Page 40 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 40
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 21,1969 SENIOR Vietnam Letter (Continued from Pege S) to continue the pr-evious in order SPOTLITE volunteer's work (1 promised him I would), but this wUl just serve to estabUsh me In the community and give me contacts and friends. Since I wUl teach part-time, I will use the rest to research the needs In the countryside, and I hope to find a need In the next year which will lend Itself to cooperative sol- ution, hopefully with the estab- lishment of permanent Institutions for problem-solving In the future. The biggest developmental prob- lem, cutstoe of the war and Its side-effects, Is the utter lack of cooperation and trust between neighbors. If I can get folks working together, It will be a major success. At first, my re- search w1l1be market-centered, I HARRIERS CLIP MASON think, since that should reveal Im-. information portant and rapidly THEN LOSE TO HOPKINS easily, like price fluctuation, short- ages, etc. One Itnal note: II you have By Bernie Pfeiffer written me and not received a The WMC cross-country team in favor of the Terrors. personal answer yet, it Is because closed out Its dual meet season this In their final tune-upbeforethe your letter has been lost. I week with a spilt of the last two -conrarencs Championships, the have Personally answered every meets 'against George Mason and Harriers bowed to theJaysof Johns letter which I have received. KEITH PORTER -5'11", 195 lbs J-ohns Hopkins. 21-34 over their 4.7 mUe Saxonburg, Pennsylvania Frederick, Maryland The Terrors placed three men "Hupktns The first Terror across IVS/USAID course. A brawny six-footer from the As does his counterpart number in a dead heat for first place over the Hne was Calvin PUtt In fourth. APO San Francisco 96240 Gridiron of the East, Saxonburg, on the Celts, WIllie Richardson, a relatively flat 3.6 mile course at He -was renewed by Bernie Pfeiffer pas, that's three jocks and a bleep number 87 has impressedplayers, George Mason College in Virginia. In sixth and Paul Resfgnato In sev- EXIST south of Pittsburg, sports fans coaches, and adoring multitudes of They were Calvin ptttt, Paul Rest- enth. Keith has unique distinction for his whippet speed, ltghtntng react- gnato, and Bernie Pfeiffer. Jim The team rtntsnedwtm a z-s re- playing more positions than any ions gazelle-like moves, and tyrd Duncan placed second wlthhisstr- cord and will be running in the Con- (Continued from Page I) other Terror. His Freshman year, like hands. The amazing «xa- ongest effort of the year, John Skl- ference Championships to be held "Radar" (look closely at the ears) huna" is the old man on the nner took third and Jeff Bell took Saturday over the WMC golf cour- ture, and Guitar Workshop. was starting QB for the Frush; team, since '69 is his 5th year at fourth. The final score was 15-50 Furthermore, EXIST will be op- by Spring practice, he was mixing WMC (he was semi-brown shirted en to anyone who wants to part- in track JV GRIDDERS DROP it up at Container. Ketth finally or whatever the hell you get by icipate within the learning com- seemed to Ilnd his niche his sopho- red-shirting a creen t'error c-one munity Including students ofWMC, more year at offensive halfback as year). He has lettered professors, residents of West- anyone who saw his blazing speed and football, just as he did at minster, and anyone with the de- and razor sharp cuts will attest; Frederick High School, where he sire for a new Iaarnmg expertence, however, hIs Inherent propensity turned down scholarship offers at flNALf TO HOPKINS The only expense would be bOOkS for sheer power and violence Notre Dame, OSU, and USC so and materials as detefmlned by the forced a reluctant coaching staff he could concentrate on school- course leader. Tne seminars will to place him at center. By his work, football, pinochle, broads, By AI Shafer be held In ~emorlal Hall, at re- junior year, this distinguished at- and boczav-tn any order--atWMC. sidences in Westmlnlster, or any- hlete (only '69 Terror with mono- His illustrious car-ter has had The JV closed out a dlsappolnt- tumbled away to Hopkins on our 17 where the students want to meet. mucleosls) was back on defense Innumerable highlights: runner-up Ing 0-5 season here with a 26-16 yard line, and they quickly used two Meeting times w1l1 also be deter- at Linebacker, where he has Defensive Player of the Week 4 loss to Johns Hopkins. They pJay- plays to score eight points. mined by the group. started ever since (although he (yes--4) times; recoverer of two ed to a capacity cr-owd, standing- After exchanging fumbles, the Invitations to join EXIST wUl seems to like safety much bett- fumbles; owner of most