Page 44 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 12/ 1969 ---l!.nlj~~~ li'@li'il'lI~~@Olj@~--- College Participates In (Continued from Page 21 tncat realities and human person- Question Our "PROJECT FAITH" move- ality Is surely an inspiraUontohls ment calls upon students of afl pnl-, State TV Math Course many fellow, intellectuals on thta To the editor: ttlcal persuasion to rededicate campus. Certainly there are those Mr. Fuller's interesting and In- themselves to the principles which Western Maryland College, Is mathematics. Major coverage In who have not the resources from formative letter on his work In have made this the greatest count- cooperating In a state-wide pro- the course Is. given to the whole which to make snap conclusions Vietnam was very enllghtentngand ry In the world. We do not believe gram on television lor elementary number system, with substantial with the ease of Mr. Sloan. Cer- enjoyable to read. Butforthe bene- WAR to be the solution to the pro- school teecnens of mathematics. introductions to number theory, tainly there are those who do not fit of the uninformed and the less blems facing humanity! We recog- The college-credit course will geometry, fractional number-s, In- see everything in terms of black- than intimate friends of the Bishop, nlze that our society has problems be offered over WMPB, Channel tegers, and decimals. Definitions ~lte" us-them, right-wrong, bt- what exactly Is It that he Is dotrtg which must be solved, reforms 67, begtnntng second semester. and the resultant properties are 'polar relationships as does Mr. there? which must be effected, Improve- The course Is being sponsored by used to justify the conventional Sloan. Certainly there. are those Bill GrUfith ments which must be made; there- the Maryland School-College algorithms and then are explained who do not claim to possess such fore "PROJECT FAITH" caUs u- Mathematics Association, The In terms of modern strategies for power as to be able to discern the pon Indlvldualstocommitthemsel_ Maryland Center for Public Broad- teaching elementary school child- movtlvatlons, backgrounds, and Wanted ves to contributing to the continued casting, and the four participating ren, obligations of persons fUty feet a- Improvements of our society. As colIeges--Morgan State College, Teachers will be introduced to bove us In government buildings by To the editor: FAITH" move- individuals reaffirm and reded- Towson State College, University the lesson's content by working The "PROJECT the mere wave of a hand although ment requests that you assist us by Icatethemselves to this nation and of Maryland, and Western Mary- a set of programmed exercises In Mr. Sloan can. Certainly there are pubUshing the following open letter its goals, progress can continue. land College. The president of the the accompanying work text. They those whose grasp of the English to the students on your campus. We reject NEGATIVISMbecause Association is Dr. James E. Light- will then watch the telelecture, re- language Is not as masterful as Mr. Fellow students of the Untted NEGATIVISM offers no solutions! ner, chairman of the mathematics ferring to lecture notes In the Sloan's and must therefore refrain States; NEGATIVISM divides and des- department at Western Maryland work text, After the viewing, the .from useless obscenity. troys! NEGATIVISM depletes en- College, student will work sets of post- Would that I too could analyze Will you join with us In helping ergy which should be expended in The televised course carries lesson and homework exercises. people and events In such a naive, this nation to know that milUonsof creative constructive endeavors! three semester hours of graduate Every three weeks, students w1l1 college students are loyal, con- simplistic manner as does Mr. cerned, positive Americans who Mary Lynn Whitcomb credit for those who desire it. attend a 2 1/2 hour followup ses- Sloan for then I too could babble with dignity and courage commit Paul Hendrlchsen Twenty-eight half-hour tetevtston sion at a college center. There incoherently about balconies. themselves as individuals to FA- "PROJECT FAITH" programs wili be broadcast and they will have the opportunity to ITH In our great naUon,itspeople, Beeman Hall will dlscussthecontentandmetho- ask questions and to assess their Mark B. Vidor and its leader? Ball State University dology In elementary school progress. Patrons Balto's 'Best FolkPerformer' To Appear In Alumni Hall The Cold Bug depends upon several sources for revenue. One important portion of the paper's income comes from ads purchased by parents of WMC students. The Gold Bug would like to thank the How about a serene West" in Philadelphia and "The mer"--he Is an entertatner of the parents listed below for purchasing patron ads: exper-reuce given by a truly serene andtrulY Emergency" In Washington, D.C. first canter. When he Is scheduled Mrs. Virginia R. