Page 47 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 47
THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 12, 1969 PAGE 7 SENIOR SPOTLITE GRIDDERS HUMBLE BY DAVE SAMPSELLE RIVAL HOPKINS by Greg Barnes In the pre-game Interview on scored ontwelve plays, twelve run- version of the day and the Terrors WTTR Radio, Coach Ron Jones ning plays. With Senior fullback took a 14-13 lead into the second was asked to comment on his John Seaman in top form again, half. team's chances. The Coach along with fresman tailback Joe In the second half the Terrors searched for something encourag- Brockmeyer, thegroundattackwas started the scoring with a 36 yard Ing to say about a team with two rolling along. The line was giving Bozman to Roy Brown TD pass. victories facing a team with a shot these backs plenty of daylight. On The Terrors set up for the extra at the conference tit.le, All he the left, sophomores Roy Skiles at point but surprised everyone when could do was point out that when tackle and Wayne Sommers at holder Jesse Houston pickedupthe WMC plays Hopkins, It is a "whole guard were doing the job. Tackles ball and tossed it to Randy Klinger new season." How prophetic this Buck Jones and Greg Virgil, and for two more points. Hopkins was to be. The Whimsee squad guard Tom Pecora opened things threatened once, but an intercep- played their finest game of the up on the right and Senior center tton by Fred Lawrence stalled that season. Some say this was because Tom Morgan did his usual fine job. drive on the WMC 4 yard line. the seniors were up as this was The excellent wntmsee receivers, Lawrence's runback gave the Ter- a final chance for redemption. Roy Brown, Randy Klinger, and rors poor field position when they Others explained the result in Ken Wagner were suddenly a lux- were forced to punt, and Hopkins terms or a tradtttoeat rtvalrvrpar-. ury--why risk a lot of passes when scored several plays later. The haps the whole squad was mentally you can run? Quarterback Bozman Terrors took the JHU kickoff and ready, In order to make amends turned in a clutch run around the scored on ten plays, again on the for the poor season. Anyway, the left end for nine yards onthisfirst strength of the running of Brock- Terrors played like the rest of the series, and then snuck over for meyer and Seaman. Brockmeyer schedule had never happened. They the TD. scooted around left end and ran 19 walked off the field 30-27 victors. It was a close game all the way. yards for the touchdown, Randy The Terrors grabbed the tmtta- In the first half, Hopkins got two Klinger caught the conversion ttve on the kickoff as Joe Brock- touchdowns, but missed one of the pass. Hopkins tried again, but on meyer nearly broke loose before conversion kicks. But before the their first play from scrimmage, he was downed on the Terror's 41. half ended, WMCQuarterback Boz- co-captain Rick Diggs hauled down John Seaman Greg Virgil On the first play from scrimmage, man sprinted out to his left and a weli thrown pass with a one- Continuing in the line of thts erec in one stride (17 1/2, vs. co-captain Bruce Bozman tried a threw one of his three completions handed circus catch. In the fourth week's behemoths comes gargan- Bridgewater); most nicknames, pop pass, but it was incomplete. of the day, a 62 yard TD pass to quarter Hopkins got It's final tuan John Seaman, all 66 Inches game, season, and career (34. at After that minor setback, the flanker Ken Wagner. Tom Mavity touchdown and made good on a two and 142 pounds ofhlm.CurrenUya l~~~r c~::;~g h~~(:ite,I~~PK~~~g~~r, Terrors marched dcwnfield and made good on his second con- (Continuoclon Page8) student teacher deep in cow country being ~::~~~::;,::l::;~i:;~:t~:::"~MT. ST. MARY'S CAPTURES CONfERENCE (yes, Carroll County), bIg John set- tled for this career alter turned down by the Marine Corps essence: some say It Is his re- for intelligence (t.e., his I.Q. Is others stand CROWN WMC RECORD IS 2 6 tell Uncle Sam what he's missing, ~::l~~~~,~:~~U::;~~:t~l;::;~l(f~~; - quickness; markable over 70). His preacner orc's coutd as