Page 46 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 46
Cagers Win Two,Lose to F&M by Brian Chaney The Western Maryland varsity Hutchinson with thirteen, John The second half was nip 'n tuck basketball squad has gotten crr tc e Heisler with twelve, and John untIl, with 7:06 lett, the Terrors good start by winning two of their Bayles with eleven. The leading fell behind by nine. With the shoot- first three games. In the opener scorer for Salisbury was Marshall ing of Jeff Davis, Jim Hobart, and they defeated Salisbury by a sub- with nineteen points. John Bayles the Terrors were able stantial margin of twenty points, Jeff Davis and the laws of physics to bring It within four with ;3:22 105-85. The following game was were the leading factors in the left. TheSho'menmatntainedafour' a real cliffhanger which saw the Washington College game. Jeff point lead untU Randy Hutchinson Terrors clip Washington College scored twenty-three points, and narrowed It to two with a jump by a score of 81-80. Coach Ron the laws of physlcscausedaWash- shot. Jeff Davis converted a foul Sisk was especiaUy pleased with ington shot to roll out of the rim shot to make It 76-75 in Washing- these Initial victories, alter the enabling the Terrors to wln81-80. ton's favor with 1:44sbowmg cn the team had experienced a "reeky" scrimmage season. Against Franklin and Marshall, their first away game, the Terrors were less & OLp!3U6- 8'po~'f'S fortunate as they were beaten 88- 62. Against Salisbury the Terrors drew first blood with a bucket by PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 12, 1969 senior captain Jeff Davis. Center John Bayles hit two consecutive shots to put the Terrors ahead by Six with 17:53 left in the half. The GRAPPLERS PREP Terrors a pair of foul shots, their gradually increased and alter Billy Hutchinson lead, sank with FOR DEL V ALLEY 11:07 left, 22-10, Salisbury led battled by the Terrors twelve, however, and trimmed back, Whim see lead to one point, 37-36, the with two minutes remaining. Tony Western Maryland wrestling Myers for the 123 weight class, Ochenrider then hlt a long jump team hopes are high for the upcom- while a local Westminster talent, shot, and Randy Hutchinson rot- tng season. Eleven returning let- Bob Winters, wtll be offering Jim lowed with a bucket to give the term en, and anumberofflne-Iook- Schartner stiff competition for the Terrors a bau-ttme lead of41-39. Ing freshmen prospects figure to Ught weIght position. othertresh- Whimsee maintained a five to make this year's team one of the men who have varsity potential' seven point lead throughout the strongest with which the college are Gary Wright, Bel Air, Mary- inUial Six and a half minutes of the has ever begun the season. land, Jay Kintzlng, from Hanover, second half mainly by shooting of Veterans from last year's Mas- Pennsylvania, Dave Downes from John Heisler and John Bayles. Then on-Dixon dual meet championship Delmar, Pennsylvania, and Tom Jeff Davis lIteraUy"shotthe eyes" Jeff Davis drives for the hoop. team returning to the 1969- 1970 Barnes from Klngswood, connec- out of the basket scoring ten points The first half was a see-saw clock. Washington scored again, team are Gary Schofl, Terry Con- ttcut. within a span of three and one- battle which saw the lead change and John HeIsler came right back over, Ken Myers, Art Blake, Jay As many Marylandwrestlingen- half minutes and giving the Terrors hands many times. John Bayles driving for the hoop. Washington Leverton, Jim scnartner , Coe tnustasts remember, the Terror a commanding lead which they and Tony' Ochenrider played out- then scored on a foul shot, making Sherrard, Tom Mavity, Ron Pet- m atmen surprised all but the nat- ~ever rellngulshed. The Terrors standing defense and Jim Hobart, It 78-77 In their favor. Bm Hut- ~~;~~. ~~~1l ~eam:;~_t:de ~~~ ~~e ::~~~;n ~::y~:~~ie;~::s~~~~~ ~~~~::,s:: t~:; c:;t:~;d !