constst- room-only under the press box Terrors moved to the Hopkins 38 soon be etrcuteteo in the cafe- er). One of few people on campus enUyseparatedshoulderlnexist- from which the loudest cheer went where Jesse Houston, playing as a teria by members ofco-ordlnat1ng to have Wide Ovals stolen off a ence. A Pre-Fight major, Pete up when the Prince Of Peace, Larry haUback, ran in for the score, Off committee. They will be able to Road Runner, famed Mr. Porter climaxes his career at WMC in Luv, chugged across the field to a variation or tne nea-rncker wjxc answer any questions. All other thrives on leadership. He Is Head, his current posttton as President join them. scored 2 with a Houston to Bowers questions, commentS,orsuggested and hall the membership, of the (Delta) of the Preachers, and the There was very little to cheer pass to close scoring In the first ideas should be directed to Mary Winslow Student Center Football only MSI tn existence. As the Great about either on the field or in the hall, 20-8. Rutledge at the French House, Club; he Is In a leadership pos- One so eloquently put it during my sky sfnce the monsoon season set An obviously psychoed team ca- CharIte Mosberg on the fourth ition in ROTC; he is, finally, the visit to hIs In for the first half and the half en- me out for the second half and pr- floor of Whiteford, or John Sloan PresIdent of his fraternity, AGT. ded 20-8, Hopkins. omptly fumbled away the kickoff, in the second section of Albert Number 57 on Hoffa, he Is number The Bluejays started from their and Hopkins capttaltzed for 6 more Norman Ward. one to his adoring audience in own five after fumbllng the opening points. Then we drove to their 49 Sportsmen's Barber the Winslow Football Club. jdckotr, and moved steadily unUi but fumbled again. TheJays seem- Dave Solow Intercepted a pass and ed certain of another score, but TOM MORGAN--5'10", 180 Ibs., Shop 848·2363 Schuleyl Havens, Pennsylvania ran It back to the Hopkins 45. The Nelson Shaffer Intercepted on the Another high school co-captain, WMC crrenstve machine couldn't one, stopping the threat. "Fab" calls lovely little Sehukyl Jdck over and the Jays took over on Wf! were held to a punt, but got Carroll Plaza Haven, Pa., home. An all-around thefr 20 after a punt Into their end the ball back when Solow Intercep- Shopping Center athlete (he was considered for the zone. They drove to the WMC 33 ted on our 14. The Terrors then Schukyl Haven Olympic trials in yard Hne and from there thequar- put together an 86-yarddrlve,fea- pole-vault and discus), Morgan terback ran a sneak over center, turing running of Houston and Pes- Monday-TImrsday 9-7 has not confined his activities tothe and In for the score. A pass for 2 ka, and capping it off wHh a one- gridiron. He is Senior class trea- failed when the ball sUpped out of yard sneak by Peska for the score Friday 9·9 Saturday 9-6 surer this year, and held other the quarterback's hand and the flrst and a run around right end for two class offices in his heyday; he is quarter ended 6-0. more, to 'end the scoring and the HairstylingSatisfaction Guaranteed l1sted In Who'S Who, he Is current- Alter holding the Terrors, the game. ly Vice-President (Alpha) of the Bachelors; he Is a dual science ~a::s;~Pt~~I~ ~~gy:;~tr:~~~~r~~~ LU:~a::~~~~ss~~v~O~:e~lt:t~o~~ if you mi~ - our Thanks~ving draw major; he shepherds a 75-man TD--a pass fortwowaslncomplete Sharp, J1m Harne, and Gary King, ing, don't miss me one for Xma Happy Thanksgiving to for not usIng their names In my ar- all WMC horde as Company Commander in and the score was 12-0. ":::":"::'•.::Goo=d~d;'Y~!t"'""_-:;=-....!=St~"d::'"=.:. ::::=====-:: ROTC. Furthermore, there Is a On the flrst play from scrimm-t1 r warm, humanistic core under the age after the kiCkoff, the Terrors leadership ability. Not only Is he engaged to a girl from his own Big OPEN 24 HRS. Clty--he also Is an Eddie Habour- hocker admirer, which Is the ulti- SHARKEY'S mate satisfaction. His qualities are obvious to all related with him; as mense one teammate says, "Out of our the snaps have been superb. For a COFFEE SHOP Expert Now massive 60-man squad,'Tom Is de- squat 180-pounder to survive AND Service We: ·impro.veit finitely the most unnoticed and un- against 250-lb behemoths he DlNINGROOM 'protectit Styles -shade it derrated member." For four regularly sees, the man must have ·arlomit U.S. 140 years, Morgan has played the cru- hustle and determlnatlon--anrlthls 3 MILES EAST OF GRIGG OPTICIANS cial center position lor WMC; in 15 what Coach Jones pinpoints as those four years, the ground game Morgan's forte. No. 55 comes on WESTM.lNSTER IE.MainSt. Westminster,Md. up the middle has gone for an im- strongest when others quit.
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