Page 42 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 42
PAGE 2 rae GOLD BUG DECEMBER 12, 1969 Letters To The Editor Hindsight bent. Is it or rnrertor literary qua- fully documented; the GOLD BUG l1ty? Judging by what I knowof Mr. has not been consciously trying The following letter was Love, I don't expect It to be" and to prevent a "ncn-Hberaj" article written to Dr. Whitfield by Jim judging by what I have read In the from being printed. Resau, a 1968 grad!Wte who is GOLD BUG, l1terary quality has The GOLD BUG reallzes Its ob- presently serving in Vietnnm. never been an editorial criterion ligation to print all viewpoints -- anyway. After the notice asking as long as the articles are based Dr. Whitfield: Happy Ttianksgiving. I real1ze for varied opinions, it couldn't on fact and meet a minimum lit- how great J had It in school and possibly be editorial bias which erary standard. Last year, the only have praise for WMC. This keeps Mr. Love's article trom GOLD BUG had two conservatives sure Is worse then Morrison and print, could it? Then why? !Barry Teach and John Bartlett) Com manger. Yorke Brown who wrote regularly lor the. pa- Best wishes to your family. ~r; they wrote after we had re- c~ulted them In order to add some Jim Resau balance to the paper. My ques- No Editorial Bias? tion is: Why aren't conservatives Dear Mr. Brown: writing if they feel that the GOLD To the Editor: Or dtnarf.Iy, the GOLD BUG does BUG Is one-sided? Two n-ash- Several Issues ago, the Gold Bug not reply to letters to the editor. men told Dean Mowbray early printed a notice defending Its ror- .However-, this particular letter this year that they were dlspleas- mat of almost all "Liberal" art- mer-its a reply, and comments ed with the GOLD BUG's one- icles. It claimed that the reason from other students will be wet- sided bias. Why haven't they been We've Come A Long Way, Baby that only one point of view was be~ corned. 01 all, there are a num- wrIting? Conservatives on this First es- campus are apparently too apath- ing printed was that articles pousing this point of view were be - ber of reasons why Mr. Love's enc and/or Illiterate to write __ ing submitted. It finished with an article has not yet been printed. and that is not the fault of the For the past two issues, the rea- In the 1930's, the most radical editorial in the GOLD indication that articles taking any tures section has used a thematic GOLD BUG. I have personally disagreed with and been repelled stand received BUG criticized students for failing to keep off the grass. would be printed. at the GOLD BUG approach: the November 7 Issue by some 01 the liberal articles Since that time, Times have changed, Under the past four editors, the GOLD the GOLD BUG has printed one or focused onthe campus environment that have been printed (and some BUG has changed tremendously. While we have failed to two pages of "Liberal" material. and the November 21 features sec- have admittedly been lacking in But we print quality). tlon concerned the MarchinWash- literary John Love My question is this: meet the best standards of journalism in many areas and at has written and submitted a rather ington. The amount of space taken what we get. And if conserve- many times, the GOLD BUG has definitely improved-tech- comprehensive articledealingwith up by these thematic approaches Mr. t1ves would rather gripe about the than write prevented us using from for paper It, that's nically, in content and in approach. And for reasons of American foreign policy. Whyhas Love's article. Secondly, although their problem. the editor of the GOLD BUG ne- health, I'm personally glad that lay-out night has been short- glected, for the past two issues, to the article could have been cut Jerry Hopple ened from thirteen to six hours. publish this article? Is It too long? (and many articles -- represent- Terms of Black and White In my final comment as editor, I'd like to make three Certainly the article IS lengthy, but Ing all viewpoints and Including some of my edttoriatsv-nave been Mr. Love has agreed to its ser , points: tauaauon. The GOLD BUG con- cut) it was felt that this partfcu- To the editor: tinues to fill up two pages every la r article could not be shortened I must commend John Sloan issue with "Liberal" Uteratureto too much without detr actmg ser- (PMSL) for his perceptive letter to First of all, the GOLD BUG has a responsibility to the exclusion of any other. cer- Iously from the value of the art- the editor In the issue of November represent all points of view, There are those who have criti- talnly room could be made for lit- tete, Mr. Love's article was very 21, 1969. His proround graspor pol- erature ofa more "Conservative" well written and obviously care- (Continued to Pago 4) cized the paper for being "one-sided"--I don't know why they haven't been writing instead of griping. In any case, the Silent Majority GOLD BUG should