could his high school and college veteran grldders can forget his coaches: he is frat treasurer, he vicious, head-on block or tne large by Bernie Pfeiffer was co-captain ot his aenevme, tree behind the soccer field while Mount Saint Mary's College, led Jim Wright as he finished first The top team scores were as Md., football and track teams, and zeroing in on a Bozman aerial). by Bill Lyons, rolled to an easy vic- and shattered the course record by follows: Mount St. Mary's (30) he Is a three-year starter in On the field, on the diamond (let- tory In the Mason Dixon Conference more than 60 seconds with a 21. Catholic University (66), Loyola Coach rona's Elephant Bacld'ieid. terman), in theclass(wlllgraduate Cross-Country Championships 01.8 clocking. Steve Mahleu of (1(19)",BrJdgewater (114). Few people have failed to be as- Laude how cum), or at the DTT, held Saturday Nov. 22, over the 4 Towson State was the second man The meet also marked theendof tounded by .ronn's uncanny agility Brown is talent, and WMC should mne Western Maryland College across the line. He was followed season for the WMC harriers. and balance: veteran filmgoers recognize the fact., Although the Mounties closely by Lyons of the Mount and They Iinlshed off the yearwHh a 2 still gasp at the '67fllck, and 6 record which with a couple The winner of this year's agil- of breaks could have been 4 and 4. ity contest was Greg Virgil, who More important than the record hides 210 pounds on a fluid-like, though, they have the nucleus of a graceful six-foot frame. For some strong squad for next year. The top inane reason, his teammates have runners Bernie PfeUfer, Calvin dubbed Greg-- Whale," despite the Plitt, and freshmen Paul Reslgnato obvious speed and elusiveness. ran consistently aU year but were Just as important an aspect of the Vlrgillan legend is endurance: the hampered by a lack of depth. They lost several meets by less than 7 fact that he played lacrosse and points which the support of another spring football simultaneously last strong runner couto enmrnate.utm year pales only incomparslonwith Duncan did come on strong the last his marathon pinochle contests. In part of tile year andwiU be counted addition, Greg showed latent on next year I but another man Is leadership potential,since he holds needed, The addHlon of two or down the WMC offices of assistant three strong freshman or upper- did not have the top Individual to the four runners men- classman runner, they placed five men In the Honed above could account til!:...a top twelve. The weather had left winning record next year. the course extremely slick, but it did not seem to bother catnouc-s Tiny Tom Impresses all acquaintances with hi~ reticence and his soft-spoken demureness. On the gridiron, however, he is savagery in motion, and certainly, his winning the "Unsung Hero Over 6'3 and200 Lbs." bears testiomony to this. Hustleandconstant,grace_ tinued on downfleld. To be under ful movement have longepitomlzed 5'6 and 140 pounds and survive, Pecora (since he was 10, when he one must be tough and quick, and elected himself captain of his sand- John has been consistently nabbed lot eleven), and, along with Chef only once In his career: he Is Rice, are a prime factor in his pinned. Otherwise, *25 will make loss of 30 pounds in 75 days. This WMC history as one of the most latter fact becomes Ironic when one elusive runners ever. ccnstdar-s his rapacious appetite, especially sweets (he Is the only Let's get the record straight: WMCite to own an MM which will Roy is the nost misunderstood melt neither in his mouth nor in WMC-Ue In history. Number841s his hand). Be that as it may, *65 soft spoken, large and lumpy, gul- plans to graduate as an Econ major, lible, but lovable, all 6'3, 230 hit the pro football circuit for a pounds ofhlm;hlsacademicachJe- whrle, and then return to WMC for yernents and honors are surpassed a blf ssful career as a most sue- only by his gridiron prowess. He eessfulfootball head coach. has records for: Most yards cov- ' Tom Pecora
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