually play the strong- Placement ornce Bob Decker are on the varsity roster and are potential- er competitive evenly, were only in for the early min- CHAPEL 1y valuable ball players. Bob Decker, who has started utes. The scoring in the first hall must have been a re- February 15 reeenny, exceus on defense and is improving his off_en- cord low in the early first hal! since the Terrors could Dr, William Keese, 7:15, Baker Chapel stve game quickly. In John Bayles 6'3", Harry Bucking- only manage 14 points in the opening half. The final ham 6'4", and Tony oceanrroe 6'2" the Terrors should score of 37 was spread out fairly evenly among many develop a rebounding front line which is one of the keys of the Terrors. Post No Bills is your billboard for events. If you to biIilding a conststent wtnoer, Full court pressure was applied by TextUe for the have anything to tell the campus-about meet- Senior Jeff Davis has been the outstanding Terror so enttr e game and its effect was devlstaUng. Western far supporting an 18 point average. He atso has been re- Maryland could manage only 22% of their shots from ings, lectures, films, anything fit to print as has bOund at about 9 per contest. Randy hutchInson 10 point the floor and for some per-Iods of time that figure been said-write to us. Make it brief and address average and Ron Athey 15 point average who Is just back seemed destined to be far below that. Even many open it to Post No Bills. Deadline for PNBs is Friday from an Injury are providing scoring punch and are bat- shots from re latlvely short range seemed to roll in and before the next issue. anclng the attack. John Heisler has been playing consts- then out into the hands of taller Textile Iront Itna, The 1~t ball at both ends of the court and has been resrons-, Terror defense was not bad, but the rebounding of Tex- Lhle mr recent success against !UllcourtpressappJied tile gave them many points on taps lay-ups. by many opponents, In recent weeks the Terrors have split 4 games. Vic- Towson (71-64) was nota poorly played con- COLD DUCK tories over PNA (60-47) and Shepard (72-71) show that $1.79 fifth the team is capable of playing well. Eventhe loss to high- ly successful test. Only in the Hopkins game, played during the semes- FEBRUARY MONTH FOR LOVERS ter break, did the Terrors turn in a poor performance. With the improvement that pl~ylng experience should ·:rr;.e to the freshmen, chances for a better recoro ars WMe .tud.nt. only good. Much will stilI depend on the kind of hustle and discipline coach Sisk must get from a team stIll not as' BOONE'S FARM APPLE WINE 79.;~ big and as strong as much of its opposition. Our J. V. rounduattej-s absorbed a 75-61 loss to aunts Prep on January 29, bringing their record to 3-7. Mike Foster remains the leading scorer and re- BLACK LABEL $3.79 a case throwaways bounder of the team with 20 points and 8 rebounds, giving him an overall average of 16.5 points per game and 11.9 rebounds. FALLSTAFF $3.99 cans Tk~ Sense. NATIONAL PREMIUM bottles or cans a case $1.49 6·PAK G~est~h.t __------------------- of !l!«tU046 filu ~ Expert We:-improveit Now CARROLL PLAZA Service . protect it Styles next to A&P ·,",d,;! ~ -adorn it ,~ WESTMINSTER, MD. GI"ffJ o,fici4JIS DISCOUNT WHISKY IE. Main St. phone 848.1314 Westminster, Md.
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