Page 43 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 12. 1969 PAGE 3 WMC Makes Changes Omicron Delta Kappa In Black Admissions Honors Campus Leaders Western Maryland has recently wtfj- also be announcedatthatUme. modlned several of its admissions 3) Students sent acceptance letters The Western Maryland Circle of requirements in favor of black In the middle of January wlIl'be. Omicron Delta Kappa Inducted ten as president of PI Gamma Mu, the a soccer manager, rresnmanaovi- students. The College recognizes new members on Sunday, Decem- Religious Life Council and the sor and cheerleader. Amemberof the need to Increase the number-or asked to officially enroll by stgn- ber 7. The Circle, which was es- wes layans. A member of FAC, PI Gamma Mu and Gamma Beta and paying a fifteen Ing a contract Black students on campus, and the Donovan served as football annuun- Chi, KiUmon serves on the Honor modified procedures represent an dollar non-refundable fee (as com- tablished at Western Maryland In cer this year and was elected to Court and as ALOHA business an advance deposit of effort to encourage ail quaUiled pared to paid by other apptt- 1963, is a national leadership honor Who's Who last year. manager. HealsobelongstoWho's society. eighty dollars Black students to apply to Western cants). To qualify, an indivldualmustbe Alan Gober, a senior chemistry Who. Dan Patrick, a senior major- Maryland regardless of the stu- John Skinner, WMC black stu- of junior standing and rank aead- pre-medical student, has been re- Ing In English, Is presently vice- dent's financial status. dent, commented: "This notice was in the top thirty-live per- cognized as an academic leader president of the Interfraternity Modifications Include: 1) Appli- sentouttoallBaltimoreandWash_ emtcatty A prospective through his membership in Tri- Council and belongs to PI Alpha cent of his class. cation fee wafved-c-the normal ten ington Inner-city hlghschoolsinan member must qualify in at least Beta and the Argonauts. He is a Alpha. A Distinguished Military dollar appltcatton fee will be recipient of the Physics Achieve- Student, Patrick co-authored and waived provided the applicant attempt to make Western Maryland two of nve areas: academic ex- ment Award and participated In the co-directed last year's Junior ranks In the top one-fifth of the College attractive to Black colleg-, cellence, campus leadership, pub- Junior FolJles. Goberlsamember Foll1es. He served as vice-pre- high school class and is recom- tons, By reducing these fees, 11 is lIcatons, athletics and dramatics. of Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity and sident of the sophomore class, has no Black student will hoped that include Jeff The new Inductees mended by the guidance counselor. have to bypass' WMC for purely serves as captain or tne tennts ta- been active In drama andpartlclp- 2) Students applying under this financial reasons. Carter, Joe Donovan, Alan Gober, am. Junior pre-medical-psycho- ated in an SOS field team In Puer- arrangement prior to January 1, "Students who have expressed Steve Grant, Jerry Hopple, Kip logy major Steve Grant is a mem- to Rico. He was selected last year Killmon, Dan Patrick, Earl Sen- 1970 will be mailed Admissions ber of Tri-Beta and the Advisory to Who's Who. Commltfea decisions (acceptances ~~~~e~~oull~ ~~~~kt:;~~:;~r::iil~~ wartz, Gary SchoU, and Dan Wil- Committee on College Policies. Senior Earl Schwartz, a biology or rejections) by the middle of back to their high school counse- He has also been acttve rnoramat , pre-medical major, is president of Jeff Carter, a senior economics January and financial aid grants lors and explain these changes." major, Is president of the Inter- ic art productions. Jerry science the Men's Council and AlbertNor- Hopple, man Ward Dorm Resident. He al- history-political a junior Abstract Artist Displays fraternity Council and a member In major, nas served as editor-in- so is a member of the Student Lile of Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. his junior year, Carter served as chief of the GOLD BUGfor the past Council and the Student Personnel Committee. year. Last year, Problems He is also a member of Pi Paintings 'n Gallery Two IFC treasurer and was a member Gamma Mu and the Freshman rvss on Schwartz was in the SGA, Men's He Ad- of the Freshman Advisory Council. Council. visory Council and the Junior Follies. For the past twoyears,hehasbeen is class vice-president. Carter has the Interfraternity Council and Is Junior vice-president of 'rrt-aeta. of the Student Life Co- Gary SchoU Is co-captain secretary Cuban artist Zi Ha Sanchez open , The artist has studied InSpaln also served on the Honor Court uncil. A member of PI Alpha Al- ofthewrestJingteamandamember ed a one-woman display of paint- and France and studled at the Pratt and was elected to