~el~f~~~~ :l:~e~:Cekl~rln t~~dba~~h~ou~;.I~~: ~:~~:~n I~n~~:: ~:~~t:~i~~n~ son-Dixon Champ, 'while Conover, ersity and Hopkins In the Mason- victory by a score of 1.05-85. Jeff half ended with the Terrors on top jump shot giving Whlmsee a 79-78 Myers, Blake, Leverton, and the Dixon Tournament held at Old Davis led wtumsee With twenty- 39-38, lead. With forty-eight seconds re- popular heavyweight, Cronce, are Dominion College. The team plac- three points, followed by Randy maining, a Washington player made all Mason-Dixon place winners. ad second, under Old Dominion Hutchinson with fourteen, Billy a pair of foul shots and the score Only two starters graduated College which has since achieved stood 79-80. Then with eighteen from the team last year, RickSch- University status, and is no longer seconds remaining, Billy Hutchln- rnertzler, the annual 177 pound in the MAC college division loop. son hit on a jumper to give the Mason-Dixon Champ, and Jim· The team this year Is as strong if Terrors the lead 81-80. washmg-, King the valuable 191 pounder who not stronger than the 1968 squad, ton brought the ball up court with missed a large part of last season and Coach Case looks forward to a only seconds remaining. They tried as .a result of Injuries. Dick Sch- big year. several shots but tenacious board mertzler, Rick's brother, and a play by the Terrors and the roll hlgh school All-Amerfcan wrest- The season will Officially start of the final shot gave Western Ier , wlll take over the spot left on December 13when the matmen Maryland its second victory. Jeff vacant by the older Schmertzler, will meet Delaware vettey inana- I Davis led all scortng wttf twenty- and Fred Klemle or Tom Mattv- way match. The first Home ap- three points; Billy and Randy Hut- Ity, both veterans, will Vie for the pear ance this year will be when chlnson had fourteen and thirteen 191 pound spot. Freshman pon o-; Western Maryland College again Brien, a former South Hagerstown sponsors the Maryann State Tour- (Continued on Page 8) High star. will be challenging Ken namant on December 19 and 20. lIew York JV HOOPSTERS 10 London luftlftler Vaca,lon SPLIT FIRST 4 TripI by AI Shafer Send for Free Details Student Globe Roamers The Terror JV roundballersbe- The team, made up entirely of Box 6575 Hollywood, Florida gan their 69-70 campaign last Dec. freshmen, seems to have the skill 33021 2 and, in the course of nine days needed to win games, but lacks the have won two out of four games, experience of playing together. beating Eastern and Stephen's Missed passes on disorganized fast Round Trip $169 Trade by scores of 66-60 andl01- breaks, resulting in turnovers, 84, but losing to Loyola and Fred- have hurt the team, but as they erick 104-86 and 71-67. They meet play more, they should jell. ~~ COSTUMES AND Loyola again this Friday and The Esquire Hagerstown Monday; both games FORMALS are at home and begin at 7:00. Italian Barber Shop TOTAL SCORING High scorer thus far has been ERNST-- 19 IIiAiIt: .... FOR RENT '"like Foster, accumulating 79 FOSTER-- 79 Earle H. Brewer, Prop, I,oints for a 19 point average. WElDO-- 34 Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. Phone For Appointment .\Uke, out of Towson, also leads PATTERSON-- 42 85 W. Miin St. Hair Cuts By Appointment 75 W, Green 848·4630 the team in rebounds with 43, fol- PRAOO-- 31 Wel'tminster Phone . 848·2820 or 848·5220 lowed by Jan Weida with 2l,Chuck DANVER-- 24 58\6 W, Main St. Dor.I~, Ild.,dl" Ernst with 22, and Art Harriswith ARMSTRONG-- 15 Westminster, Md. 26. HARRIS-- 53
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