Page 52 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 52
page 4 february 2, 1970 the gold bug Analysis of questionaire COSTUMES AND FORMALS (cent. from page 3) have to take thIs Intensity factor into consideration. How FOR RENT many of the students who gave Intermediate responses, "mildly agree," "no opinion," and "mUdly disagree," Phone For Appointment can be counted upon to respect a boycott? While the 75 W. Green 848-4630 questionnaire does not answer this question, it certainly helps to clarify the need for further investigation. Mean- . Do .. !., 114.. 41<1 while, disgruntled AVS haters may take pleasure to note that at present there Is a slgnitlcant defacto boycott of the AVS as demonstrated by the following: although 65% of those polled answered that they purchased food at the The Esquire Barber Shop old ernie more than three Urnes weekly, 790/0 of the sub- jects said they purchased food at the AVS less than three Earle H. Brewer, Prop. ttmes wsekty, Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. _To be sure it does not require an analyst to gleam the simple facts that only a people feel that the AVS offers Hair Cuts By Appointment finer quality food than the grille and that only 7 people Phone - 848-2820 or 848-5220 feel the AVS offers better tasting food. But critical 58V2 W. Main St. analysis of the poll helps the SGA make a more Intell- Westminster, Md. igent essay of student opinion and wlll help to demons- trate the unequtvocable desire among students to be consulted about matters which will affect the conditions under which they live here at the college. SGA questionaire 85 W. Main St. Westminster 1. President Ensor took student opinion into ac- count in his decision to CAMPUS remove the Grille. 141 12 19 50 220 2. The Automatic Vending INTERVIEWS System offers: av a satisfactory NEXT WEEK selection 18 76 17 87 121 b. tasty food 6 2S 28 7S 193 cvteascnable prices 7 26 28 84 ISS For bachelor and 3. Compared to the former master·degree candidates Grille the Automatic Vending System offers: avalarger selectlon 20 64 51 126 b. better fasting food 2 57 35 197 c. morereasonabJe prices 4 7 7S SS 157 d. better total service 10 34 77 47 118 e. finer quality food 5 J 72 38 176 4. Given the present NIH Automatic Vending System. the present snack center, should be tastefutly re- modeled 141 40 75 21 31 The world's largest center 5. Eating booths would be a for conquest of disease valuable addition to the new snack center. 71 74 79 38 42 and improvement of human health 6.1 amin favorofa general boycott of the The National Institutes of Health-NIH-is the principal research Automatic Vender System 112 67 46 39 38 arm of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and 7. I like the Automatic conducts many of the most advanced programs in medical sci- Vending System better than the former Grille. 10 46 28 212 ence today. These programs require specialists in a wide range of disciplines. Examples of career possibilities: Part II: Check the appropriate answer CHEMISTS (BIOCHEMISTRY) . MICROBIOLOGISTS. NURSES ... MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ... SOCIAL WORKERS In the former Grille I purchased food (M.S. ONLY) ... LIBRARIANS (M.S. ONLY) .. ENGINEERS. 42 a. less than 3 times weekly 144 b. more than 3 times weekly COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS ... MATHEMATICIANS. 35 c. 3 times weekly SYSTEMS ANALYSTS ... MANAGEMENT INTERNS ... AC- Inthe new snack center I purchase Iocd COUNTANTS ... INFORMATION SPECIALISTS CONTRACT 230 a. less than 3 times weekly SPECIALISTS 38 b. more than 3 times-weekly 20 c. 3 times weekly These are permanent positions that offer high professional challenge and the benefits of career Federal employment. Start- In the former Grille I spent 47 a. less than 51 weekly ing salaries are attractive and opportunity for advancement is 161 b. SI·54 weekly excellent. 24 c. over 54 weekly CAMPUS INTERVIEWS In the new snack center I spend An NIH representative will be visiting your campus next week 249 a. less than $1 weekly 39 b. 51·51 weekly to discuss these positions with interested students. You may 6 c. overS4weekly interview during this visit by contacting the Place- ment Office. Or, if you prefer, you may write or call SHARKEy'S OPEN 24 HRS. College Relations Officer NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH COFFEE SHOP U.S. 140 Bethesda, Maryland 20014 AND 3 MILES EAST OF Phone: (301'496-4707 DINING ROOM WESTMINSTER An equal opportunity employer, M&F
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