not be the sacred preserve of campus liberals. Abiding The Results Of It's Decision Secondly, the GOLD BUG should maintain its basically To the editor: nation gradually but definitely dis- order to rally support,whileama- liberalapproach. This may sound like a contradiction I of the engage from the War. The fed ... jcr'tl y tends to use less ostentat- We are writing this letter to or-it- erat government bas heard the ious channels. Also, byremainlng first point. What I'm saying (or writing) is that the paper tctze the tendency ofa minority electoral plebiscite of the voters silent towards the Mobe's appeal should be open to all points of view, but should be liberal in group to downgrade both the views last year. for support, the majority by Its srucie also reveals Last Issue's its editorial policy. On a campus like Western Maryland, and legitimacy of an opposing some misunderstanding of the very silence does indeed register Its opinion group. The last issue of the GOLD about the nations pol- where most of the institutions are conservative and where BUG carried an article which rea- makeup of a majority group. The icy. It shows that It supports the change is often agonizingly slow, there is a real need for a soned that" 'The Silent Majority' Mobe certainly has the rightto de- President's policy and that It does in present- has lost its place in the government responsibly Mobe's support newspaper that advocates change and isn't afraid to question of the country by default." monstrate view, but just because per- not Consequently the the majority policy. ingUs has policy. Such a statement means that sons of a differing viewpoint are not expressed Its opinion on Vietnam. those who do not support Mobe's out In the streets vocalizlngtbelr It did so only last year by voting, demand of immediate unilateral demands does not mean that they and It has done so this year cy re- Pinallv , the importance of objectivity in news report- withdrawal from South Vietnam do have not expressed themselves to fusing to support Mobe+s- policy. not have a place tntbe governing ot ing should always be emphasized. Underground journalists this country because they have not the government. For one thing, Charles M. Horn minority makeup groups by their Ed Hermann tell us that people can never be objective. Obviously, every- met their political obligation. They must resort to public displays in A. Wade Kach have been negligent In meeting the one has preconceptions and prejudices. Complete object- se-canec obllgation to speak out THE GOLD BUG ivity is probably an unattainable goal, but every news writer strongly about the war. should have balanced, objective reporting as his goal. The The article's generalization a- Official student neW5Pllper of Westwn Maryland College. bout default shows some lack of publish8(t Twelve times a ylar in Feb., Mar., Apr., MaV., Sept.. same applies to all sections of the paper: editorials and fea- understanding of the functioning of Oct •• NOli., Dee., on. Friday. Entwlld ill seeond dillS matter at tures should be based on fact, not on myths, distortions and democracy. In the United States, the Post Office, Westminlt .. , Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879. half-truths. the will of the majority is trans- mitted through the electoral pro- SECOND.CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT WEsm'NSTt:h. MD. 2115?- cess whereby the people choose le- THANKS aders whose views they support. Such an election occurred just one year ago when the people elected I'd like to personally thank all of those people who President Nixon. Therefore, the have given so much time and effort to the GOLD BUG-- the government must work, and has page editors, -other section editors, the staff writers and the worked by the wlU of the silent SUe Schun that whiCh majority majority -- duan_MMI'" it is abiding the ....._ people who wandered into the Art House to help with typing silently but responsibly voted it Coo '" Production1:ditor N_Editorl and proofreading. The paper has been a team effort, from into power, even when at that time SuMI'I a.k Parn Zappardino Editorial Page Editor demonstrators the MibSlMlb were voicing the assignment of the first articles to the final hectic hours their views. 1'~- "'~·-Ttacev ........ Ed1tor Brian Ctt.nev at the printer's. I'd like to wish new editor-in-chief Mike Such being the case, the Silent Jim Smytt. BIglin f""" Editors majority has not necessarily de- ~M~ "hultz (a fellow freshman water battle veteran) the best of faulted Its responsibilities in the TimS~~ IMide·N_ Edhor Shuln .Cathy f"ulNl.inv luck, and I hope his staff is as hard working as mine was. governmental process by remain- -- r1KJtography Editol Editor ""'V. .. Horn Ing sUent; instead Art Editor result of Its deCision to have the CIIaIMiDa MCf E~ Hi.... by Jerry Hopple .Slindy: x.i.- ~
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