Page 38 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 38
'We're moving on up~ but we must come down' by John Crooms, JT. and John Skinner Black Western Marylanders took background he commented on the postttcn, Community Relations time out from the "Black Is ••." need for thorough knowledge of, celebration to attend a Black Stu- your cause and your antagonIsts' dent Conference at exclusive Gou- weaknesses. He warned against Another one of the workshops cher College In the heart of weal- draggIng uncommitted Blacks Into that proved to be most Interest- thy Baltimore County. "We're a Black Student Union and noted Ing was entItled: "Campus Mll- moving on up, but we must come that separate Black dormitories ttancyr Is It only a tour year down;" So despite the rolllng ac- only served for impact, but did extr acurrrcutarv't ThIs workshop res and plush accomodaUons, 60 little other good. dealt with the Black collegian's students, trom all over the state, role In hIs community after he John Crooms Jr. & John Skinner arrived to "get, down" and rap gets his degree. It also examtn- SGA Plans Activities, about the black college student challenges to the Black student the 1) problem s that at a predomInantly to Mr. Smith then enumerated ed methods of dealing with campus are peculiar and his community. majority on a' white campus: Black students The men espectalty and psycbotogtcal Iocked shar-p Most of the people Varied Campus Plans with theIr sharply plus bold, colorful Self pride 2)SlgnUIcantpartfclpatlon con- white school. open to new Ideas trimmed bush- fidence; in thIs workshop had come with and even conspicuous partfclpat- es and beards minds their ion In campus activities; 3) Contact oasbncs In contrast and prospects to the Sears; the that rest weren't bought at with Black political leaders for emot1onallsm thai characterizes wore neckties. The Student Government Assoc- fer next semester for Spring Week- Many of the gIrls were wearing leader-ship and even ald. Mr. many racial conferences. Through iation has authorIzed one hundred end. tbetr haIr naturally, but most had SmIth's views from the insIde were the calm and rational thinking dollars lor the decoration of the It was also moved and passed on the styles from Europe, not to be followed by those of Mr. that prevafled, methods of how the coffee house which will be in the at the last meeUng that the SGA Africa. Larry Wallace, a member of the educated Black man can re-estab- lop.nge above the grHle. It has arrange to have several speakers Baltimore Black Panther Party, lIsh commumcatlon between him- been proposed that the lounge be from the State Department here After lunch we broke up into who, unfortunately, was unable to setr and hIs community emerged. dIvided Into two parts, one serving next semester. The 'Executive drscusston groups. Mr. Joseph make It. It was also concluded In this work- a~ a coffee house and the other Council will set the dates of the Smith, Special AssIstant to the Another strong personallty was shop that even though many young spoke on con- Mayor of Baltimore, and wlll determine presentations, ~ aD~~u~~S Ai~o:a~~~~~e::t~~~ In conjunctton with the frontation politics. The More- Mrs. Marguerite Campbell who Blacks have found the church irre- the topics dftaus of such an arrangement. .State Department, house CoUege graduate had come found her way into municipal pol- levant to their cause, it may be for them to go back to beneficial ~he school admInistration has pro- There wlll be a GIGIF Novem- up off a backwoods Georgia farm itics after working seven years as the church since It does have so vtoec a teteviston for the lounge. ber 21, 1969. to shine shoes and wash dIshes a community leader to get an much influence In the older gen- A draft counseling service is FInally, there Is an SGA re- from ages 15-17 when he began appropr-tatton for a neIghborhood erations of both races. among the concerns, of the SGA cord sale In the Book Store. The working his way through college. recreation center. She advised a and plans for such a service are proceeds wlll go to the Maz-y- DespIte these long trying hours, local high school boy, to join the Allin all, It waspsychologlcally being constoered presently. In land School for the Deaf. Mr. SmIth kept a "B" average Young Republlcans at his school healthy to be among black faces, add1t1on to draft counsenng , the and participated In many of the and meet people who have influ- again, Once the dIscussIons had The motion passed Trustees Pick SGA Is goIng to sponsor a tutor- early freedom rIdes and restaurant ence and connections as she did broken up, descended on around Atlanta. sit-Ins From thIs tng service. In her rise to a top municipal the student center- to make phon, at the last meeting reads as fol- calls and further fraternize. Sud- lows: "That the SGA seek to ob- New Member Music I Drama Departments denly the JUke box was playing tam tutors for students who need our music and of course most and of the Board them, payIng the golng cotlege wage everybody got the IeeUng and start , for tutors of foreign students ed dancing. This proved to be half the cost for other students." A Baltlmore resident have Includ- Plan Christmas Programs too much for even the most whose In- Students should go through theIr terests and activIties liberal of Goucher girls and when professor and department heads to ed or stlll Include the Civic Lea- we looked around we found that we obtaIn tutors. An SGA