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. talented guy? Then move on over He emerged from such groups as to appear anywhere, It has been one come early. Mr. Milton Bayne Lamaina to Alumni Hall, Malnstage on Thu- "Bloody Mary and the Black Pla- advised that he Is serene; quietly As said before, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Blades Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Landon rsday, December 18 at 8:15 p.m, gue," "TroUey Car Museum," and and experience Gregory Omar vomer st. Groovy" and the "Snakr explosrvely talented. Royce F, Bradshaw ~~: ~~~.M{:~:r~~~ F. Leitch Kihn. S.O.S. has again brought one Stomping Review." If you have of the best to our campus, In case heard of none of these groups ~~: ~~~ ~~~: ~~:n~'B~~~~~er Mr. and Mrs. A. James Martin people sometimes cannot get be- then perhaps you have been up He will be here Thursday, Dec- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. yond culturally-enriched West- nere at Whlmsee for too long. ember 18. Rumor has it that on Carrico Martin minster. By the best is meant Of course, he has been to other that night, people wlii not have a campuses that; Greg Kihn Mr. Willard L. Coy Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Middleton exactly Folk Performer" was voted of Maryland, such as the University great deal to do. So why not happen in BaJt1- Johns Hopkins, and "Best over to Malnstagewith your blanket Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mooney mere be the Cetacean's first annual American Unlversity; considering and a dollar at 8:15 and celebrate Crowe ~~: ~:db~~sM~~cu~eonore Folk-Rock Poll. He also happened that we are not quite as large as Christmas with a peaceful, beauti- to place first In some other cate- the likes of the University of ful Gregory xmn, cnerne Mcsberg, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Edgar, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. gories such as "Best Songwriter" Maryland, we are fortunate to have has said that one "goes away from Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Eife Prime and there naturally he wrote the him perform here. his performances so contented." Mrs. A. K. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. William F. "Best Song"--"Hanna In the Mor- Greg Kihn, however, goes much S.O,S. invites you to be enter- Mr. C. M. English Popham nlng". Kihn and his twelve- further beyond the term "perfor- tained and, ultimately contented. Greg Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Fair, Mr. William T. Radcliffe ~trlng nrst came to be noticed by Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. more than just folk fans in Balti- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frankel Rechner, Jr. more when he recorded "Spin Let's Get It Straight Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Green, Mr. Howard J. Resau Away" in 1967. Since then his Sr. Mr. W. Lawrence Sanders realm has reached out to sucn cor- IS THE DEVIL DEAD? Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hahn Mr. Robert B. Scheib .reehouses as "TheSwordlnStone" East in Boston, Gaslight "The Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Hall Mr. Ray E. Scholl QUE)TION: I believe in God, but surely nobody believes in a Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shuler Sportsmen's Barber personal devil any more, do they? Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smith ANSWER: You don't have to believe in the devil in order to be Mrs. D. M. Hartshorn Jr. Shop 848-2363 saved, but you do need to know what he is doing in order to Dr. and Mrs. William Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Solow recognize your need of salvation. As a French clergyman once Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stevens Carroll Plaza answered this question, "I do believe Satan exists for if I didn't, Mr. B. R. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shopping Center then I should have to conclude that I am my own devil." If you Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Tantum don't feel the influence of Satan as a personality outside yourself. Johnson Rev. and Mrs. Kennyth A. it's probably because you've assimilated him to such an extent Tyson Monday-Thursday 9-7 that your identities are merged. How can that happen? Easily, Mr. Charles L. Jones Mr. Samuel F. Vaughan Friday 9-9 Saturday 9-6 if you're not on guard. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Verderosa The story is told of a peddler der, robbery, rape, and lust for Mr.iand Mrs. Gus Kalber Mr. John R. Warren Hairstyling Satisfaction Guaranteed who came to a certain village power, is evil in the driver's Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Karr Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watson selling "happiness pills." They seat, and man the driven rather Mr. Merhl Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weido If you missed -our Thanksgiving draw were brightly colored and cheap, than the driver. Consider also Mr. William S. Keigler Mr. and Mrs. William Weller ing, don't miss the one for Xm31 and people who bought on them that there was no evil in Christ. cloud floating soon were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. White Happy to all WMC nine. Actually, they were po- Therefore His temptations had to originate from a power out- Kristiansen Mr. Eugene S. Will Students. tent tranquilizers that permitted side Himself, and that power the peddler, who was a subver- was and' is vested in a person- OPEN 24 HRS. sive agent of a foreign power, ality. Just try to break some to enslave the villagers and de- habit that's got the mastery of liver them over to his totalitar- you, and see what a struggle SHAIKEY'S ian masters. you have. But once you have If evil originates only in the Christ dwelling in you, you've human mind, it can be con- got His powers of resistance, COFFEE SHOP Expert Now quered by the human mind al- and through faith in Him you AND Service We: -improveil so. But what we are experienc- can get the mastery over evil~ DINING ROOM _e__ -protecr Ir Styles ing in this world of war, mur- and the devil himself. -shadeit U.S. 140 -adomit 3 MILES EAST OF GRIGG OPTICIANS For free booklet, "WHO RULES THIS WORLD,S...T.....N OR WESTMINSTE~ lE.MainSt. CHRIST?" write to Westminster,Md. Bo:l 327, RmcEFIELI:), N. J. 07657, DEn. G· 8
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