Who's Who last pha, Hopplewasco-chairmanofthe of the tennis team. He Is a mem- tngs December 6 In Gallery Two, Institute of Graphic Art In New year. A Distinguished Military WMC Vietnam Mor-ator-ium Com- ber of Pi Gamma Mu and is social The Fine Art Building. York. She was the reclplentofnu- Student, Carter is a recipient of mutee ancts co-authorofthisye_ chairman of Alpha Gamma Tau Miss Sanchez, co-owner of the the Association of the United Stat- ar's Junior Follies. fraternity. SchoU Is vice-presid- Sarduy Gallery In New York, is In Kip Killmon, who Is a senior ent of his class and was GOLD Westminster under sponsorship of economics major, is this year's BUG sports editorasasophomore. the Spanish Club. Her showwUl be ROTC Cadet BatalJlon Command- He has received the James B. on display until pecemter ta. Gal- er. He Is also a D1I>15and has re- Moore Memorial Award and the lery hours are 10:00 a.rn, to 4;00 ceived the Reserve Officers' A- Jim Boyer Memorial Book Award. p.m, weekdays. Cuba. ward. As a Sophomore, KIUmon Dan Wiles, a junior theater-politl- The abstract painter has lived was class president. He has been cal science major, belongs toHin- for some time in New York and is ge and the tennis team. He Is at- well known also in Paris and Mad_ so a member of Pi Gamma Mu, rid. Miss Sanchez was oorntn xa- SGA and Men's Council. wnes vana and is a graduate of the Nat_ is active in drama and heads the tenet School of Fine Arts In Cuba. SGA coffee house committee. In 1953 the National Salon there ODK's officers for thls year in- opened what It called a represent- clude Mike Rudman as president, ative exhibit of theworkbeingdone Jeff Davis as vice-president and at theUme. Itpresentedonlyworks Dr. Achor as the treasurer-se- In the figurative style and excluded cretary. abstractlonists. MissSancheztore those works from the wall and threw them on the floor. One writ- Trumpeters Plan er has said that she saw The Salon as threat to her owntndependence, Christmas Dinner From then on the artist has not been affiliated with any school. Band Honors In Dining Hall Ma- Beethoven's ryland's leadership society for wo- The Trumpeters, Western men, will sponsor the Christmas Anniversary dinner again this year on Wednes- day, December 17. Dinner will be The concert and stage bands of served from 4:45 to 6:15 p.m, Western Maryland College wUl Fol'lowlng the annual Christmas present a concert Tuesday, Dec- dinner, the Trumpeters wlU pre- ember 16, In honor of Bethoven's sent a program at 6;30 p.m. in birthday. Baker Memorial Chapel. The The concert w1l1be held at 7:00 theme of this year's program Is p.m. In Alumni Hall on the camp- "Within Each Man••." A commun- us. Mrs. Carl L. Dietrich, a The Handrail leading to the Grille after Jeanne Castle's Triumph crashed through it Sunday, Dec. 7 during Ion service led by Dr. Hartman member of the music faculty, Is a snowstorm. The car had been parked in the Lewis Hall parking lot. Last year the same rail was damaged and President EnsorwilJ follow the band director. The public Is In_ when Coe Sherrand's truck rolled down the hill. Also last year Dr. Holthaus' car rolled down the hill behind program at 7:15. vited to attend the performance. the Grille under similar circumstances. The Trumpeters, who are There is no admission charge. selected at the end of their junior The concert band's program In- year In a tradltlonal tapping cere-_ cludes: "Tenth Regiment March," many, Include Judy Harper, Bar- R. B. Hall; "EI Capitan March," bie Payne, Sue Seibert, Lynn Cole- SOusaj "Valzer Campestre," Mar- man and Carol Hoerlchs. Inuzzij "Rakoczy," Hungarian march from "Damnation of Faust," Berlioz. Rush Fees Three times in the last year cars have rolled down hills on this campus. So far the damage Fra- Notice to all Prospective Poetry Reading has been limited to handrails and fenders, but eventually someone could get hurt. What we ternity Eligibles: The $3.00 think is rather silly is the fact that after it happened last :year, no measures were taken to Fraternity Rush Fee may be paid Third floor Blanche Ward in- prevent it from happening again. This type of accident could be prevented if curbing or anytime until Friday, February 6. vites any prospective poets to re- bumpers were installed in the Lewis Hall parking lot and back of the Grille. Surely, this Payment may be made to any IFC cite any decent poem to us after could not be prohibitively expensive. For one thing, there would be a considerable saving in officer: Jeff Carter, Randy Hut- curfew. All clean poets will get a handrails, not to mention bodywork. Chinson, Johnson Bowie, or Dan present thrown down (and it ------The Gold Bug Staff Partlck. Eligibles are reminded won't be a water bag!) that payment of this tee does not obligate them to jotn a fraternity.
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