committ- had "taken over" the student cen- ee wlll work wIth the faculty In gue, state government, narcotIcs Following tradUlon, the Music "Stained Glass" t:r.ln less than 15 minutes, providIng the tutors. problems, the Girl Scouts, theRed and Dramatic Artdepartmentsw1l1 Two SGA sponsored question- Cross, and adult education has been present two Christmas YesperSe- Was thIs anexampleolcon1ront- The second vesper to the Board of Trustees service, elected naires will be out next week. of Western Maryland College. rvlces next month. On Sunday ev- be held on December 14,ls an arr- to aHon poUtics or dId it just prove One is designed to sound student ening, December 7, at 7:15 p.m., angement which Dean Zepp brought many whites aren't as liberal as opInion concerning the machines In Mrs. Duane L. Peterson of 7 the College ChoIr w1l1 present an from Edinburgh, SCotland, accord- they thInk? the grUl and the other is to Charlcote Place In Baltlmore was arrangement of Christmas music The point Is that thIs conference determine what Jdnd of entertaln- elected to lite membership on the In Baker Memorial Chapel. A sec- Ing to Miss Smith. The Christmas was open to whites since it was would board at its fall meeting. The ond servIce wlll be held in Alumni Story In Stained Glass Windows or- sponsored by Goucher College yet by Miss Esther Smith, 15 Board of Trustees of Western Hall on Sunday, December 14, at Iglnated not ever did the newsmen bother Maryland College Is self-perpet- 4:00 p.m. interwoven with the worshipserv- ~o sit in on the proceedings. In- uating and has a full member- ice conducted by Dean Zepp. Asls stead they were actually expecting shipof41. ChoiT Program customary, the Music Department "more Black demands" at the el;ld is collaborating with the Dramatic of the day to give them good copy. Mrs. Peterson also isamember Directing the college choir for Art department In the presentation We dIdn't obUge them. Instead of the Board ot Trustees of St. of this Christmas Celebration. we carefully laId ground-work for John's College and Boys LaUn the December 7 presentation is Mr. For this program, the College a future conference that should de- School. She is a member of the OlIver Spangler accompanIed by Singers under the direction of Mr. .Inltely be of Interest to all white Board of Directors of BaltImore Evelyn Hertng, the college organ- Qlfver Spangler wlll provIde the students 01 the social sciences: Red Cross, Baltimore CIvIc Opera ist. Mrs. Hering wlll initiate the background mUSiC, and the college "The continuing emergence of the Company, Girl Scouts of America, program wUh an organ prelude, be- brass ensemble under the direction unified Afro-American community.' In addItion to ginning at 7:00 p.m. Central MarYland, and the Wo- well known carols, the collegecho- of Mr. Carl Dietrich wlIl play the Jan Weido - Freshman Class Presi- men's CIvIc League. In the past, Ir wlll sing Christmas music by prelude and postlude. Mrs. Julla N.w York dent. Other officers are: v.p. the new trustee has served on the Bach, Sheidt, Hassler and Sweel- Hitchcock w1ll be the soloist and ~oLondon Committee to Investigate Mrs. HerIng the organist. Mayor's Bill McCormick, sec. - Lynn Baltimore's Transit problems, the Inck, according to Mr. Spangler. A Summer Vacation Wright, tres. - Jill Porter. CommIssIon forstreamllningState solo, "Wise Men Seeking Jesus," The windows will be dIrected by TripI Delta Omicron government, on Narcotics, and the by Roberta BUgood, wlllbesungby Miss Esther Smlth, the lighting by Send for Free Details the CUy ofBaltlmore Phyllis soprano. Robert Holland, Committee Mr. Robert Gagnon, and the setting Honors Students Baltimore Association of Adult Ed- Whitney, tenor, will sIng, "What by technIcal by Mr. WilHam Tribby. Student Globe Roamers students, production The WMC brass Chlld Is This?" ucatlon. supervised ensemble selec- wUl play several Florida The Omicron Eta Chap~er Mrs. Peterson received the A.B. tions. Immediately' following the An offering wlJl be devoted to Box 6575 Hollywood. 33021 at Delta Omicron In1tfated four and M.A. degrees from Vassar chapel serVice, the traditional tree the Western Maryland SCholarship new members at a dInfl€T,meet- College and NorthWestern Univer_ llghting ceremony w1J1take place. Fund for International Students. Round Trip $}69 ing at the home of Dr. Arleen SIty. HeggemeIer on Monday, Novem- ber 17. ~~ The Esquire COSTUMES AND The four new members are: The IFC is sponsoring a Chris- &:!san Jones, Ellzabeth Sewell, tmas Party. It will be bdd Friday Italian FORMALS Beth Trott, and Susan Bauer. Barber Shop In addition to the four inductees, December 5, from 8 p.m. to mid- the members of Delta Omicron night, at Frock's Sunnybrook Diniflgloom Earle H. Brewer, Prop. FOR RENT include Emma Moore(president), Farm. Music will be provided by Pat Meyers (first vIce-presIdent), Damion and the Expressions, En Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. Phone For Appointment Darlene Richardson (second vice- Colour. Tickets will be $4 per 85 W. Main St. Hair Cuts By Appointment 75 W. Green 848-4630 preSident), Phy1l1s Holland (secre- couple. They can be purchased Westminster Phone - 848-2820 or 848-5220 tary), and JoanAdams(treasurer), from any frat member, following 58'h W. Main St. Doro'., fld.rdlco Mrs. Cole Is the advisor and Dr. Thanksgiving. Westminster, Md. Heggemeler the faculty sponsor. L.. .1
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