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VOLUME 47 the gold bug Tuesday February 3 1970 It's been cold but friendly at W.M.C. .. January Term: enthusiasm at last . by Kathe Rourke Ing a program of unusual courses not a part of a regular tere sttng, the ttme spent outside of class was boring as The most revolutionary change in the Western Mary - semester could be maintained and expanded." Dr. Ste- hell." land College curriculum, the January term, has left, vens, who has an English course with a little over one Many appreciated a release from the pressure of after one week, an overall favorable impression on the hundred students, remarked, "because I've never taught grades due to the pass-fail system. When asked how he administration, faculty and students. a lecture course, it's a totally new experience for me felt about this sytem, Don Kruegar stated emphatically The Administration to be able to talk for two hours." that "it was fabulous." Barb Bula said "it's great. When asked his opinion of the January term, Dean Miss Esehleman of the math department revealed that There Is no pressure at all because the professor has Mowbray replied that "I was pretty enthused about the she "was impressed with the student participation and already said that everyone passes. We have a journal way classes were going." He went on to say that he dedication. I'll know more after Wednesday's test," she to do but it's great." Hugh Dawkins claimed that "be- hoped January term would stay with Its original. pur- laughed. Mr. Jordy shared Dean Laidlaw's hope "to cause so many of the people in my class could get A's pose which was "to offer courses not ordtnartty includ- even out the inequities in the workload from course to and B's, 1 don't approve of the pass-fail system." When ed In a regular semester." course." Dr. Phillips declared that he "noticed no told this, one student replied, "I don't approve of Hugh Dean Laidlaw reflected that "the campus seems much slacking off due to the pass-fall system because his Dawkins." (He was only kidding, Mr. Dawkins) quieter and that I am surprised that many of the rresn- students were all alert and hard working." He added Student response to the actual structure and content men did not return for January term. She also comment- "I'm learning a lot myself." Dr. Panek expressed of the courses was very favorable. Kathy Bryant pro- ed that "most of the remarks concerning the January the same feeling of proximity to the students, "All of fessed anthustasttcajty, "Dr, Richwine makes the little term dealt with the inequality of the workload [rom us are involved in the course." Mr. Palmer of the magazine course extremely interesting, I really enjoy course to course." psychology department related his feelings as a com- our class discussions and really get psyched for writ- Barney Rice, head of the Western Maryland cafe- bination of emotions. "It's the challenge of trying to ing." Cindy Stfpeck emphasized the structural impor- teria, was not very optimistic about the January term. fit all the information into a three week period, the tance of her course. "I love it because It's so informal He stated that "it is hard to make an accurate estimate frustration of adjustment to the pass-ran system and and this informality results in much class participation." of the number of people coming to each meal, because one course for three weeks, and the excitement of learn- A student in the automatlve physics class, Gary Clark I wasn't sure how many people were actually on campus." Ingwith the student." replied, "the course is fabulous. Mr. Makosky really He also was not sure of the number of 'guests' at each Students knows what he is talking about." Two students express- meal. In conclusion, Mr. Rice admitted that he was January term gives students moretimeforthemselves, ed enthusiasm about their psychology course. Pam disturbed because the students refused to eat his chicken less pressure with the pass-fail system, and a better Zappardino said, "1 could do research aU my life." loaf. chance to really know their professors and other students Sandy Fargo remarked, "it gives me a chance to learn Mrs. Simkins, head librarian, remarked "perhaps, in their class. about something I've been interested In for a long time. prepcrttonalty, there are a greater number of books in "January term gives me more time to be free, time 1 participated in a seance in Baltimore and it was fan- circulation," She continued, "Students are coming to to be me •••" remarked Becca Janes. Mike Rudman tastic." the library for more serious study rather than for social- declared that "j anuar-y term gave me more time to re- When asked what he thought of his course, one student izing." view for my course, and In doing so, I relearned what I replied, "befo:re I took this course I thought a computer The Faculty might have otherwise forgotten." Commenting on her was a black box with seventeen Dr. Lightners Inside." When asked their rtr st Impression of January term, the English course, Carol Jones replied, "It's neat because When asked what he had learned after onweek of January faculty of Western Maryland expressed enthusiasm about we're learning so much in such a short time." One stu- term, he replied ''It's a red box." Jim Bean evaluated their Individual courses and about the term itself. Dr. dent stated "1 think it's good because it leaves the stu- his feelings most poetically, "Henry David 'rnoreau says Richwine stated that he thought that "the term was an dent with a lot of time." When asked "time for what?", that 'Genius Is inspired in the morning' and my' course excellent idea and that I am tavcr abty Impressed. Like she replied, "never mind!" One student, however, assert- Is truly Inspiring ... " Dean Mowbray, he hoped "that the original idea of offer- ed that "although the time spent in class itself was In- Thus ends the first week of January term.
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