Page 48 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 48
Cagers Wrestling Tournament Gridders (Continued from Paoa 6) points respectively. Western Maryland College will fContinued from Pa087) For their thlrd game the Terrors be the site of the Second Annual point converstoa. Theythreatenect traveled to Franklin and Marshall Maryland State Wrestling Tourna- again at the end of the game, but College. They experienced. a poor menttobeheldonDecember19and the Jay's !ieid goal attempt was shooting night, hitting only twenty- 20. The tourney wUl feature most broken up. A desperation pass was eight per cent from the floor, and of the colleges and UnIversities In Intercepted In the end zone by Fred consequently they lost 88-62. Jeff Maryland, including Baltimore Lawrence. Fred earned defensive Davis was again high scorer with University, Towson State COllege, player of the week honors for the seventeen points. Loyola University, Morgan State Hopkins game. The Terrors will travel to Ran- College, JohnsHopklnsUnlverslty, This was the last game for the dolph-Macon on December 12 and Frostburg State TeachersCollege, seniors. Appearing In this game 13 for a tournament. TheIr next Salisbury State Teachers COllege, were Bruce Bozman, Roy Brown, home game will be December 18, Washington College. University of Rick Diggs, Randy Klinger, Buck against Baltimore. Maryland, Navy, and host, Western Jones, Dan Janczewski, Tom Mor- GOLD BUG Maryland. unique Maryland State gan, Tom Pecora, Injured for this Seaman, John and Greg Virgil. The (CQntinued trcm Page 11 Tournament has a short history, ffnal game were Paul Mullen and who has coveredtootball, track and dating back only one year to its Keith Porter. Old man olthesquad basketball, will be sports editor. origin In 196Bjhowever, last year's Pete Markey hobbled out on the Advertlslng managers wlll be Jim tourney was a success, and wes- field on his bad wheel for a few Smyth and Bucky Paper. Most other tern Maryland's wrestlIng coach, final plays. stalf positions have not been filled Sam Case, hopes that such a meet- Honors awarded at the Football yet. lng of all the Maryland grapplers Banquet were: Defensive Player of Shultz plans some klndottormat wi~h~eT~U;~~~a~n~f~~~g sponsor- ~~:Ck1!;ailne~~~~ ;~::o~ec=:~ ~:~ean~lm~:;e a:x~~tl~~~~s~:~~~ ed by the Westminster Jaycees, will Jim stephens, Frosh award, Joe start In GUi Gymnasium at 1:30 Brockmeyer; and the Jim Stephens ~~tu~:!~aYCl1~~XI~~n:l~~~h~~~~'!~ ~a~~a~~~a~~;:r!:!~kf~;gt~:' it~~~ Kazar and Yvette Dawson :: ~~W~r~~~f!~ ~i~:e~:r~:n~~ WOMEN'S B-BALL 'next semester. 1~~:::S:~e a~~:rt~::~; PionshiP' matches at 8 on Saturday time. Next year's captains are Art ::;:;a~~~ Blake, Mike Hunt, and Tom Mavity, night. to Hopple, retiring In addition BEGINS PRACTICE staff members include Karen KIng (Man.aglng Editor), Pam z appardt- no (News Editor), Tracey BegUn by Gloria Phillips (Features Editor), John Van Horn Women's basketball, with a new the varsity team with a lucky (Photography Edltor) and Sandy face, has begun preparations for thirteen on the J. V. The great- Kearns (Typing Editor). this year~ s season. The playIng est thIng about this group of twen- When you know team win consist of five women ty-rtve is tbetr enthusIasm,some_ ACCP In a game very similar to that thIng which may well argue stron- The next area of discussion it's for keeps presently played by the men. All gly on the court. The team looks of the Advisory Committee players can thus roam the entire good so far In combIning skill on College Policies will be a court, meaning former defensive and desire. Scrimmages are sch- review on all college regula- All your sharing, all your players must now learn offense eduled during the January term tions. Dean Mowbray will special memories have and vice versa. Not always a with Pennsylvania and Virginia head the sub-committee. Tom grown into a precious and small feat. The first couple of teams, but most of the Maryland Bennett, student, and Dr. Ste- enduring love. Happily, these scrimmage defy description, but games wtu be played In Febru- cherished moments will be practice Is now progressing raw ary. The girls are working for vens faculty, will be members forever symbolized by your pldly. Generally the women like an Invttatfon to the first State of the sub-committee. College diamond engagement ring.. the new game, and It promises Tournament at Towson. community members with in- If the name, Keepsake is in to offer a lot of spectator enjoy- Members of the varsity are: formation, suggestions, or the ring and on the tag, you ment. Mary Lou o'Nent, captain, Ilene comments are urged to see are assured of fine quality Practice started the flrst week Kazer , Nancy Dashlells, Gloria one of these three people. and lasting satisfaction. The 01 November. Since that time Phillips. Melissa Marten, Nancy The committee will soon be the gIrls have been concemrat- Dawkins. Melissa Coleman, Deb- sending Dr. Ensor its recom- engagement diamond is ing on learning the new game and bie Clark, Yvette Dawson, Ruth mendations on the Human flawless, of superb color, and are now trying to put it all to- Godfrey. Jane Watts, and Kathy Dimension in Campus Envir- precise modern cut. Your gether. Twelve girls make up Waters onment Keepsake Jeweler has a choice selection of many SIEGMAN'S L IT r CLEANERS & lovely styles. He's listed in the yellow pages under TEXACO SERVICE U A LAUNDERERS "Jewelers." 39 Manchester I So. Center St.... t, or Englu Road Ave. LAUNDERING - DRYCLEANING - TAILORING .L~E~~ k "1:.?"" .........;!GISTERED Garment Storage I: LiDen Rental Service e~ W..uduter TI s..a.ue Serriee for Students iD WMC Stud_t Center TRIAOO IU.VnuJrfB Monday through Friday GASOLlNB on. 9:00 O'clock UntU 3:00 O'clock DaII;r THE TOP HAT DRIVE-IN DINING ROOM WE'LL TRUST YOU COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SUBS [Even If You're Over 30 J .RT.140 5 MILES EAST OF WESTMINSTER invited at Student Charge Accounts are are so many Columbia Jewelers, and there \V'ITR ways to develop a meaningful relationship with us . like Keepsake Diamonds ... Famous- Brand Watches and Gifts ... Wild Charms, ,01.14.70 KC from only 88, .. Pierced Earrings for girls (or men with highly individualistic traits). FM-Swroo Come in and get your shopping jollys at the store that was chosen from all of America's Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The WESTMINSTER Year" - friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers in the Westminster Shopping Center. .~---------~ lUARYLAND ".---~ KEEPSAKE DIAMONO RINGS. BOX 90. SYRACUSE. NEW YORK 13201'
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